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The Assassin's Creed Shadows team has a message for our Japanese community


Anyone remembers how Ubisoft boasted for historical accuracy when they launch the first Assassin's Creed. Time flies.

They make a point of that so much with every game to the point where they actually have curriculums in schools based on their product,
but the people in here defending a black dude genociding the Japanese (because ubisoft want dei points) conveniently forget about this
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Gold Member
So, what is it that's so misrepresentative of Asian men that you perceive in AC Shadows? Honestly? I'm not putting words in your mouth, but it seems to me that there are people using similar language, and I can't help but wonder if what they're displaying is indignation at the mere idea that noblemen or warriors of Feudal Japan could ever be beaten or disrespected by an African foreigner.

I also notice that the anti-woke/anti-SJW side of the culture war argument - the side I often agree with, to be honest - disregards any of this "history of minorities in western media" talk when the accused over-representatives or glorified are white characters or figures. The most pertinent example being Danny Rand Iron Fist. Each side of that argument is literally flipped in this one.

It'd be hard to interest me in hearing the complaints of any demographic in the modern west about media.

Yasuke isn't African American. I highly doubt there's anyone at Ubisoft's offices in Montreal who happens to be black and going around hurting Asians. Racial tensions of today in America should not necessarily be reflected in all media, and is certainly not relevant to a fictionalized version of Japan 500 years ago.

All of that has already been explained several times, by me and other people in this thread.
I'm not going to repeat the same thing over and over again.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
All of that has already been explained several times, by me and other people in this thread.
I'm not going to repeat the same thing over and over again.
Regardless, good talk. I appreciate these discussions. We can debate polarizing and sensitive topics without flying off the handle and resorting to insults and name-calling.

The world would be a much better place if people could talk about those subjects without losing their minds.


Gold Member
Ubi is the most pathetic and spineless company, undisputedly.

Didn't even have the balls to go all in on your woke mind virus agenda.

You think this pitiful statement gonna work? In the end you are not pleasing anyone on either side.


love it when the cuck DEI kids throw around "snowflake" at the based people. the fact that this is even a god damn thread is because of you pussy snowflakes and your whining over the past 30 years. you victimhood pussies. but when we call out blatant bullshit, we're all snowflakes. hahaha listen to me! i sound like such a triggered snowflake! i'm getting so upset! AAAHAHHHHHHGGGG!!
You mad bro because you sound like a big snowflake. Im not on either side of crybaby behavior. You people are just as bad as the crazy purple folk.
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You mad bro because you sound like a big snowflake. Im not on either side of crybaby behavior. You people are just as bad as the crazy purple folk.
super mad bro. help me!

i love the "i'm so intelligent and above it all, i'm not on either side" guys. the true heroes in righting the ship. keep up the strong work!


Gold Member
Regardless, good talk. I appreciate these discussions. We can debate polarizing and sensitive topics without flying off the handle and resorting to insults and name-calling.

The world would be a much better place if people could talk about those subjects without losing their minds.

This is one of those cases were we can easily say that we agree to disagree, in a civil manner.
It was good to maintain a civil conversation in such a polarizing topic.


AC1- Set in middle east - Play as one
AC2- Set in Italy - Play as Ezio
AC3- Set in America - Play as one
AC4- Set in Pirate world - Play as one, could of been anyone really

AC Unity - Set in France - Play as French Man
AC Syndicate - Set in England - Play as UK siblings

AC Origins - Set in Egypt, Play as Egyptian
AC Valhalla -Set in Viking land- Play as one
AC Odyssey - Set in Greece, play as Greek

AC Japan - Set in Japan: Play as….

Personally I dont care. I dont like the game since Origins gameplay changed. They could of gone with a much more interesting Japanese Sengoku clan character with the usual assassins creed conspiracy esk stories. If the gameplay is different to Origins./Valhala and better combat, I might try it. But Ubisoft is doing this to be controversial, simple


Weeb Underling
All of that has already been explained several times, by me and other people in this thread.
I'm not going to repeat the same thing over and over again.
No, it hasn't. All I've seen are links to 30 minute videos that flip flop on the accuracy of seasons or clothing or what have you and you saying "it's blatantly obvious".

