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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just saying I don't have much sympathy for Huang here. The fact of the matter is the situation was approached civily first until Huang showed his ass.

eh.. Looking at the timeline and the actual conversation, to me, it looks once she got clarification, she began angling for an apology and he's apparently the kind of person that doesn't react well to being told that he should apologize.

It was civil until this exchange:

RICH HOMIE HUANG ‏@MrEddieHuang Apr 26
@BlackGirlDanger no one is saying we have the same struggle. i was SPECIFICALLY talking about parallels re: the way we're viewed sexually

BGD ‏@BlackGirlDanger Apr 26
@MrEddieHuang But you didn't make it at all clear what you meant. Do you think that audience understood that?

RICH HOMIE HUANG ‏@MrEddieHuang Apr 26
@BlackGirlDanger mentioned it because at a ton of my talks i speak about emasculation of asian men and black women in audience sound off too

BGD ‏@BlackGirlDanger Apr 26
.@MrEddieHuang And right now, this black woman is sounding off. Black women sounding off is only okay if it doesn't challenge you?

.@BlackGirlDanger that's not what anyone said. you trying to argue or you trying to understand? or you trying to get followers?

And just went further south from there. I mean looking at that, he was ignoring the elements of her statements that were referencing how damaging his statements were as they aired because it wasn't clearly stated and she got tired of it and challenged him and that just sent him into dick mode.

Anytime you get two strong personalities discussing a passionate topic like this there's the chance that it's going to turn bad and quick.


eh.. Looking at the timeline and the actual conversation, to me, it looks once she got clarification, she began angling for an apology and he's apparently the kind of person that doesn't react well to being told that he should apologize.

It was civil until this exchange:

And just went further south from there. I mean looking at that, he was ignoring the elements of her statements that were referencing how damaging his statements were as they aired because it wasn't clearly stated and she got tired of it and challenged him and that just sent him into dick mode.

Anytime you get two strong personalities discussing a passionate topic like this there's the chance that it's going to turn bad and quick.

Yeah that's the thing about the exchange that makes it weirder. He apparently gave that answer in response to the question why do you like hip-hop and rap so much. How would anyone know he was comparing how black women and Asian men are viewed sexually in reference to OKCupid statistics in that context? Like he seemed peeved that a clarification was demanded when one was actually needed from him. She was angling for an apology though but a "sorry for the confusion" from him would had sufficed at that point.
Yeah that's the thing about the exchange that makes it weirder. He apparently gave that answer in response to the question why do you like hip-hop and rap so much. How would anyone know he was comparing how black women and Asian men are viewed sexually in reference to OKCupid statistics in that context? Like he seemed peeved that a clarification was demanded when one was actually needed from him. She was angling for an apology though but a "sorry for the confusion" from him would had sufficed at that point.

It wasn't the clarification that seems to have pissed him off but that she wanted more than just that. He was willing to engage until she pressed him with about being challenged.. which was, of course, a challenge.

I mean I get that she was getting annoyed at his dodging the damaging part but she didn't press him on that, she went another direction with it and in his eyes it was game on at that point. That's exactly what happens with two strong personalities. If one even feels like they're not being respected it's going to pop off.

She obviously isn't wrong in saying that his statement as it aired was damaging but the nature of their personalities turned what could have been a building moment into a battle. Like.. I almost feel like the downturn is a side effect not relating to the topic itself.
People need to not be dumbasses and try to be respectful. That goes for both parties. People creating ways to argue with one another when their goals are better met by civility. Shame.


Junior Member
I was like, who's Eddie Huang? Used to be on WWF?

Then he stayed at the party when it was clear it was time to go. And she expressed herself well but started begging for help. HoW do you may someone 6 times and ask for help?


aka Mannny
I swear if the needle in a haystack expression isn't the most apt description of my job situation right now. Bout to go walk the earth like Sam l. and forget all my troubles.





Glad that Joss Whedon thing got cleared up. That whole situation was very fucking hilarious in hindsight. People complaining about fake outrage creating fake outage to complain about.


Glad that Joss Whedon thing got cleared up. That whole situation was very fucking hilarious in hindsight. People complaining about fake outrage creating fake outage to complain about.
Dudes will jump over megaman instakill spikes over the opportunity to blame a sjw or politically correct boogieman.


the tl;dr version is that he went on Bill Maher's show and said "I feel like Asian men have been emasculated so much in America that we're basically treated like Black women." Understandably, black women on twitter were looking for some clarifications on the comment because it sounds like he's shitting on black women to make a point about Asian men but he couldn't have meant that, right? Well it turns out Eddie Huang is a real asshole. He clarified what he meant but also proceeded to be antagonistic, dismissive and sexist to the critics of his statement.

