You know she smokes Newports and has a little kid that is cute but hair is fucked up
You know she smokes Newports and has a little kid that is cute but hair is fucked up
She must be one of those that went to africa in search of you know what from a while back.
Atleast she ain't racist and hate her kid like a certain sperm donated lady who got the wrong flavor.
LOL. love the Rock.
I thought i was going to feel that way before i played it, but once i got into it, i didn't mind them not being there anymore.i cant fuck with the new battlefront. i didnt realize just how much i would miss classes until i played it
Eh, you fam, trying to get by.Hey hows everyone doing , what ya up to.
My condolences to you and your family.Just came back from my great grand dads funeral
Yep yep.One of the best DCAU movies. Up there with Under the Redhood
I don't know how to feel.
I ask if some professional L'oreal hair boutique if they have hair product for curly hair and this girl tells me and I quote 'we don't carry product for negroid hair'......
One my hair is partially curly and I continued telling her that 'WE' have kinky or curly hair.
You know she smokes Newports and has a little kid that is cute but hair is fucked up
I forgot that was the thing in Europe
That hair cut hitting it too deep.
not to sound ignorant, but how did comic book cons become feat. Videogames/movies/tvshows/anime/random ish etc?
they fucked it up, it was supposed to be called the "i have mixed kids" starter pack
Why you would tattoo that on yourself i don't know. Anything else would be better.
A Queen of Spades card tattoo would have been more subtle. Shout out to Slayven.
Hey hows everyone doing , what ya up to. Just came back from my great grand dads funeral
they fucked it up, it was supposed to be called the "i have mixed kids" starter pack
man I watched Flashpoint Paradox...jesus.
But I like Randall Park, have I be secretly asian all along?
Believe this manGo read the spinoff comic about Batman and the Joker. In my opinion that's one of the best Joker variations.
This explains so much!
I cracked and bought Undertale.
Are those hoops?
Guessing so..Are those hoops?
Shit Marvel is planning some black on black violence
Nighthawk vs Black Panther
Two brothers that give no fucks and smart enough to make it stick.
You know they will address each other as "Dear Brother"
No one's listening..
No one's listening..
Hey..I appreciate the swift hand, I'm just saying. In the real world? Keep praying..they'll keep preying..Bishop must of been listening lol
Really was I watched Flashpoint Paradox...jesus.
Yeah..pretty sure that's my favorite Animated DC movie. It was something else, no doubt..Yo when Barry gave Bruce that letter, in Flashpoint
Yo when Barry gave Bruce that letter, in Flashpoint
Yeah..pretty sure that's my favorite Animated DC movie. It was something else, no doubt..
Ravens dad admits he cant save her,lol damn
Article said:Raven is a really Beautiful, Sweethearted, Human Being. I should know. Her Mother and I Love her Very much and will always support her and have her back. Even if sometimes .she says some dumb S#%T!
I agree with what he is saying though. She is a grown ass woman and can own what she says without people trying to shake down the family tree asking why she says dumb shit.
Ravens dad admits he cant save her,lol damn
I like how 75% of the thread is GAF unironically talking about how they talked down to a retail employee trying to do their job.I'm dying over here xD
Edit: That gamestop thread is jokes tho.
lol..must be tough.
Ravens dad admits he cant save her,lol damn
Is there a link? I couldn't find it..That gamestop thread is a thing of beauty
I agree with what he is saying though. She is a grown ass woman and can own what she says without people trying to shake down the family tree asking why she says dumb shit.
I think her father noticed the irony of her talking shit about Watermelondrea while being graced with a name like Raven-Symone. "Raven honey, you DO realize you just insulted your mother and me, riiiiight?"
You mean they can't be friends? Dap each other up?
Yo when Barry gave Bruce that letter, in Flashpoint
And Flashpoint Wonder Woman is just murdering her way to the top.
She had her heart broken once. by an evil MAN. she's basically MRA hate-mascot Wonder Woman
They did him so dirtybut that Pirate Deathstroke
Got merced with the quickness.but that Pirate Deathstroke
Who was voiced by general Martok from the star treks.but that Pirate Deathstroke
What game is that. ?This game...this fuckin' game. I can see why it got the praise it did. and for less than $10 too.
Ravens dad admits he cant save her,lol damn