I could easily turn around and say that it's "blatantly obvious" Ubisoft is ackshually being racist towards blacks with the stereotypical portrayal of an abnormally large black man smashing his way through a stealth game to the beat of trap music. But I doubt that would resonate or hit your radar despite the specificity of the claim.

You should ask those questions to Ubisoft since they are the one answering their japanese community.
Bit of cop out, don't you think? If you are going to bring up Thomas Lockley's fraud as the coup de grace in this discussion, you should be able to approximate whether or not the entire argument hinged on his word or Wikipedia edits (lmao) in the first place. But that's the thing about these discussions; everybody becomes an expert on niche subjects when they have a point to push.

Anyone remembers how Ubisoft boasted for historical accuracy when they launch the first Assassin's Creed. Time flies.
Yes of course, back when they started building the lore to suffuse the entire history of the world with literal ancient aliens conspiracy.


You mad bro because you sound like a big snowflake. Im not on either side of crybaby behavior. You people are just as bad as the crazy purple folk.

Ive started to realise this. Im not talking about the poster because I didnt see what he wrote. But the cancel culture from either side is becoming just as annoying as the purple folk lol.
Social media/media has created such a stupid sensitive era
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None of the Assassins' Creed games story and characters claims to be historically accurate. And if any of them did, they still were not -- but they didn't claim that.

They *try* to be as historically accurate with the representation of the era, within the frame of creative license and making a sandbox game, open world but still heavily constrained). And they have been largely successful. For a game. And they also do provide some historical data (not necessarily well researched) about locations and prominent characters of the times, but what they do with them in-game was never claimed to have actually happened in the real world.

Anyway, so no, never historically accurate. And also trying to ride the DEI / woke train but fell into the unwelcome pit of a target audience that got sick of it.

Two things can be true at the same time.


Bit of cop out, don't you think? If you are going to bring up Thomas Lockley's fraud as the coup de grace in this discussion, you should be able to approximate whether or not the entire argument hinged on his word or Wikipedia edits (lmao) in the first place. But that's the thing about these discussions; everybody becomes an expert on niche subjects when they have a point to push.

Whats the problem bring this up? Is there a rule for him to post that historican fraud is not a reliable source of the character?
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You do realize that Constantinople had been captured and pillaged by the Ottoman Empire half a century earlier.
Are you really going to try to pretend that the Ottoman empire were the good guys, in their brutal conquest of North Africa and South Eastern Europe?
Constantinople had been captured and pillaged by the westerners/latins way before 1453. Ottoman Empire's conquests weren't particularly more brutal compared to other empires throughout history be it western or eastern. Empires and conquest aren't about being good or evil. It's all about perspectives and prejudices.


The fact that Ubisoft has to make these post makes me sad. People are so childish. Do they though Assassin's creed were history book ?
Since the beginning Assassin's Creed are historical fiction. But suddenly it's a problem if they do not depict a historical character "properly".

Nobody complaint when Leonardo Da Vinci worked with a secret Assassin's guild.

I really don't get all the bad feedback they got because of that.
The problem here seems to be that this has reached levels that can possibly actually do some harm, apparently people are tampering with Wikipedia (to make it look like Yasuke was 100% confirmed to be a samurai and such) due to this shit and even the Japanese government has started to investigate the situation. And all this started because some idiots started a petition to cancel the game due to the misrepresentation of Japan...
I mean, I can understand people being disappointed about not having a female and male Japanese protagonist, I literally raised an eyebrow when I first saw it, but this cultural war bullshit that brings out the worst in people from both sides is just annoying. Were do we draw the line? If the petition that these idiots created became successful and Ubisoft had to make AC Shadows more historically accurate, where would we draw the line? Would that mean that from now on every other piece of entertainment that was set in historical settings had to be historically accurate or else it would be banned? It's such a silly argument when you really think about it.
If Ubisoft really wants to have their product to have Yasuke as a protag, let them, other games that might suit your preferences will eventually come out.


