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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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I keep hearing people chatting about making the military stronger. As an outsider...why? You already spend a ridiculous amount of a military that to be quite honest isn't really needed. The threats in the modern world isn't from nations but from splintered groups which can't be fought by armies.

It's people that want to bully others. Trump is like the king of bullies. He wants everybody to know we can kick their ass so they better respect them.

It's demanding respect and also throwing around might.

Our military is fine. Though I won't say cost effecient.
Side by side, it is even crazier:


Fake news!


Will Obama honestly not have much to do from here on out? It's weird to think that one day he gets his intelligence briefings each and every morning and the next, no more. Will he be able to wake up tomorrow and just do whatever he wants with no immediate things he'll need to address? Is it all over just like that?

Zen Aku

Well I'm done watching this. Only watched it to see Obama and Biden off. Enjoy your vacations with your family. God helps us all.


No additional functions
Any particular highlights from the speech? Haven't watched it
Well, here's my take on it. I thought it was bold and honest.

- He said this isn't about him, but the American people. He said he is working for all the American people.
- It doesn't matter what your skin color is, we are all one people. We all essentially want the same things, the freedoms of our country unites us and we are unstoppable when we work together.
- He called out the politicians and said they have benefited themselves at the expense of the people.
- Regarding trade, he basically said his priority is America first. He wants to bring back jobs.
- Two rules: Buy American and Build in America.
- He wants to strengthen the relationship with our allies and also make new ones. He wants America to be a good example to the rest of the world.
- He said he is going to work on rebuilding America's infrastructure instead of other countries.
- He said protecting America's borders and safety will come before protecting another countries borders.
- He said ISIS will be defeated.

It was a very patriotic speech, blunt and in stark contrast to how Obama has sounded the last few years. That being said, I had high hopes for Obama in 2008. People might not remember the climate he was elected under, but the conditions weren't too dissimilar to today. I see a lot of similarities, but others may disagree. Imo, America has a lot of the problems and it will take some tough medicine to fix them. I hope Trump can turn things around.
Will Obama honestly not have much to do from here on out? It's weird to think that one day he gets his intelligence briefings each and every morning and the next, no more. Will he be able to wake up tomorrow and just do whatever he wants with no immediate things he'll need to address? Is it all over just like that?

He's free to do whatever he wants.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Will Obama honestly not have much to do from here on out? It's weird to think that one day he gets his intelligence briefings each and every morning and the next, no more. Will he be able to wake up tomorrow and just do whatever he wants with no immediate things he'll need to address? Is it all over just like that?

They mentioned a story where Jimmy Carter asked for an update on the hostage situation back then at like 12:01pm and they told him he didn't have clearance

It's literally over just like that



JUST IN: In one of first Trump admin. orders, Dept of Housing & Urban Dev. suspends reduction of FHA annual mortgage insurance premium rates


You see 538 used because they aren't a pollster themselves, they average polls and account for various quirks of each one to make an election model.

That image you linked was a 71% outcome for Clinton, 29% for Trump. That doesn't mean, "welp, 71 is bigger than 29 therefore Hillary wins!", it means "Trump has a 29% chance of winning." A real chance.

His victory was not a dominant one. It was a relatively slim margin, within the margin of polling error, in a handful of states, and an overall deficit of 3 million-ish votes overall.

Nobody could have predicted Trump having anything beyond a minor chance of winning, barring a glimpse into the fucking future, dude. The methods we have leave around a 3% margin of error at best, and we know that going in. There's no universe beyond one with time travel where poll aggregates would've given Trump a better chance than Clinton to win with the available data.

Do you think 1,500 phone calls is a good barometer of national opinion? Because that's what Gallop says they use for presidential approval ratings.
That shill is the reason the ACA exists

The ACA is a piecemeal pro-private industry neo-liberal piece of legislation that is going to collapse under the weight of its inefficiency.

There's nothing wrong with wanting something better instead of the half handed 'bones' that the democrats toss to their base once in a great while.

Single Payer.


What exactly is crazy about that given how big cities usually vote to the left side all acros the world ?

The idea that people wouldn't want to turn out to see any president and also people like Obama that were in attendance? Attendance should not have been an issue.

That said, somebody already posted another picture at speech time so it seems like it's misleading, there were tons of people.
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