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The best Zelda dungeon according to GAF


Mejilan said:
The music was modified in later versions. I believe there were three versions of the game on the N64.

Original gold cart was 1.0.

Early gray cart was 1.1 and had some minor bug fixes.

Later (PC?) gray cart was 1.2 and fixed more bugs, removed the Arabic chant from the Fire Temple song, and changed the color of the blood that Ganondorf coughs when he's defeated (in the tower) from red to green.

Something like that.

Is gray 1.0 the rarest version of the game, then?


I'm gonna say level 8 or level 6 of the original zelda.
level 8 is fucking hard as hell but awesome. level 6 is your introduction to wizzrobes.

edit: actually I decided it's definitely level 8. my favorite thing to do on the original zelda is get the candle ASAP, and try to get the master key from level 8 that early in the game.


I really think Nintendo has lost their creative touch with the Zelda franchise, Wind Waker being the case. Now that I think about it, OOT, and MM had some creative dungeon designs. Oh well. Here's hoping for the new Zelda to have some awesome dungeons.

Kon Tiki

AssMan said:
I really think Nintendo has lost their creative touch with the Zelda franchise, Wind Waker being the case. Now that I think about it, OOT, and MM had some creative dungeon designs. Oh well. Here's hoping for the new Zelda to have some awesome dungeons.
Personally,I am hoping Capcom helps out. OoA has some great dungeons, Minish Cap is also good dungeon wise.


Ocarina of Time: Forest Temple
Majora's Mask: Woodfall Temple/Stone Tower
The Wind Waker: Earth Temple

EDIT: Ooops! I didn't know this was a vote, um.. chalk me down for the Forest temple, if you haven't already!
This battle is still too close, Stone Tower must rise above the fray.

Even though in my mind there's no contest, remembering some of those great dungeons has rekindled my Zelda love.
AssMan said:
I really think Nintendo has lost their creative touch with the Zelda franchise, Wind Waker being the case. Now that I think about it, OOT, and MM had some creative dungeon designs. Oh well. Here's hoping for the new Zelda to have some awesome dungeons.


I don't really want to start bashing WW but I can't think of one dungeon from WW that lives up to any of the dugeons of the N64 games. They were just really uninspired in their design and layout. Some looked quite nice though.

As for my favourite dungeon... it's been so long I'm having a hard time deciding. Forrest Temple rocks and I think I loved all of MM's dungeons. They just frickin rocked. I have to go play through MM's on the Bonus Disk and get back to you! Damn game crashed the first time I played it and cbf starting all over again (hadn;t had a chance to do a "proper" save).


Remembering both the Forest Temple and the Stone Tower has indeed made me want to go play both N64 Zelda's all over again. As I said before, there's just something about the dungeon designs in these games that simple trounced Wind Waker's designs.

Of course, both games did have their "lemons" also. OOT had the Shadow Temple, and MM had that first dungeon.


Azih Best scene in a Zelda game has to go to the Shadow Link room in Ocarina though. Damn said:
http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/495087/watertemple_lake.jpg[/img] man the game played me just the way it wanted to the first time I walked into that room.

Actually when I think about it, I bet this was the first time Aonuma made his mark on a Zelda game. All the games he's headed have been full of cool/wierd things like this... the castle frozen in time in Wind Waker, the moon in Majora's Mask.

You were able to remind me to the three best scenes i've lived in Zelda games so far.

1. The moon in MM
2. Shadow Link
3. Frozen time castle

In any case what i felt the first time i've been on the moon is really hard to describe.
After I realized that Anouma was a genius and i falled in love with him. :)


I believe the Stone Tower is where you have to change the building upside down to advanced to the next room. And revert it back to normal to get it to the end. Talk about Awesomeness!!!!! It had me dizzy from time to time. :D :D :D

Kon Tiki

shibbs said:
I did finish MM but i cant remember much about the stone tower. Whats so awesome about it?

As I said, my analog sticks(N64) are too worn to even attempt to play MM again. I had to check some movies of the game to remeber myself. (videos 21-23 I think).
Mejilan said:
Good lord, I played through OoT at least a dozen times since it came out. Everytime I pick it back up, I cannot put it down.