Gold Member
Constantinople had been captured and pillaged by the westerners/latins way before 1453. Ottoman Empire's conquests weren't particularly more brutal compared to other empires throughout history be it western or eastern. Empires and conquest aren't about being good or evil. It's all about perspectives and prejudices.

Of course that region had many wars and conquerors.
But at that time, Constantinople had been the centre of the eastern Roman Empire for several centuries. The people living there were Roman Christians, until the Ottomans killed or displaced them.
So there was an active war going on in the region between Christians and Muslims. So for the Christians being invaded, the Ottomans were the bad guys.
You are correct that the Ottoman conquest was not more violent than the usual conquest of the time. The Muslim conquest by Muhamad in the 7th century, or the Mongol conquests, were much more brutal.


Cool, but what does this have to do with Yasuke?
i think he means, if we can't have a re5 remake, we can't have this game out. what this have to do with Yasuke? well, legend says he would be offended by that re game if he was alive today.
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"Stop saying historical fiction, it's fantasy. Final Fantasy." lmao

Good video, he breaks down a Japanese perspective quite well, and why he feels Japanese people are upset as well as him.
Yeah this was an eye-opener for me. Can’t believe all the things they got wrong when he walk through the trailer and pause and talk about details. The blooming trees and fruit in the wrong season, the village gate that is only used for shrines, corruption not being a thing yet, villagers bowing and more. Makes you wonder what historians they hired for research.

I didn’t think they could top Valhalla where they gave the male main character a woman’s name.
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If you play AC for accurate history, then you're doing it wrong. You can get a sense of historical atmosphere, perhaps, but nothing more. The writing isn't realistic either.

God, this whole deal is still making a mountain out of a molehill, isn't it? Anyway, I can only hope the gameplay is better than the typical AC formula, but who knows?
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
I didn’t think they could top Valhalla where they gave the male main character a woman’s name.
That's because Ubisoft still thinks a female protagonist-only would tank the game. Kassandra and female Eivor are clearly supposed to be the protagonists but they let the player choose a male.
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The problem with AC: Shadows is the way they tried to advertise it. This quote is from the OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE.

"Assassin’s Creed Shadows takes place in 16th-century Japan during the Azuchi-Momoyama era. Players will play as two distinct characters, a Japanese shinobi, Naoe, and a real-life historical samurai, Yasuke."

So, saying that your game is fiction (after a whole backlash) when you clearly state in your press release that the character is a real-life historical samurai is pure nonsense. Just take the L instead of constantly lying to your customers.

Hadn't seen this.

In that case, it's bad on them.

Otherwise, meh. Japan rewrites their facts and history with fictitious stuff all the time for entertainment.

Disco Dave

Japanese people are thanking Ubisoft for exposing the DEI agenda in Japan and making them aware that Blackrock has already infiltrated NHK, Japan Times, and other Japanese institutions to change Japan's history all because Ubisoft couldn't resist making a nobody (Yasuke) the legendary black samurai lol


Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Yasuke as a Samurai can be debated.

Yasuke being gay cannot. There's zero historical evidence of that and it's 100% Sweet Baby affecting the game.

To be fair, they've let you fuck anything with a pulse since Odyssey

Also to be fair, in the games where you could sleep with whoever, you weren't playing as some "historical figure"

Ubi saving me all sorts of money this year


Gold Member
You mean this game? lol. Being inaccurate is like the entire foundation of series.

What a goofy take.

There's a world of difference between taking creative liberties to tell a story and deliberately presenting fiction as historical facts to suit your narrative. Ubi dug this hole themselves by going the "Yasuke was a real samurai warrior (source: trust me bro)" and doubling down. This was dumb as fuck.

I'm amazed they didn't see this coming.


