The suit is like something you see at a gun range only with a cape: like if it’s that easy to be Batman why hasn’t someone IRL with guns gone vigilante yet?
Because they'd be arrested and put in jail?
The suit is like something you see at a gun range only with a cape: like if it’s that easy to be Batman why hasn’t someone IRL with guns gone vigilante yet?
Have they said how long this Bruce Wayne has been Batman,seems like he’s still wet behind the bat ears.
I feel this way about the internet at large. The word woke is beginning to lose all meaning to me.It's funny too, ResetEra is all woke, but some users here can be so anti-woke that you're just as annoying.
Lol, this isn't even accurate. Look at the scene of them on the train and there is clearly another black man in the gang. Reaaaach.Wow I heard it had a lot of WOKE undertones but its not undertones at all and I am not talking about the bunch of black sctors in throw away roles. its the whole premise is cops bad, rich white people bad, white government currupt/bad, guns bad, non white people are helpless little lambs being pressured into being bad by bad white people.
Just take a look at the gang in the start of the movie. All these bad white guys are pressuring this scared black kid to be bad. Now go somewhere like NYC and tell me what the reality is.. it's another propaganda movie and not even a good one.
Unfortunately , it doesn't seem like much of reach to me since I didn't see the other black guy in my viewing as well.Lol, this isn't even accurate. Look at the scene of them on the train and there is clearly another black man in the gang. Reaaaach.
The fact that he is in the scene, makes it more than a reach, actually - It's just plain wrong.Unfortunately , it doesn't seem like much of reach to me since I didn't see the other black guy in my viewing as well.
how would that make a difference in anyway when the whole scene is the white guys forcing the scared black kid to do bad. it would not change the scene in anyway if they had a 30 black guys with the white face paint int he background. it surely doesn't change any of the many other scenes that I and others have pointed out.The fact that he is in the scene, makes it more than a reach, actually - It's just plain wrong.
Whether you, yourself, missed it, is irrelevant.
How would it make a difference? Well it completely dismantles the angle that the movie is portraying a scene in which "all these bad white guys are pressuring this scared black kid to be bad."how would that make a difference in anyway when the whole scene is the white guys forcing the scared black kid to do bad. it would not change the scene in anyway if they had a 30 black guys with the white face paint int he background. it surely doesn't change any of the many other scenes that I and others have pointed out.
I welcome any real counter points but just claiming because there maybe one other black guy somewhere in the backgorund negates everything else is just silly.
The whole wokeness bullshit has largely become a tell for white people who feel insecure about being white. To the point that any portrayal of a woman or person of color in a role outside of the arbitrary boxes they perceive as norms suddenly becomes an attempt to force a narrative on you. Frankly, I've taken to immediately labeling anyone who uses the term "woke" as a negative as being racist or racist-adjacent. I've never had a conversation with someone who complained about "woke culture" that didn't make that person come off as racist. Anecdotal and whatnot, but it is what it is.
Let's also look at the train scene.
The group is mostly white with only one character half painted. To be better recognized by the audience or perhaps to signal his difference over the rest.
There is one character (which is white) that three times pushes the black kid to commit a crime over an asian character.
This is what the film presents.
You informed of this in the first 10min of the film. You get a glimpse at his Diary and the cover says "Year Two"Have they said how long this Bruce Wayne has been Batman,seems like he’s still wet behind the bat ears.
So basically it’s “ if don’t agree with me you are a racist “.The whole wokeness bullshit has largely become a tell for white people who feel insecure about being white. To the point that any portrayal of a woman or person of color in a role outside of the arbitrary boxes they perceive as norms suddenly becomes an attempt to force a narrative on you. Frankly, I've taken to immediately labeling anyone who uses the term "woke" as a negative as being racist or racist-adjacent. I've never had a conversation with someone who complained about "woke culture" that didn't make that person come off as racist. Anecdotal and whatnot, but it is what it is.
"the group is mostly white."Let's also look at the train scene.
The group is mostly white with only one character half painted. To be better recognized by the audience or perhaps to signal his difference over the rest.
There is one character (which is white) that three times pushes the black kid to commit a crime over an asian character.
This is what the film presents.
"the group is mostly white."
That's what you're hinging your argument on - "mostly white"?
This is extremely sensitive.
If they were all white, I might entertain the idea.
I won't even get into the idea that painting a black guy's face half-white, stands out more than painting a white guy's face half-white, so it makes sense to me that they would want this visual cue, to the fact that he is being initiated, to stand out.
Also, they could have just not had another black guy in the gang, if they were trying to deliver some type of message.
But these are just the minor arguments I would use, if I actually did entertain the idea.
I'm not saying narratives like this don't exist in media, but to start making a fit about the slightest hint of anything is ridiculous.
Let's also look at the train scene.
The group is mostly white with only one character half painted. To be better recognized by the audience or perhaps to signal his difference over the rest.
There is one character (which is white) that three times pushes the black kid to commit a crime over an asian character.
This is what the film presents.
Wow you do live up to your name.I haven't made an argument, I posted the scene. How you interpret it (and the movie) is up to you.
Making a fit is the name calling and ad-hominem posts i've seen a couple of times in this thread.
Let's also look at the train scene.
The group is mostly white with only one character half painted. To be better recognized by the audience or perhaps to signal his difference over the rest.
There is one character (which is white) that three times pushes the black kid to commit a crime over an asian character.
This is what the film presents.
He isn't a bad Bruce Wayne but a sad Bruce Wayne.My only real complaint is that he was a bad Bruce Wayne but he spent so little time as Bruce that it didn’t really hurt it.
I'm just going to have to disagree.The fact that he is in the scene, makes it more than a reach, actually - It's just plain wrong.
