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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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Filipinos black now heh


San Francisco played a crucial role in the history of Filipino Americans. It was from this city that US troops were recruited, organized, garrisoned and trained for fighting a war in the Philippines. At first it was a "Spanish-American War" in 1898. Then the Spaniards surrendered, and a peace treaty signed in Paris gave the US sovereignty over the Philippines. This was completely unacceptable, to say the least, to General Emilio Aguinaldo and the Filipinos who had been fighting a war of independence against the Spaniards since 1896. By the following year in 1899, fighting broke out between Filipino and American troops, and this started the "Philippine-American War," a well-known war to Filipinos but nearly forgotten in the annals of American history.

It was a war in which the racist ideology of social darwinism played a crucial role. American troops who were fighting in the war frequently called Filipinos "brainless monkeys," "niggers," and "injuns." Many of the troops thought they were fighting another "injun war." African Americans also fought in the war as part of the US forces, and some blacks were so incensed by the racism directed against Filipinos that they joined the Filipino rebels and fought against US imperialism. The most famous black soldier who joined the Filipino rebels was David Fagan, of the US 24th Infantry, who eventually became an officer in the Philippine Revolutionary Army.


I really like the mounting aspect of mh4. I spend the last half of any fought just jumping off anything trying to land a hit.


If you use the insect glaive you can just jump on it without going to higher platforms.
I dont like mounting though. I like waitng for people to be done mounting so i can whack on the monster with my switch axe.


damn i had no idea

That sort of thing continued on the west coast as more Filipinos immigrated to the US.


Racial discrimination towards Filipinos in America was evident during the American colonial period in the Philippines. Filipinos were often labelled as half-civilized or half-savage, worthless, uneducated and unscrupulous. Filipinos were perceived to be taking the jobs of the Caucasian Americans. They were accused of attracting Caucasian women which led to the passing of an Anti-miscegenation law. Crime and violence was likely to be associated with Filipinos and they were shunned for their substandard living conditions, where in one instance there were as many as twenty people sleeping in one room. These were just racial prejudices and Filipinos in America were affected by various socio-economic factors. The majority of Filipinos were men with a gender ratio with Filipino males to females in California of approximately 14 to 1. Filipino workers were forced to live in poor conditions since they were poorly waged.

Always afraid the white women gonna be stolen!

I remember back in high school during an Asian-American heritage assembly, a professor was giving a presentation covering the above. Someone yelled "why everyone think brown and black dudes gonna steal the white girls?!"


That sort of thing continued on the west coast as more Filipinos immigrated to the US.


Always afraid the white women gonna be stolen!

I remember back in high school during an Asian-American heritage assembly, a professor was giving a presentation covering the above. Someone yelled "why everyone think brown and black dudes gonna steal the white girls?!"
Dark skinned sex magicians.


bitch I'm taking calls.

I would like to share the work of one a my favorites black Latin America artist, Victoria Santa Cruz, this short documentary explains her work and has a performance of one of her most famous poems, me gritaron negra (shouted me black), hope you enjoy it.

Black and Woman (Eugenio Barba & Victoria Santa Cruz)

Go to the minute 17:10 if you just want to listen to the poem.
This is excellent. Thank you for sharing it.
Sometimes I can't shake the feeling that white people like us, being around us for some...reason. I guess the "cool" factor or whatever it is they think we have. But they don't want anything to actually do with us, or grapple with issues we might have. It's always either pity or fear. I say this knowing that it's painting with broad strokes, but the other night some police officer followed me home when I was walking, pulled over and shone his search light on me. I stopped and turned around in disbelief and he got out of the car, squinted at me, got back in and just sat there. So I cut across the field towards my house and this guy drove off, only to come around the other side of the field and keep following me. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I honestly called my friend and told him to listen just in case anything stupid happened.

It's dumb. I have never had a positive interaction with a police officer, and quite frankly, I'm intimidated by them. Yet I can't help but think that these are the same people that will talk nicely to me, and then say wtf shit behind my back. I used to shut myself out socially because I didn't feel like I belonged because of that shit. And the problem that occurs, is that when you try to explain this to your white peers, they just have the hardest time understanding it.

How do you guys deal with such thoughts and doubts? Do you just give people a chance to show their true colours? Or do you just become jaded and cynical at times.

Edit Fuck, my problem is that it sort of hit me recently that when I was a kid, we had these silly "Stop racism" stickers in elementary school. Now I'm an adult and it's hitting me in the face that I'm going to have to deal with this shit for the rest of my life. It's too taxing emotionally and physically! How do you guys cope?
I've been dealing with it my whole life so I just try not to think about it. I always make sure all my "papers" are in ordder though. They LOVE when you have an issue with your license, registration, insurance, warrant, etc..gives them an excuse to arrest/harass you. There is always dumb shit to get pulled over for (i've gotten seatbelts, license plate light too dim, car wrong color, lights not on during daytime..) but at least the major stuff you can make sure is in order.
Since moving to Sweden i met white people for the first time in my life.
The issue here is that everyone is waaay to nice and reserved. Family members wont even talk to each other when they take the bus and only do so alone or with people they know. It is not a matter of giving them a chance but of a matter of you initiating the chance to begin with. I made my first white friend after 4yrs of being here.
There's a lot of racist and xenophobic sentiment lurking in Sweden, but it seems to be mainly directed at Muslims these days rather than people of a specific skin color. It reminds me a lot of the type of ignorance found in a homogenous place like Japan.