Weeb Underling
Whats the problem bring this up? Is there a rule for him to post that historican fraud is not a reliable source of the character?
If you re-read my post, the only thing I'm bringing up for possible dispute (because I don't know actually know the answer) is whether or not Lockley's fraud ends the debate one way or another. The problem isn't bringing it up, it's bringing it up in the frame of "this means everything that you say and what Ubisoft has done (as if they knew about his fraud), is entirely invalid!"

This isn't to downplay the fraud. Assuming the jerkoff was trying to do anything besides giving his career a temporary boost by fucking with the record of history, he failed totally.

i think he means, if we can't have a re5 remake, we can't have this game out.
Dude, there's no unified approvals system that's ratifying which games are okay or otherwise.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
None of the Assassins' Creed games story and characters claims to be historically accurate. And if any of them did, they still were not -- but they didn't claim that.

They *try* to be as historically accurate with the representation of the era, within the frame of creative license and making a sandbox game, open world but still heavily constrained). And they have been largely successful. For a game. And they also do provide some historical data (not necessarily well researched) about locations and prominent characters of the times, but what they do with them in-game was never claimed to have actually happened in the real world.

Anyway, so no, never historically accurate. And also trying to ride the DEI / woke train but fell into the unwelcome pit of a target audience that got sick of it.

Two things can be true at the same time.
Agreed. The game is an obvious DEI pandering. That is the only reason to do it.

If they were deadset on making a game involving a black. They could have easily set a game in Africa dealing with the British empire.

They actually touched on this with the character of Adewale in ACIV and in Rogue. Guess what? It worked.
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That's because Ubisoft still thinks a female protagonist-only would tank the game. Kassandra and female Eivor are clearly supposed to be the protagonists but they let the player choose a male.
I know the reason but it’s just absurd, it becomes comical, like he’s a trans or being mocked for acting like a woman. There is almost no gender neutral names at all in the nordic region and Eivor is certainly not that. They just can’t take that shortcut. They should’ve pulled in the voice actors again and given him a proper man’s name.
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What do you guys think would happen?

Racism is strong in Japan and Ubisoft wanted a black character to tick of boxes and to raise publicity. That was a very dumb move of Ubisoft.

It also doesn't help they Ubisoft messed up certain parts of Japanese history and aesthetics.

This game is currently nothing but a giant insult.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Agreed. The game is an obvious DEI pandering. That is the only reason to do it.

If they were deadset on making a game involving a black. They could have easily set a game in Africa dealing with the British empire.

They actually touched on this with the character of Adewale in ACIV and in Rogue. Guess what? It worked.
Or just make a game in Africa dealing with African empires and civilizations? Kush, Aksum, Songhai...there are options that have never been remotely explored.

I would kill for a game involving Mansa Musa as an enemy with one of the pieces of Eden or whatever this shit is called.


I wouldnt even have bothered with an explanation. I really dont know whats wrong with gamers now, and wonder if half of the people that complain about this even play.

Its simple, buy it or dont. This bitching is ridiculous. It is Assassins Creed, the second you start fact checking the series youve lost the plot. Simple as that.

Anyone having an issue playing as a person of color or female in any game...well thats on you isnt it?

"MY" issues come from if a character is likable, action is good, story is decent for the most part. So for me several creed games were very enjoyable. 2, black flag, origins, odyssey.

Valhalla, syndicate, the first game....not so much.


I find funny people here doing whataboutit stuff, ghastling and all sort of shit when even in their own Assassin Creed site mention about this.

We trully are at the peck on the culture war.

It actually gets worse the more you dig into the announcement press release:




Don't let them tell you that his inclusion as a 'samurai' wasn't styled as being historically accurate when it was first announced, or that it didn't have a legion of retards defending it as factually correct (hell, there still are on the purple forum).

Salty Hippo

No, my issue is that it has fuck-all to do with the game and poisons the well of the discussion.

If you wanted to post a somewhat funny but still pertinent meme, you should have gone for the one where Yasuke murders someone and "hides" in plain sight. The one you posted is simply moronic.

No, it is pertinent and it's very funny.

Hope that helps.
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