it kinda is. When you see most of the planet tilting at whatever windmills western 'media/status quo/powers that be' set up as "issues with merit" and then you see Japan having no fucks left to give, it's just reminds you that America ain't shit.
America always was that born again christian who spent years just fucking people over, and now that they "seen the light" they go around doing the most, playing moral role model when they barely have the right.
I don't know what the R Mika deal is, but the whole issue with Quiet seemed so over blown, over the top, waste of conversation. And now that I finally see all of her weird cutscenes, holy shit, she's a weird mutant plant thing using her weird bikini and cat-like stretching to annoy the Boss when he's trying to unlock weapons and shit on his PDA. She "sets women back to before the days they could vote and wore long boots with buttons and shit". and is immediately forgettable as anything but a tabula rasa.
If she's the perfect victim, or if she's just kind of interesting and strange, and you're content to let her go on he way after mission
, it doesn't even matter. In 3 months it will be "remember Quiet?"