Junior Member
That sort of thing continued on the west coast as more Filipinos immigrated to the US.


Always afraid the white women gonna be stolen!

I remember back in high school during an Asian-American heritage assembly, a professor was giving a presentation covering the above. Someone yelled "why everyone think brown and black dudes gonna steal the white girls?!"
Don't Filipinos like black people? I heard that before, like it was different and unusual. Is it because of that war?
Serena ended her 14 year boycott of Indian Wells, had no idea. I like it. I like the original decision to boycott (because fuck that racist crowd) and I like the decision to return over a decade later, a legend of the game.
There's a lot of racist and xenophobic sentiment lurking in Sweden, but it seems to be mainly directed at Muslims these days rather than people of a specific skin color. It reminds me a lot of the type of ignorance found in a homogenous place like Japan.

When I was in Sweden I got love from everyone I met. I had old ladies trying to teach me Swedish and what not. I've considered retiring there. I think a lot of times we go into new situations way to defensive because we're waiting for the same old bulshit I happen but we need to actually met it happen before we pass judgment. Sweden actually hipped me to that. Give it a shot.

Young Magus

Junior Member


I'm scared to ask but...what happened here?


There's a lot of racist and xenophobic sentiment lurking in Sweden, but it seems to be mainly directed at Muslims these days rather than people of a specific skin color. It reminds me a lot of the type of ignorance found in a homogenous place like Japan.

Well i am a muslim too.
There is this gaming cafe across from the towns mosque that has the symbol of a mosque crossed out. That is is the most of anything i have felt while here so far.
Doesnt change the fact i go there on saturdays to play smash with my other buddies,muslims and otherwise.
We ripped the paper though.
That sort of thing continued on the west coast as more Filipinos immigrated to the US.


Always afraid the white women gonna be stolen!

I remember back in high school during an Asian-American heritage assembly, a professor was giving a presentation covering the above. Someone yelled "why everyone think brown and black dudes gonna steal the white girls?!"

Because they're e
xtremely nice people :)


Junior Member
Always afraid the white women gonna be stolen!

I remember back in high school during an Asian-American heritage assembly, a professor was giving a presentation covering the above. Someone yelled "why everyone think brown and black dudes gonna steal the white girls?!"
Because some people tie their entire identity into a mythical creature they have never met. It's like old black women who throw shade at young cats for dating outside the race. Logically, they have no chance but still hate. They want him to date some unknown. It's not about happiness but about score.

Azure J

Slayven's order of lust

Being single
being robbed
black women begrudgingly

How the hell could latinas ever be anything lower than high tier?

Edit: Sweet Jesus that Angry Joe thread looking like the Epic Mickey thread/that one time Duckroll banned half of morning gaming GAF in the "what site do you use for gaming news that isn't GAF" thread a while back.


How the hell could latinas ever be anything lower than high tier?

Edit: Sweet Jesus that Angry Joe thread looking like the Epic Mickey thread/that one time Duckroll banned half of morning gaming GAF in the "what site do you use for gaming news that isn't GAF" thread a while back.

More grey than Obama's head.
Man the opening to this episode of Person of Interest, sogood.gif

Shaw comin out with that P90 *Wipes brow* she was too sexy with it.

Yup. Filipinos are so mixed between the east Asian the spanish, italian, the nigritos etc. I've known some as dark as me, ones that looks straight up Chinese some that look latino.

Indeed, my cousin looks full blown hispanic but she's half filipino.


My Uncle had some brutal neck and back pain, so had to help him by taking him to the ER of Hollywood Presbyterian on Saturday. He doesn't have great insurance so we were waiting around for hours to get X Rays and CT scans. It was a rough Saturday, but glad I could help him figure out what is wrong. Saw some characters in that ER waiting room and in the back rooms when we were waiting for the Doctor to check his imaging. Mid-City LA is rough, holy shit. Homeless, immigrants, drug abusers and mentally insane, it was quite the day.

Luckily(?) my Uncle didn't collapse a vertebrae onto a nerve like we assumed, and it's just brutal arthritis up and down the spine. He was exercising on a punching bag and tweaked his neck, then the pain and discomfort moved up and down his spine. So, extreme pain and movement issues, but fixable with rehab.

I'll never forget this Saturday though, saw some people in some real pain and distress, some rough living out there in poor LA.


Between that initial joke and this, I'm surprised she hasn't said fuck it and activated ratchet mode.

That stable income is overriding her base functionality.

She sat back in that chair with that look though. She process that shit like the Matrix, and decided the rent was due on the 1st

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Between that initial joke and this, I'm surprised she hasn't said fuck it and activated ratchet mode.

That stable income is overriding her base functionality.

yo, you know she still be finding burgers and shit on her desk when she come into work.

she probably dont even eat fast food anymore.

Her kids got cursed out asking for happy meals.
She sat back in that chair with that look though. She process that shit like the Matrix, and decided the rent was due on the 1st

The producer has to know he's messing with a time bomb waiting to go off. Dude clearly doesn't care about his life or the life of his crew. Once she picks up a side hustle she's gonna flip.

yo, you know she still be finding burgers and shit on her desk when she come into work.

she probably don't even eat fast food anymore.

Her kids got cursed out asking for happy meals.

Her kids are traumatized and have developed PTSD. They start breaking down crying every time they see drawings/toys of the hamburglar and shit.


They took it too far throwing burgers at her. If one of those coworkers had thrown a McRib we definitely would have had a "Sharkesha No" moment.
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