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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Trump's speech wasn't patriotic, it was nationalistic.

A patriot talks about how proud he is of his country.

A nationalist talks about how terrible and decadent his country has become and how it needs to be saved from foreign influences.

Trump's America First speech is literally cartoon nazi stuff.
Strap in America, you're in for a rough ride.
C'mon cheeto what are you afraid of?


Probably walking, he's not exactly in the best shape


I'm loving this. The roaches are begging for the spotlight on them now.

They get to celebrate today, it's an easy time to post. I wish them good luck in the future though, there won't be much for them to openly celebrate about on GAF without looking like complete pieces of turds and having to defend it.
Trump's speech wasn't patriotic, it was nationalistic.

A patriot talks about how proud he is of his country.

A nationalist talks about how terrible and decadent his country has become and how it needs to be saved from foreign influences.

Trump's America First speech is literally cartoon nazi stuff.
Strap in America, you're in for a rough ride.

The surreal thing was that it actually started off okay.

Then it just sounded like a campaign rally.
One must live a pathetic life to hide behind throwaway accounts because they cannot eloquently or logically explain their decisions or stances.
Trump hiding like the coward he is, also like the cowardice his supporters show all the time, even here in GAF, posting with fake accounts , speaking their minds using justification and mental gymnastics. Bunch of cockroaches , all of them.
One must live a pathetic life to hide behind throwaway accounts because they cannot eloquently or logically explain their decisions or stances.

Every thread about Trump doing bad things like the net neutrality one will just be ignored until he gets some business to promise they will keep 100 jobs in the US then the parade comes marching in. He's the best! I told you butthurt haters!

The campaign was the same thing. You find one person who posted in the grab them by the pussy thread that also posted in this thread, a difficult job for sure.
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