Here's the storify


From Eddie's first comment that started this, I didn't get the feeling he was trying to put Black Women down but rather say that Black Women and Asian Men where both looked down upon and mistreated along a certain axis. What that axis wasn't super clear so asking for clarification makes sense. I kind of feel @BlackGirlDanger went into this a bit unnecessarily agitated/edgy because she interpreted that differently than I did but she gave the man the chance to clear himself. What he in turn did is shocking to say the least. Like WTF was that dude doing near the end O_O

"Blah blah never go full retard blah blah" applies here.

Glad that Joss Whedon thing got cleared up. That whole situation was very fucking hilarious in hindsight. People complaining about fake outrage creating fake outage to complain about.

Even if that narrative was false (I didn't want to comment before because I wanted to actually hear something from the man's mouth - that narrative did seem too weird to be true) that doesn't change the fact that some people threw some really dumb shit his way over that movie. Glad to see he is generally able to shrug that shit off though.


I'm sure people threw dumb shit his way from angles that weren't tied in with ess jay double-you's but why was that made into the reason for him leaving when it wasn't even true? Once again he's a public figure which unfortunately means that being present on a social media platform like twitter which everyone with an internet connection has access to and isn't moderated or filtered makes you the subject of scrutiny sometimes in such a celebrity obsessed culture. Whether it be irrational, lacking in critical thinking, and nuance from someone trying to defend their pet issue or from someone who plain just thought your movie sucked. Everything you do is put under a microscope already this just what happens when you tie voices to that shit. It's not right but it's the way of the beast.

I also find it funny that homeboy leaves twitter and everyone is like online harassment has to stop, we need to do something about the social justice bullies, and the internet has a collective meltdown but women like Anita Sarkesian probably still receives death threats and hate messages and the world keeps spinning.


"If you don't like the abuse, why don't you just leave Twitter?"

*Whedon does exactly this*

"Why would he leave?! This online harassment must stop!"

Now he says it wasn't because of the abuse - which I believe; Whedon, being a creative (and a hyper visible one at that) is probably use to taking all sorts of shit for his work - but I still find it funny how easily we abandon the "just log off" mentality when someone actually does it.

And that Eddie Huang shit? Geeeeeeeez. I'm one of the first people to say I think online feminists I generally admire can be a little too combative - and no, I don't think it's always a case of their opponents needing thicker skin; some of these women really do just go for the jugular as soon as you say something they don't like - but ol' boy really did just fall apart toward the end there. Sometimes, you just gotta take the L and bow out, but those Type A personalities man. lol


I'm sure people threw dumb shit his way from angles that weren't tied in with ess jay double-you's but why was that made into the reason for him leaving when it wasn't even true? Once again he's a public figure which unfortunately means that being present on a social media platform like twitter which everyone with an internet connection has access to and isn't moderated or filtered makes you the subject of scrutiny sometimes in such a celebrity obsessed culture. Whether it be irrational, lacking in critical thinking, and nuance from someone trying to defend their pet issue or from someone who plain just thought your movie sucked. Everything you do is put under a microscope already this just what happens when you tie voices to that shit. It's not right but it's the way of the beast.

I also find it funny that homeboy leaves twitter and everyone is like online harassment has to stop, we need to do something about the social justice bullies, and the internet has a collective meltdown but women like Anita Sarkesian probably still receives death threats and hate messages and the world keeps spinning.

I think the "this is clearly the primary/sole reason he left" mentality was erroneous, especially with so little info on hand. I don't think it is that outlandish though to have thought it might have been a contributing factor. Like I think "I wonder if the shade this group was throwing his way was at all in anyway a factor" is a thought someone can have if they are a normal human being and not just a "them SJWs took 'er games" type of person.

As for the later point, are you implying that people don't care about the shit that gets thrown Anita's way or just fewer people care? I can understand fewer people in the grand scheme of things caring because less people know her (her domain is gaming whereas Joss covers TV and Movies) but I certainly do think people care. It's a fucking crime the shit that gets tossed her way just because she's a female or has an opinion some people don't like. I feel like everybody (at least on GAF) is on the "Twitter needs some form of moderation" train. Any difference in reaction is due to notoriety - the few times GamerGate got into the general public consciousnesses I certainly feel normal people were outraged and saddened at what was happening to Anita and others like her.