Whether you, yourself, missed it, is irrelevant.
The whole wokeness bullshit has largely become a tell for white people who feel insecure about being white. To the point that any portrayal of a woman or person of color in a role outside of the arbitrary boxes they perceive as norms suddenly becomes an attempt to force a narrative on you. Frankly, I've taken to immediately labeling anyone who uses the term "woke" as a negative as being racist or racist-adjacent. I've never had a conversation with someone who complained about "woke culture" that didn't make that person come off as racist. Anecdotal and whatnot, but it is what it is.
I think it's weird you even noticed their races that much and got hung up on them...
While some people may go a bit overboard or are a oversensitive, there is no denying that wokeness has become part of Hollywood's new cultish clique. You have seminal directors like Quentin Tarantino lamenting the stifling effect of wokeness on Hollywood's creative output:
To simply pretend wokeness is not a social phenomenon or an invention of racist people or the mere result of white fragility, is just plain wrong.
Without Catwoman's stupid line about the corrupt white people, I would not have cared about any of that. The audience at my local cinema moaned out loud at the expression of that line. Maybe these comments rub audiences here the wrong way, because Europe isn't as inundated with woke vernacular yet... I don't know, but what I do know is that such expressions are in general not well received.
Anyway, that comment got me thinking about all this crap. Not because I wanted to, but because Catwoman shoved it in my face. Am I to somehow understand that black people are somehow less prone to corruption due to the mere pigmentation of their skin? Did Selena never encounter any black people at her nightclub? Not even a sleazy black dude trying to get into her panties?
Then you come to notice the quite deliberate demographic casting of that movie. There are indeed no corrupt black people. In fact, the only incorruptible ones are James Gordon and Bella Reàl, who later on is lifted out of Gotham's rubbles by Batman's helping hand through heavily emblematic imagery. Then of course there his the Riddler and his radicalized far-right incel 4chan troupe...
Turning a blind eye to the heavy symbolry in that movie can only imply that you either don't care, don't want to hear about or are in full support of this hollywoodian trend. I certainly can understand why people are annoyed by it, because it has permeated so much of American entertainment these days (from Netflix to comedy), it's hard not to notice anymore.
It is certainly a reason why Hollywood entertainment is losing much of its international appeal nowadays, from Oscars to ticket sales. There are reasons why Korean shows and Japanese anime have garnered so much appeal nowadays. The Batman might have been a box office hit, but that is mostly due to brand recognition, not because the story was any good. It's what happens when you put more thought into your casting demographics, than trying to actually write a decent story.
I don’t agree.
Considering your ideological zealotry from that other thread, I am not surprised.
Catwoman is just saying a fact. They are in fact white. Getting hysterical over that they reflect reality (both irl and in the movie) is just weird.
My local theater serves Coca-ColaHave fun not being able to pause when you need to pee, and paying $12 for some Twizzlers and a Diet Pepsi
I don’t agree. You have tons of online talking heads who make their bread and butter by railing against Hollywood.
This online culture war is just as much a thing generated by those people imo.
Catwoman is just saying a fact. They are in fact white. Getting hysterical over that they reflect reality (both irl and in the movie) is just weird.
I mean people are saying POC are shoehorn led into roles (like Gordon) and a few breaths later scream about how POC aren’t represented among the baddies. You just can’t win with some I guess.
Also we see a black dude in the whiteface group.
The same way that one side of the culture war sees racism and sexism in literally everything, the other side now sees 'wokeness' in literally everything. I feel like people on both sides have become somewhat paranoid in this constant back and forth.
Disagree with what?I'm just going to have to disagree.
Bitch we aint a pack of crayons !I don't even consider the LOTR show as woke. I''m fine with coloured people being in a fantasy show.
You know that's not the issue so let's not even go there...I don't even consider the LOTR show as woke. I''m fine with coloured people being in a fantasy show.
Exactly. It’s two ends of the same horseshoe, and it’s hilarious how none of them can see it.
As other have pointed out, this clearly isn't it. A women, talking to the white dude she's into, whilst searching for her white female friend, saying 'rich white dudes run the city', is not worth all this outrage.
The line kinda rolled completely off me because in fact, I think everyone might find, that the world is actually run by rich old white men. Quite why so many people seem to take such exception at this being pointed out is beyond me.
It's a dumb and borderline racist line that has no place in a movie like this. It adds nothing of value, except for the vilification of people based on the color of their skin. If you don't find that worthy of critique, then the issue lies with you, not the people who are annoyed by such borderline racist expressions.
Yep. The line is on point, especially coming from Selina's point of view. Another thing I would have never noticed until some insecure online snowflakes get butthurt and cry. And oh here's a convenient example LOL ...
Yep. The line is on point, especially coming from Selina's point of view. Another thing I would have never noticed until some insecure online snowflakes get butthurt and cry. And oh here's a convenient example LOL ...
Why are we putting the line from Catwoman on a pedestal? Why does her one line of dialogue seem to dictate the message of the film to you guys?
She literally tries to murder someone not long after. She isn’t someone you’re supposed to look up to or necessarily agree with.
You can sympathize with people while disagreeing with them. Again, we aren't condoning her kicking a man off of a building, just because she was Batman's love interest.I'd say the butthurt snowflakes in this thread are those who feel the need to throw around personal insults due to their inability to offer any real counterarguments.
You are clearly meant to sympathize with her, otherwise they wouldn't portray her struggles like that and make her Batman's little love affair. Even if she's an anti-hero, I somehow doubt the producers intended to turn her into a racist persona.
You can sympathize with people while disagreeing with them. Again, we aren't condoning her kicking a man off of a building, just because she was Batman's love interest.