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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Meanwhile in Russia..

The sad thing is said people are die hard Obama fans, and I'm sure Obama didn't want to put on the brave face he has but he's shown class in this whole situation. If only his supporters would take a page out of his book.

You now have two pokemon you can summon. MLK and Obama.


A return of patriotism, you say?
Was America not patriotic over the past decade or so?
Please cite examples of this lack of patriotism and what Trump is doing differently to reinforce patriotism in 2017.

You aren't going to get a satisfying answer from an individual who is ecstatic about fascism and all of the evils it represents.
Nothing says patriotism like a privileged rich kid growing up without sacrificing a thing for his country and dodging the draft.

But he employs some people so he's the best American ever.
Anyone who denies that gerrymandering contributed to this mess should look at North Carolina
It's obviously a massive factor. But I don't think it's wrong to say the effects of it or how big of an impact it has are overstated.

Even the most favorable map shouldn't make the difference between the GOP winning 64 house seats and it being impossible for Dems to pick up 21 seats in 2018.

The house is winnable. I just hope people thinking "it's hopeless cause gerrymandering" isn't a narrative that depresses turnout in two years
I'm not going to be baited in, but I do want to clear up what I said in that I didn't mean it in a negative way at all. I don't have a single ounce of regret at all and I, along with many others, are highly optimistic and happy to see a return of patriotism not seen in many years.
Not here to pile on but I honestly don't understand this point of view.

Obama's clearest message in his campaign was a singular united states, and of working across the aisle, and you could see it in his proposals which incorporated a lot (too much) of what Republicans had claimed they were fighting for.

I saw their brand of so-called patriotism very clearly.

Trump has not campaigned upon unity, and its not reflected in his proposals (the few we know anything at all about) or in his cabinet picks.


I believe it's just code word for some type of ism.


I don't get how you can watch Obama especially over the last few months and think he doesn't have more patriotism flowing through every ounce of his body than Trump could ever dream of possessing. He believes in this country more than anyone I know.


It's not strange at all. If you were an inflammatory asshole who perpetuated stereotypes and thought a black person couldn't appropriately represent America, why would 8 years of Obama make someone proud?

Yeah, but going from 8 years of class and eloquence to... well, whatever the fuck this is. Guess us dirty foreigners should keep our opinions to ourselves anyways. I mean shit, I'll never understand how "Grab her by the pussy" didn't sink him.
It's obviously a massive factor. But I don't think it's wrong to say the effects of it or how big of an impact it has are overstated.

Even the most favorable map shouldn't make the difference between the GOP winning 64 house seats and it being impossible for Dems to pick up 21 seats in 2018.

The house is winnable. I just hope people thinking "it's hopeless cause gerrymandering" isn't a narrative that depresses turnout in two years

That's fair.

It definitely won't stop me from trying to get out the vote.


Inauguration Crowd Sizes

Donald J Trump 2017 - 250, 000

Barack Obama, 2013: 1 million

Barack Obama, 2009: 1.8 million (generally considered a record for people on the National Mall)

George W. Bush, 2005: 400,000

George W. Bush, 2001: 300,000

Bill Clinton, 1997: 250,000

Bill Clinton, 1993: 800,000

George H.W. Bush, 1989: 300,000


How was America not patriotic these past few years/decades?

We have to be more patriotic. You know, so patriotic we don't have time to be prejudiced. Hug that flag until you don't mind that your fellow citizens are being shot dead in the streets, and that American Muslims are being persecuted and scapegoated, and that your fellow Americans who are same sex inclined stand to have their rights rolled back.

Bleed red, white, and blue, while your fellow Americans just bleed. America first; you first.
A return of patriotism, you say?
Was America not patriotic over the past decade or so?
Please cite examples of this lack of patriotism and what Trump is doing differently to reinforce patriotism in 2017.

Kids realizing they don't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance everyday and people not standing for the National Anthem really triggers conservatives. "Return to patriotism" means "Now there will be consequences." Trump was very close to Roy Cohn so don't be surprised if we see investigations into liberals because they aren't patriotic enough.
Inauguration Crowd Sizes

Donald J Trump 2017 - 250, 000

Barack Obama, 2013: 1 million

Barack Obama, 2009: 1.8 million (generally considered a record for people on the National Mall)

George W. Bush, 2005: 400,000

George W. Bush, 2001: 300,000

Bill Clinton, 1997: 250,000

Bill Clinton, 1993: 800,000

George H.W. Bush, 1989: 300,000



We have to be more patriotic. You know, so patriotic we don't have time to be prejudiced. Hug that flag until you don't mind that your fellow citizens are being shot dead in the streets, and that American Muslims are being persecuted and scapegoated, and that your fellow Americans who are same sex inclined stand to have their rights rolled back.

Bleed red, white, and blue, while your fellow Americans just bleed. America first; you first.

Don't forget to make sure every stands for the national anthem at sporting events or else.
That's arguable considering that they control the Senate as well without gerrymandering.
Correct. State legislatures draw the lines every 10 years. Republican or Democratic controlled legislatures gerrymander to favor themselves respectively. A reminder that all politics are local.

Some of the misinformation being thrown around on this stuff is concerning. Who needs fake news when many people willingly and openly spread falsehoods as fact.


Love our new President! Couldn't be prouder to be an American today!

I just hope Trump supporters pay attention to what he says and does over the next 4 years. I know I'm not going to convince you that you voted wrong, but if you pay attention I can only hope he'll either fulfill your wishes or that you'll actually see him for what he is.


Jason Chaffetz, the model of humility here.


Definitely not being a petty dick at all.

I can't recall a Democrat doing something like this in recent memory, but it seems to be a staple for Republicans moving forward. Good times ahead.

Maybe that investigation includes Trumps, pretty sure a president with ties to Russia is more worthy of investigating than insecure server use but what do I know, just a librul here.
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