I think the "this is clearly the primary/sole reason he left" mentality was erroneous, especially with so little info on hand. I don't think it is that outlandish though to have thought it might have been a contributing factor. Like I think "I wonder if the shade this group was throwing his way was at all in anyway a factor" is a thought someone can have if they are a normal human being and not just a "them SJWs took 'er games" type of person.

As for the later point, are you implying that people don't care about the shit that gets thrown Anita's way or just fewer people care? I can understand fewer people in the grand scheme of things caring because less people know her (her domain is gaming whereas Joss covers TV and Movies) but I certainly do think people care. It's a fucking crime the shit that gets tossed her way just because she's a female or has an opinion some people don't like. I feel like everybody (at least on GAF) is on the "Twitter needs some form of moderation" train. Any difference in reaction is due to notoriety - the few times GamerGate got into the general public consciousnesses I certainly feel normal people were outraged and saddened at what was happening to Anita and others like her.

I wanted to say basically what rei-gun said but worded it wrong.


Have a weird story.

So I was driving to prom on Friday evening (about 30 minutes from my house!). An average day nothing special. Get onto a 6 lane road, mostly empty. As I'm driving, all of a sudden I hear this revving sound. To my left pulls up a red pick-up truck flying an American flag on the back with a father and son in it. Just as I start thinking "Wow, I'm a bit suspicious, but at least it wasn't a confederate flag", to my right a nearly identical red pick-up truck with another father-son pair drives up. This one has a confederate flag on the back. My suspicion kicks in fully, and they start leering at me. For about a mile and a half they stay exactly even with me, speeding up when I do, slowing down et cetera, until randomly they branch off to the right and leave.

Will County is somehow the South in all of my excursions there.
"If you don't like the abuse, why don't you just leave Twitter?"

*Whedon does exactly this*

"Why would he leave?! This online harassment must stop!"

Now he says it wasn't because of the abuse - which I believe; Whedon, being a creative (and a hyper visible one at that) is probably use to taking all sorts of shit for his work - but I still find it funny how easily we abandon the "just log off" mentality when someone actually does it.

And that Eddie Huang shit? Geeeeeeeez. I'm one of the first people to say I think online feminists I generally admire can be a little too combative - and no, I don't think it's always a case of their opponents needing thicker skin; some of these women really do just go for the jugular as soon as you say something they don't like - but ol' boy really did just fall apart toward the end there. Sometimes, you just gotta take the L and bow out, but those Type A personalities man. lol
With the amount of characters he kills in his shows I doubt anything about AoU would make him quit
Wait, so Dr. Ben Carson kicks off his candidacy for President with a smoking hot gospel cover of Eminem's "Lose Yourself"? And by cover, I mean the choir just sings the chorus and says religious stuff where the rap is supposed to be? Someone needs to ask about Mrs. Carson's spaghetti. And ask Dr. Carson if he's ever heard any of Marshall Mathers' other fine popular music songs.
Have a weird story.

So I was driving to prom on Friday evening (about 30 minutes from my house!). An average day nothing special. Get onto a 6 lane road, mostly empty. As I'm driving, all of a sudden I hear this revving sound. To my left pulls up a red pick-up truck flying an American flag on the back with a father and son in it. Just as I start thinking "Wow, I'm a bit suspicious, but at least it wasn't a confederate flag", to my right a nearly identical red pick-up truck with another father-son pair drives up. This one has a confederate flag on the back. My suspicion kicks in fully, and they start leering at me. For about a mile and a half they stay exactly even with me, speeding up when I do, slowing down et cetera, until randomly they branch off to the right and leave.

Will County is somehow the South in all of my excursions there.
I actually live in middle of nowhere Alabama and don't have to put up with that kind of shit....damn.



Anyone who doesn't understand this has a long way to go in understanding race relations.

I've watched this video and I'm a bit afraid to look at the comments. I don't think there is a problem with the underlying message of the video but there is a whole lot of nuance (focusing on the Ferguson situation) that I understand due to experience/reading that isn't touched upon in the video and thus will be lost on the less informed.

"Black kid is killed by a White cop, facts don't matter its Racism" is a naive understanding of the situation that a classmate and her teacher have that she's right to call out. The facts always matter and I kind of winced when I heard that quote from her classmate.

