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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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You should make sure to label both halves, so there's no confusion.

got it


They mentioned a story where Jimmy Carter asked for an update on the hostage situation back then at like 12:01pm and they told him he didn't have clearance

It's literally over just like that
That's crazy. I mean I know it makes sense logically but what a weird thing Obama and all presidents have to adjust to. Having all the power to do as you like one day and the next you're just an ordinary citizen like everyone else. Well maybe not 'ordinary' but you know what I mean.
Well, here's my take on it. I thought it was bold and honest.

- He said this isn't about him, but the American people. He said he is working for all the American people.
- It doesn't matter what your skin color is, we are all one people. We all essentially want the same things, the freedoms of our country unites us and we are unstoppable when we work together.
- He called out the politicians and said they have benefited themselves at the expense of the people.
- Regarding trade, he basically said his priority is America first. He wants to bring back jobs.
- Two rules: Buy American and Build in America.
- He wants to strengthen the relationship with our allies and also make new ones. He wants America to be a good example to the rest of the world.
- He said he is going to work on rebuilding America's infrastructure instead of other countries.
- He said protecting America's borders and safety will come before protecting another countries borders.
- He said ISIS will be defeated.

It was a very patriotic speech, blunt and in stark contrast to how Obama has sounded the last few years. That being said, I had high hopes for Obama in 2008. People might not remember the climate he was elected under, but the conditions weren't too dissimilar to today. I see a lot of similarities, but others may disagree. Imo, America has a lot of the problems and it will take some tough medicine to fix them. I hope Trump can turn things around.

His day to day actions are pretty much the exact opposite of those points, especially the first three.

This is pathetic
I was surprised Trump basically just recycled his campaign speeches, still insisting America is some sort of dystopian nightmare and insisting he was going to make every single aspect of our lives better. Making impossible promises at this point doesn't seem overly wise to me.


That's a good sample size.

Anything over a thousand respondents really.

I think we could do so much better with the communication technology we have.

If they're about 1,500 landlines, it's even worse.

What's a good reason for not expanding it to a much higher number with a much more prevalent communication method?

how do statistics work

I missed the class where handicapping the sample size was beneficial.


Can someone sum up the speech? Missed it.

"America! America, America. Those fat cats in Washington have ruined America for too long. The people! The people, the people. America. God. God, America, the people. Jobs. JOBS. FACTORIES. America will be looking out for number one for now one! FOR NUMBER ONE! AMERICA IS NUMBER ONE! God, America, people, America, factories, jobs, America, America, America."
I think we could do so much better with the communication technology we have.

If they're about 1,500 landlines, it's even worse.

What's a good reason for not expanding it to a much higher number with a much more prevalent communication method?

Time and diminishing returns of accuracy mainly.


Well, here's my take on it. I thought it was bold and honest.

- He said this isn't about him, but the American people. He said he is working for all the American people.
- It doesn't matter what your skin color is, we are all one people. We all essentially want the same things, the freedoms of our country unites us and we are unstoppable when we work together.
- He called out the politicians and said they have benefited themselves at the expense of the people.
- Regarding trade, he basically said his priority is America first. He wants to bring back jobs.
- Two rules: Buy American and Build in America.
- He wants to strengthen the relationship with our allies and also make new ones. He wants America to be a good example to the rest of the world.
- He said he is going to work on rebuilding America's infrastructure instead of other countries.
- He said protecting America's borders and safety will come before protecting another countries borders.
- He said ISIS will be defeated.

It was a very patriotic speech, blunt and in stark contrast to how Obama has sounded the last few years. That being said, I had high hopes for Obama in 2008. People might not remember the climate he was elected under, but the conditions weren't too dissimilar to today. I see a lot of similarities, but others may disagree. Imo, America has a lot of the problems and it will take some tough medicine to fix them. I hope Trump can turn things around.


His speech wasn't patriotic. It was pathetic. And the current climate is nothing like it was in 2008, don't be disingenuous.


I was surprised Trump basically just recycled his campaign speeches, still insisting America is some sort of dystopian nightmare and insisting he was going to make every single aspect of our lives better. Making impossible promises at this point doesn't seem overly wise to me.

Not impossible when all his supporters care about is having a white racists and facist as their leader.


The ACA is a piecemeal pro-private industry neo-liberal piece of legislation that is going to collapse under the weight of its inefficiency.

There's nothing wrong with wanting something better instead of the half handed 'bones' that the democrats toss to their base once in a great while.

Single Payer.

cant tell if this is sarcasm. Dems wanted single payer


The ACA is a piecemeal pro-private industry neo-liberal piece of legislation that is going to collapse under the weight of its inefficiency.

There's nothing wrong with wanting something better instead of the half handed 'bones' that the democrats toss to their base once in a great while.

Single Payer.

That half-assed healthcare reform was seen as so pro-business that it cost dems the 2010 election and gave the house to... the big business GOP. I agree the ACA was lacking and if it had a public option I'm sure we wouldn't be in this mess. But getting people access to an exchange, cracking down on amoral insurance practices cost a lot of political capital. The backlash could have been even worse.
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