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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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So no video of what was happening before? There weren't bricks or anything being thrown by that group?

The video is entirely the end of a confrontation. At the end of the video, you see them throwing more stuff.

Selective editing is a wonderful thing. I mean the guy right at the front of the group is turning around yelling stop at everyone else and bottles are in the air before they even start spraying.


Fuck Cookie Crisp. It's shitty cookies trying to be cereal.



So no video of what was happening before? There weren't bricks or anything being thrown by that group?

The video is entirely the end of a confrontation. At the end of the video, you see them throwing more stuff.

Selective editing is a wonderful thing.

agreed but you cannot deny the fact that the threat was over and those two individuals posed no threat as did those trying to help them.
Endlessly amused (but not really) by the stream of posters arguing for healing the divide between Trump supporters and the rest of America AS THEY ELECT A FASCIST INTO OFFICE WHO CAMPAIGNED ON DIVIDING AMERICA.


Honestly nothing compares to the low of election today. I was shook.

Pretty much I'm lubed up and ready to take it I guess. I don't know.


GAF is scaring me lately. The personal attacks have gotten out of control. The vast majority of us hate Trump--the whole world does!--but jesus you gotta stop with this non stop stream of hatred. It's not OK to attack or belittle Trump supporters (as long as they have no record of racist views or anything crazy) or make fun of Trump's young son. Trump being a bully does not excuse your bad behavior. I'm not trying to be a mod... these should be rules of life not just on a gaming forum.

Considering the comments made in the inauguration concert thread yesterday after I dared to suggest that wishing death on the man was a bit much... Yeah, I'll agree with that.


1) Everyone needs to calm down or we'll just close the thread. Quit insulting each other, quit insulting posters who aren't here. If you can't be civil, you can't be here.
2) The discussion about Barron is done. If anyone wants to continue it in here, feel free to direct them to this post.
So no video of what was happening before? There weren't bricks or anything being thrown by that group?

The video is entirely the end of a confrontation. At the end of the video, you see them throwing more stuff.

Selective editing is a wonderful thing.

No they were definitely throwing stuff you can even see some assholes throwing thing right over the old lady and disabled man but why were they blasting the people they were clearly trying to help get those two out away from the front lines. You can see the cop pull a person trying to help them off of them then another shoots them directly in the face. That was not selective editing.


So no video of what was happening before? There weren't bricks or anything being thrown by that group?

The video is entirely the end of a confrontation. At the end of the video, you see them throwing more stuff.

Selective editing is a wonderful thing. I mean the guy right at the front of the group is turning around yelling stop at everyone else and bottles are in the air before they even start spraying.
The outrage is over the fact an elderly lady and a man on crutches are attacked and when people try to help them move away those people are directly attacked. There is NO excuse for the officers actions at those people.
agreed but you cannot deny the fact that the threat was over and those two individuals posed no threat as did those trying to help them.

Not going to disagree it was overkill especially when that lady was huddled over, but I don't really trust selective editing. The guy was obviously filming stuff before that and just edited it to when the spray came out.

The outrage is over the fact an elderly lady and a man on crutches are attacked and when people try to help them move away those people are directly attacked. There is NO excuse for the officers actions at those people.

I agree that she wasn't doing anything and the fact that they sprayed people trying to help her is absurd.


I agree with you. The rabid hatred of Trump and his supporters is deepening the divide that these same people want to eliminate. A few pages back, there was a post about a fat cat in top hat and some protestor who destroyed it and my first thought was, "What gives that protestor the right to destroy something that isn't his? Why does he get a free pass to be a fucking asshole like that?"

You want change? Lead by example. As for GAF, stop using your pseudo-anonymity on the internet as an excuse to be a vile human being,

GAF is not being horrible human beings. Most of us aren't. There are always extremes. I could go to The Donald right now and find some doozies.

I have every reason to hate that man because i have followed his every move the last two years. He didn't make it hard and he made clear what his stances are and what he wants to do with this country.

Democrats are expected to get in line now that the Republicans have all the power despite Republicans spending all of Obamas term fighting every move he made and going so far as saying he wasn't the will of the people.

So no I will not take the higher ground just for the sake of it or for being a good American or some other BS. I will fight this presidency until the end because Trump ha proven time and time again he is a horrid human being. The only change that will occur by being good litte Democrats is the kind of change that Republicans want, the kind of change good for the wealthy and Whitest of America.
Voting for Trump is the record of racist views. People who elect such a piece of shit should be belittled at every single step of the way. Same with any people that voted for any fascist.

I agree. No one should ever feel comfortable supporting a racist pos. I will continue to shame them and make them feel uncomfortable.


Incredibly Naive
Fuck Cookie Crisp. It's shitty cookies trying to be cereal.

Cinnamon toast crunch is da goat

Honestly nothing compares to the low of election today. I was shook.

Pretty much I'm lubed up and ready to take it I guess. I don't know.

I liken it to watching it all unfold election night. It was like an out of body experience when he took the stage. Today has been so surreal, almost feels like I'm gonna wake up from a nightmare.


Oh I know. I definitely agree. The adult children have proven their shitiness. He's 10 and can grow up to be fine person.

There was a weird post from the Buzzfeed CEO claiming this...


Also you can say her working on her father's campaign itself is a shitty thing to do.

Well...that isn't enough to dislike Ivanka...that's not even a racist comment...and I'm sure she's joking about that, if she even said that in the first place.

She probably didn't like campaigning with him, but Donald is her father. If your father who has been done everything for you, asks you to help with the campaign it will be very difficult to turn the request down. He maybe a terrible person, but he does really care for his kids, including Ivanka.

