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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Huff Post, a glorified blog.

Anon, a mish-mash of pseudo hackers that have no organizational skills.

Some great sources you got there.

Trump is president. Maybe if the DNC and the water carrying liberals would have removed their heads from the sand we could have avoided a Trump presidency.

Remember when Clinton campaigned in Arizona instead of Michigan and Wisconsin?

I do.


Look like you added some letters to your name.
Did he just fucking say that while Trump is signing?

Guess Trump scribbles his name while signing
As someone who sucks turds at signing, i just make first letter of my first name and last name visible and the rest is just scribble.


If you actually, honestly, earnestly listen to Hitler's speeches during his rise to power, when he was democratically elected, like I had to during school many, many times and have continued to do ever since then to remind myself what the start of facism looks like, you will see how absolutely disturbingly similiar his speeches and this inauguration speech was. The invoking of the blood of patriots. The incredible nationalism.

It's fucking frightening watching this from Europe. Just a few days ago a leading politician from right-wing AFD held a speech that was absolutely destroyed and shredded by german media and politicians because it reminded everyone so much of how the Nazis talked. The man got rightfully eviscerated on the public stage. This inauguration speech was worse than that.

Can I quote this for my FB status?



This was Obama's starting point...

Unemployment rate: 7.8% (and trending up)
GDP: 8.2% decrease (4th quarter of 2008)
Dow: 7,949.09
S&P500: 805.22
NASDAQ: 1,440.86
Jobs No: 661,000 net jobs lost (December 2008 jobs number).

This is Trump's starting point.... (And the results of Obama's leadership)

Unemployment rate: 4.7% (and trending down/steady)
GDP: 3.5% increase (4th quarter of 2016)
Dow: 19,732.40
S&P500: 2,263.69
NASDAQ: 5,540.08
Jobs No: 156,000 net jobs added (December 2016 jobs number).

If Trump wants to be just as successful as Obama, he will need the following by 2025.

Unemployment rate: 2.9%
GDP: 10.0% increase.
Dow: 49,398.00 to match Obama's 150.33% increase
S&P500: 6,379.00 to match Obama's 181.79% increase
NASDAQ: 23,966.00 to match Obama's 332.58% increase
Jobs No: 600,000 net jobs added.

But, he ran on that whole Make America Great Again crap, so he will need to do vastly better than Obama and all of his "failed policies".



But can you really be certain that you or anyone actually knows his convictions? He was accused of not being a real conservative during the primaries, yet those same people that were skeptical of him ended up being his supporters. One thing that can definitely be said of him is that he is a manipulator, and tells people what they want to hear. There's no guarantee he'll claw people's rights backward if he knows the backlash will be too strong. Look at California for example. They voted to legalize weed yet they were a state that largely voted for trump. What do you think would happen if he tried to put pressure to criminalize it again? He won't. He said he has a plan to replace Obamacare. He said he would replace it, not remove it because he knows if he took things back to how they were in 2008 he would see his ratings plummet. All I'm saying is that people should consider that this guy can deceive BOTH sides

I don't think Trump is that smart. Nor do I think that he actually wants the work. He'll let those around him do most of the guiding of his presidency. And he'll blame them if the people get upset he's not above it. I judge Trump based on what he has already said and done and based on what he has sworn to do. I will take him at his word instead of hoping for the best or it's all some sort of plan. This is a man that lead the birther movement and decided to become president just because Barack won again. I think Trump is who Trump is. There is no facade.
So it was fair when Romney criticized Obama because gas prices were $1.78 when Obama took office and they were $3.80 in 2012?

It's intellectually dishonest to use stats taken during the middle of the greatest recession in the past 90 years (as a starting point for growth) as some metric that any future president should live up to. I'd be saying the same thing about someone saying Hillary needed to achieve the same growth.
You're not going to make this true by repeating it over and over.


I have no fucking idea how I'm going to be able to celebrate my friends bachelor party tonight after this shit show. With any luck I'll get black out drunk and forget.


You mean the election polls that were within the known margin of error?

Not their fault pundits shouted down anyone who claimed Trump had a path to victory when he clearly did. Even Nate Silver was getting shat on for leaving up a 30% path to victory for Trump the day before the election.

Well, we landed on the 30% side. And it was indeed a narrow as fuck victory with a relatively large popular vote loss for Trump. What the fuck else do you want from those polls?

You're talking about a team of highly paid people with all the funding they could ask for.

And this is what they came up with.


I know 538 isn't the only poll, but I see it used a lot here.

What's the sample size of the approval rating poll? Do they release the specifics of how that sausage is made?
As Obama spoke at Joint Base Andrews, President Trump was getting to work.

White House Press Sec. Sean Spicer said on Twitter that President Trump is signing the Mattis waiver into law, nominations to the Senate, and a proclamation for a national day of patriotism.

Don't you guys already do that on July 4th?
If you actually, honestly, earnestly listen to Hitler's speeches during his rise to power, when he was democratically elected, like I had to during school many, many times and have continued to do ever since then to remind myself what the start of facism looks like, you will see how absolutely disturbingly similiar his speeches and this inauguration speech was. The invoking of the blood of patriots. The incredible nationalism.

It's fucking frightening watching this from Europe. Just a few days ago a leading politician from right-wing AFD held a speech that was absolutely destroyed and shredded by german media and politicians because it reminded everyone so much of how the Nazis talked. The man got rightfully eviscerated on the public stage. This inauguration speech was worse than that.

Unfortunately, Americans are too dull to pick up on even the most obvious of fascist undertones, and will continue to let it slide until the military police start to knock on their door.


According to some people, we have set in motion the end of the world.

We should expect roads to split in half, fire and brimstone and demons walking the street.

Is it the end of the world? No. I'm White though so...

People have real reasons to think their lives are going to get worse between deportation, bigotry, registration, cutting of programs they work which means loss of jobs, and insurance.

For them it may actually be the end of the world. So yes figuratively but not literally.
Everything will be ok. Gonna miss Obama though

It will likely end up nowhere near as bad as his greatest detractors make it nor near as good as his hopefulls think it will be. Typically the strongest reactions either way aren't the correct ones.

The man has no idea what he's doing though so I certainly don't see it being a "good" presidency
ytf didnt they do this 6 months ago

6 months ago they were rallying behind Trump as a meme.

The news likes to pretend that 'Anonymous' is some secret elite hacker group with solid motivations but really it's just whatever script kiddies feels like calling themselves that at the time and whatever the fuck those people feel like doing that day. Don't count on their attention span lasting 4 years. Someone will bring up Rei from Evangelion and they'll forget all about Trump.
How else do you describe it, dude? That wasn't exactly a shining city on a hill speech. He was going on about crime and violence as if those numbers aren't down across the board, Chicago aside. He's painting an extremely grim view of the country as his starting point when it absolutely isn't an accurate picture of the America he just inherited.

That speech was pitch black as far as inaugurations go. You could grab a couple lines for a Cannibal Corpse song.

Over half of the country lacks even 1k in their bank account. For the average American things are terrible. Yes, it's better than when Obama first took office but things are still really bad for most people.
So wacky seeing Pelosi say Mr. President to Donald Trump with a big smile on her face, heh.

Probably because nothing in her life will dramatically change.

She's been absolutely awful for the Democratic party yet maintains her leadership position. If I was an out of touch shill with nothing to lose I'd be smiling too.
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