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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Trump didnt win democratically, he lost the popular vote. But GOP fuckery, vote suppression and gerrymandering let him win.
Gerrymandering literally has no effect on Presidential elections.

You should probably understand what these buzzwords mean before you start using them.


Good to see the Trumpers revealing themselves now that he's President.

I've avoided most of today thankfully, had legit anxiety last night when it really hit me that this unqualified person was going to be President.

Got forwarded a reassuring e-mail from the President of LSC this morning that makes me hopeful the funding won't be gutted, would be nice to keep my job.

***I am very sorry for using that word, did not realize it's true meaning



Since this comic gets passed around a lot, I thought people should have a quote from the artist, Kris Straub, in response to a common complaint about it.
"you call the 60 million people who voted for Trump Nazis"

no no, i am calling the white supremacists who voted for trump "white supremacists," and asking the non-white-supremacists who voted for trump how they feel about standing next to the white supremacists, who all seem really psyched about this administration
The source is the comments of the next comic.


Ah, regret is grand huh?

I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.
To be honest at this point I'm glad Trump won given the attitude of supposed "liberals" these past few months, and past few weeks especially. It's disgusting.

Yep. I don't like some of the people calling themselves liberals either. However, I'm not glad Trump won because of his appointments and poorly structured policies to make America great again. It seems like unless he deviates significantly from the GOP he will fail.
The sad thing is said people are die hard Obama fans, and I'm sure Obama didn't want to put on the brave face he has but he's shown class in this whole situation. If only his supporters would take a page out of his book.
Obama's supporters shouldn't show class to the man who started the birther movement. Fuck that shit


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.

Oh it's surreal alright, in the worst possible way.


For one, gerrymandering doesn't affect national or even state votes directly.

That's true. Personally would've used fake news instead of gerrymandering as an argument, though you can make the argument that gerrymandering led to the events which put Trump in power.
Good to see the Trumpers revealing themselves now that he's President.

I've avoided most of today thankfully, had legit anxiety last night when it really hit me that this mongaloid was going to be President.

Really? Come on, no matter what Trump is, we shouldn't sink to his level


Good to see the Trumpers revealing themselves now that he's President.

I've avoided most of today thankfully, had legit anxiety last night when it really hit me that this mongaloid was going to be President.

Got forwarded a reassuring e-mail from the President of LSC this morning that makes me hopeful the funding won't be gutted, would be nice to keep my job.

Comrade Trump will make sure we all have factory jobs at the very least. Sure thousands beyond thousands of jobs will be lost in the process but it's all about vllllllllffchhsejfdjbf. Can't even finish that.
I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of fascism not seen in many years.

Well, congrats on the win I guess.


Gerrymandering is why republicans control the house and many state houses as well. Without gerrymandering they would not be in control, and would not be able to pass laws that surpressed the vote.
That's arguable considering that they control the Senate as well without gerrymandering.
I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.

Yes it's surreal.

But I'm betting our reasons for why it's surreal differ.

For me, I can't believe a sexist, racist, greedy traitorous pos human being is now our president.

Why do you find it surreal?


I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.

Does it bother you that most of the rest of the world sees the U.S. as a bumbling country full of bullies and morons who dabble in international affairs they don't belong in?

Does it bother you that the rest of the world sees us as a country of warmongering xenophobes?

Does it bother you that America is becoming an oil baron's wet dream and falling behind in the arts and sciences to every other country out there?

What is the U.S. best at right now? What metric makes America better than everyone else? Besides military spending of course.

There is zero reason to be proud of this nation for the past couple decades. Zero.


I voted for President Trump, and it's weird as hell to see him reviewing the troops here at the start of the parade, and just the entire thing. It's beyond surreal.
I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.


I mean, if people think Donald J "make my products in china and buy from china" Trump is actually caring enough or competent enough to make these kind of changes... good luck with that.

The crap he talks about like manufacturing jobs or coal jobs, aren't things that went away just cause some people made bad decisions.

It's not like you walk into a grocery store and get rid of self check out terminals and everything is roses.

Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree with you and I doubt there's a competent plan in my place.

I'm just curious if there is a plan at all or if this is just dumb rethoric being used. You are obviously right, there's a reason a lot of jobs disappeared and closing borders won't bring them back.
Since this comic gets passed around a lot, I thought people should have a quote from the artist, Kris Straub, in response to a common complaint about it.

The source is the comments of the next comic.

"you call the 60 million people who voted for Trump Nazis"

no no, i am calling the white supremacists who voted for trump "white supremacists," and asking the non-white-supremacists who voted for trump how they feel about standing next to the white supremacists, who all seem really psyched about this administration



Unconfirmed Member
I find it a little strange that people weren't proud of their country and patriotic while Obama was in charge - it was the first time in 8 years they weren't the laughing stock of the entire world.

It's not strange at all. If you were an inflammatory asshole who perpetuated stereotypes and thought a black person couldn't appropriately represent America, why would 8 years of Obama make someone proud?


Ironic, given how anyone who wouldn't vote for Clinton was labelled a racist and a xenophobe.

Also funny how people are using the "both sides" excuse, when that has been shot down on gaf so much recently if the one or two Republicans who post here use it.

For the record I'm about balance. I know that there are a number of bad apples on each side, but I've never seen one side have such a large number of vocal bad apples. The hyperbole has been ridiculous.

The sad thing is said people are die hard Obama fans, and I'm sure Obama didn't want to put on the brave face he has but he's shown class in this whole situation. If only his supporters would take a page out of his book.



I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.
A return of patriotism, you say?
Was America not patriotic over the past decade or so?
Please cite examples of this lack of patriotism and what Trump is doing differently to reinforce patriotism in 2017.
I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.

Are you certain your repeated use of words like "weird" and "surreal" aren't the gestation of a realization about this presidency that hasn't fully taken hold in your consciousness yet? I have a feeling today's not the only day that's going to feel "surreal" over the next few years.


I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.

If there is something history books show is how patriotism always led to good things!

I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.
Patriotism is not a thing America is lacking in. You'd be shocked then how we view our own countries over here in Europe.
A return of patriotism, you say?
Was America not patriotic over the past decade or so?
Please cite examples of this lack of patriotism and what Trump is doing differently to reinforce patriotism in 2017.

He already signed a National Day of Not Considering John McCain a Hero Because He Got Caught


I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.

I simply meant that it's a weird sight to see. I'm not sure how anyone could be seeing this and not find it incredibly surreal, supporters or not.

Return of patriotism? The fuck? Could you please explain.
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