Yes, she can still betray her father but that can cause massive family problems. So duh, it would be obvious to take the safest bet.


Comics, serious business!
Maybe instead of feeling bad for the gloating Trump supporters, you could spare a bit of empathy for the millions of minorities about to be thrust under the rule of a white supremacist bigot. Or the countless poor and disenfranchised about to lose their health care and benefits they need to survive. This is a terrifying day for those without privilege.

I don't feel bad for the Trump supporters. I could not disagree with them more. I feel bad for the rational, good people on this site that have been utterly overcome by hatred. They have suddenly taken inspiration from Trump as a guide for their discourse.

Dan said:
I'm not going to defend bullying, but it's incredibly difficult to divorce a Trump supporter from Trump's numerous racist and offensive views and policies. There's at least an implied tolerance of such bigotry. I mean, c'mon.

You're right it is. But the fact is people vote the way they do for a variety of reasons. Up here in Canada, I felt strongly that Trudeau was shockingly unqualified for his job. But he set such a compelling vision of Canada that I just had to vote for him, despite my deep reservations.

Many people voted for Trump because they vote for their party. They voted for him because they're small entrepreneurs that are excited about his pro growth talk. Many voted Trump because they felt he was a better option than Clinton (although I can't see how).

Besides, just throwing all Trump supporters under the bus is exactly a Trump thing to do! It lacks civil discourse, a ground floor of empathy and decency. Don't be like Trump.
Another "I don't support Trump but going to spend all my time defending him people". Yeah don't think I'll bother. Heck that Barack.Legate guy also voted Obama and is a Democrat but at least he owns it.
Lol where in the fuck did I defend Trump? You have an issue.


I agree with you. The rabid hatred of Trump and his supporters is deepening the divide that these same people want to eliminate. A few pages back, there was a post about a fat cat in top hat and some protestor who destroyed it and my first thought was, "What gives that protestor the right to destroy something that isn't his? Why does he get a free pass to be a fucking asshole like that?"

You want change? Lead by example. As for GAF, stop using your pseudo-anonymity on the internet as an excuse to be a vile human being,

You can miss me with this, fam. I don't want to eliminate any kind of divide between them and me. They elected a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic despot and a congress to go with them. That's it. No sympathy, no empathy. They decided their interests, their anxiety, their party mattered more than human rights. That's a hard pass from me. Do I think we should be bullying children? Absolutely fucking not. But I think protests need to happen and I am going to be attending one.
Well...that isn't enough to dislike Ivanka...that's not even a racist comment...and I'm sure she's joking about that, if she even said that in the first place.

Mulatto is not a positive word that multiracial people like to be called (if this is true--I don't know or care. Just informing you on the term). Ivanka is an opportunist and to me that makes her just as bad.

Once again I truly think Tiffany does not support or approve of her father campaign and that's why she has been silent, even to the point of not publicly congratulating him on her public twitter.
Can I just say how fucking selfish a person is to have a kid well into their older years. 1. A person's sperm/egg has a high risk of producing a child with birth defects, 2. The child will barely be an adult when the parent dies of old.

As if the orange fuckbag wasn't selfish enough.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I still can't believe Donald Trump is actually the president of the United States of fucking America


GAF is scaring me lately. The personal attacks have gotten out of control. The vast majority of us hate Drumpf--the whole world does!--but jesus you gotta stop with this non stop stream of hatred. It's not OK to attack or belittle Drumpf supporters (as long as they have no record of racist views or anything crazy) or make fun of Drumpf's young son. Drumpf being a bully does not excuse your bad behavior. I'm not trying to be a mod... these should be rules of life not just on a gaming forum.

@Bolded specifically: No, it's entirely okay to criticize them. They voted to ruin millions of people's lives. They can't pretend to be victims when they're the ones actively harming people. Every last Trump supporter is a despicable subhuman. No ifs ands or buts about it.


Voting for Trump is the record of racist views. People who elect such a piece of shit should be belittled at every single step of the way. Same with any people that voted for any fascist.

I agreed with a comment who said it's wrong to attack Trumps son. I don't know his name (Barron I guess according to the posts here), but his son, attacking the kids of the president, attacking kids at all should never ever happen.

WHen it comes to Trump supporters, I don't call them racist or sexist a lot, quite rarely actually. I have a Norwegian friend who supports Trump, but never called that friends racist, I always argue with that friend with facts and arguments regardless wherever he waves it all off or just spews out pizzagate conspiracy nonsense.
So bleachers were empty because VIP folks couldn't get there on time. Less routes because of all the blockades.

So what's stopping people from just walking up there when they see empty sections.

C'mon I do cardio on Mondays, so I'm not believing this spin.


Many people voted for Trump because they vote for their party. They voted for him because they're small entrepreneurs that are excited about his pro growth talk. Many voted Trump because they felt he was a better option than Clinton (although I can't see how).
Most swing states rated Clinton as better for the economy than Trump. So it had to be something additional to push them over the top.

Given the prevalence of Trump voters even on this forum that out themselves seemingly on what they think are innocuous statements, you have your answer.


Answer my question please. You accused me of defending Trump. Moving past that now? Ill wait for the apology.

You spent the entire thread throwing shade at anybody saying negative things about Trump. What else would you call that? I don't understand. You didn't praise Trump. sure.

And I don't even care if you do. But pretending that you haven't had a bias in this thread with whom you have responded to and the things you said is laughable.


So what's stopping people from just walking up there when they see empty sections.

C'mon I do cardio on Mondays, so I'm not believing this spin.

Well if they were Reserved you couldn't just take them. That's was my understanding.

I'm sure some protestors could have used them!
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