However, due to time constraints, she doesn't touch upon how the manner in which Black people, especially Black men, are stereotyped may have played a role in this encounter ever happening or escalating the way it did. She doesn't touch upon the relatively adversarial relationship that Black people and the police (regardless of the race of the officers) have and the statistics that consistently back this up (especially in Ferguson). She never touches upon the consistent demonization of Black victims that occurred here and in pretty much all these sorts of incidents. It's absolutely not, "herp derp Black kid got shot ergo Racism" but rather a complex shadow of racial politics and tensions that loom over the event in a way it doesn't loom over incidents where innocent/unarmed White victims are in play. All that context is so important to understand in any of these sorts of events in addition to the actual facts of the case, which again always do matter, but the video glosses over all of them.

On her second major point talking about the riots and looting that broke out in Ferguson. I think (hope) we can all agree that nobody wants to see riots and looting is never justified. Those whose thought process is "them Blacks gonna riot & loot, that's just the way they are" can get bent. The issue is the way she frames this discussion. "Is rioting and looting the only way to solve issues in a free, democratic society?". Hell no it isn't! However, rioting is never Plan A but rather usually Plan W or X. Throughout human history, particular events have been the catalyst for major riots but its never been a case of "things were going absolutely, swimmingly well but then this one bad thing happened so lets riot" but rather the event in question, though usually particularly egregious, is event # 3513532512353 in a line of fucked up shit and the "guilty party" has done a swell job of not listening in the years/decades this shit has been going on. She also fails to mention how the police worked to escalate the situation in Ferguson due to their incompetence nor does she really offer alternate paths to take. Do the locals try to take over all the public offices? How easy is that? How long would it take? How many months would they have to wait to hear about what happened to Micheal Brown in the meantime?

Her general point, we are also fucking human beings so treat us as such for better or worse, is spot on, She is absolutely right in that people who would go one spouting stuff like "I see no color" (she doesn't say that but the people she describes would say those sorts of things) are often more dangerous than skinheads because those sorts of "well-meaning" people have more power and likely to pedal racist thought processes without even realizing it (though some do of course).

The way her video is structured, without all that important subtext, however is problematic not because she' saying lies but rather you KNOW someone is going to watch this and post it on Facebook or forums when the subject of Affirmative Action comes up or when in threads like we had last week that were many people were way more interested in "message being lost amongst the riots" than what actually happened to Freddie Gray.

Will reading the comments to that video make me hate myself?


Junior Member
Wait, what's going on in this video? Most of it looks like an "I see no color" speech. The "no kids gloves" and "facts matter" parts are spot-on, but look at the related videos on the side:

Who Are the Racists: Conservatives or Liberals?
Feminism vs. Truth
The World's Most Persecuted Minority: Christians
War on Boys
Why You Should Love Fossil Fuel
Have a weird story.

So I was driving to prom on Friday evening (about 30 minutes from my house!). An average day nothing special. Get onto a 6 lane road, mostly empty. As I'm driving, all of a sudden I hear this revving sound. To my left pulls up a red pick-up truck flying an American flag on the back with a father and son in it. Just as I start thinking "Wow, I'm a bit suspicious, but at least it wasn't a confederate flag", to my right a nearly identical red pick-up truck with another father-son pair drives up. This one has a confederate flag on the back. My suspicion kicks in fully, and they start leering at me. For about a mile and a half they stay exactly even with me, speeding up when I do, slowing down et cetera, until randomly they branch off to the right and leave.

Will County is somehow the South in all of my excursions there.
you should have done "I'm not the black you're looking for" while waving your hand slowly


Sasuke has a falcon that he uses to message the village and despite that he has never even tried to contact his daughter. He just never stops being a huge dick lmao.


I actually live in middle of nowhere Alabama and don't have to put up with that kind of shit....damn.
Yeah somehow as soon as one leaves the Chicagoland part of Illinois, or the less rural parts, it becomes reminiscent of my time in Mississippi. People even have the southern drawl as soon as you switch counties!

Maybe those guys just thought Africanus was that Nigerian prince they made a million-dollar exchange with and were trying to get paid.
I was dressed up in my traditional garb... I wonder if that might explain it.

you should have done "I'm not the black you're looking for" while waving your hand slowly
Eh I'm not tryna get got before it's my time haha.


Anyone here been to a steak n shake? How are they? I keep getting these coupons from them. Even if they aren't that good I want to try them at least once.
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