I assumed as much. I'm certainly not going to give dude undo credit..I'm just not ready to shoot the guy down before AT MINIMUM an episode, and realistically, about a year in. Every host had their sweet spot. You've got to give a person time to at least attempt to get there.
Also, Jon loves America, and never hesitated to shit on it. That's reality. Anyone saying otherwise is..well, "funny" is the word I'll use.
The issue is most people assume Jon Stewart = The Daily Show, similar to Colbert = The Colbert Report, not realizing that it is the writing staff that makes most of these shows happen. Example, many posters in the Colbert late show thread seemed surprised when Colbert was doing "Colbert Report bits" despite the fact that Letterman took his entire writing staff when he left and Colbert took his entire Colbert Report staff with him. Obviously his staff is going to write what they know how to write, which is Colbert Report bits. If Letterman's staff had stayed on, you'd have seen Colbert doing Letterman bits.
In addition, I think most people expect Trevor Noah to be Larry Wilmore/turn the Daily Show into the Nightly Show, not realizing that one of the main reasons Larry got his spot is because he has had a long history writing black TV shows and sitcoms including the Fresh Prince, The Jamie Foxx show, the PJs, and the Bernie Mac show. Unfortunately Larry and his staff had never done a late night show before, so it took him a couple of weeks to find his groove. Trevor won't have this problem since he has the fully seasoned Daily Show staff from the get go and pretty much has to "play Jon Stewart".
This, and the fact that a bunch of people want him to fail, I know his first show is going to be incredible since the Daily Show staff now has something to prove. Despite all of this though, I already expect certain coded responses like "The show is ok but I liked Jon better. Trevor is just too street for this show".