Water Temple was tough, yes, the first two or three times, but it never took me more than 2 or 3 hours to beat, initially. The remixed Water Temple in Master Quest through me for a loop a few times, however.

I concur. Water Temple is my most favourite, but I nod to WW's dungeons just because they were so fucking sexy to look at, especially Dragon Roost Island.
You idjits REALLY liked swapping boots and 10 fps that much, eh? The Water Temple is a blight on what coulda been a near-perfect game (well, that, and Hyrule Field).


Drinky Crow said:
You idjits REALLY liked swapping boots and 10 fps that much, eh? The Water Temple is a blight on what coulda been a near-perfect game (well, that, and Hyrule Field).
you're the idjit :p

Kon Tiki

Drinky Crow said:
You idjits REALLY liked swapping boots and 10 fps that much, eh? The Water Temple is a blight on what coulda been a near-perfect game (well, that, and Hyrule Field).
Ok, no swapping boots or fps worries, did you like the water temple in Oracle of Ages (think it was called Jabu Jabu)?
But minus the clumsy boot swapping and the halved frame rate.

OoT's water temple is very un-Nintendo -- the unstreamlined boot swapping mechanic and the massive frame rate drop is something you see in an off-brand action-adventure published by Atlus, not in a marquee Nintendo title. You'd think they'd have scaled the ambition back a bit and A) had an item that replaced the boot (like a weight) that could go in the action item slots, and B) made a few visual compromises to keep the frame rate from chugging. The Shadow Link bit WAS awesome, though. Morpha was a wussy boss, sadly; for all the teeth-grinding that dungeon inflicted on me, I expected the final battle to be really over the top.

Besides Hyrule Field being nothing more thna a place to squeal "ooh look I'm riding a horse!", the Fire Temple's boss fight (Volvagia, I think), while easy, was a really klunky Devil May Cry esque affair, replete with lousy camera angles. On the other hand, OoT cut new ground in so many ways that I guess it's eminently forgivable.


Drinky Crow said:
But minus the clumsy boot swapping and the halved frame rate.

OoT's water temple is very un-Nintendo -- the unstreamlined boot swapping mechanic and the massive frame rate drop is something you see in an off-brand action-adventure published by Atlus, not in a marquee Nintendo title. You'd think they'd have scaled the ambition back a bit and A) had an item that replaced the boot (like a weight) that could go in the action item slots, and B) made a few visual compromises to keep the frame rate from chugging. The Shadow Link bit WAS awesome, though. Morpha was a wussy boss, though.

Besides Hyrule Field being nothing more thna a place to squeal "ooh look I'm riding a horse!", the Fire Temple's boss fight (Volvagia, I think), while easy, was a really klunky Devil May Cry esque affair, replete with lousy camera angles. On the other hand, OoT cut new ground in so many ways that I guess it's eminently forgivable.

I think the new Zelda will be very un-Nintendo. I also think that miyamoto is giving in on the demand for a grown up Link. (or teenager) It will be interesting to see how they start out with link this time. Miyamoto has always seen link as a small boy that fights evil.
I really don't consider the theme of the game to be of interest -- for me, Zelda is the "somewhat non-linear action-adventure with the great dungeon designs and loads of polish." A continuity of theme is like gloss -- nice, but unnecessary.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I've always held fond memories of some of the Zelda 1 dungeons. They may lack the puzzle and tool swapping appeal of the later counterparts, but loading up on potions for the ironknuckle and triple ghoma assault in dungeon 8 always rocked. Pure visceral hell.

I've also been dissapointed with the trend of downsizing Ganon's fortress in each successive adventure since LttP as well, Death Mountain in 1986 was a massive crawl offering unique foes, puzzles, secrets, and some highly powerful optional equipment. Why has this suffered in later entries?

In terms of most difficult -puzzle- dungeons, the bonus ones unlocked in 'linked-up' oracle games, Stone Tower, and the 'Master Quest'-enhanced Spirit Temple in OOT(seriously, go play it!) are by far the ones that had me throwing up my arms in defeat the most. Brilliant design there.


Bring back Gleeok, motherfuckers!

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