User 73706
Now I want a hero named "Nigga Rider"
Queen of Chicken by day, Roy of Alan by night
Now I want a hero named "Nigga Rider"
Y'all will be saying this same shit 10 years from now..and she'll still be a fucking idiot. Bet her and Stacy have lunch everyday..
hold on
hold up
is she wearing flip-flops to school?
What about Asians doe..
What about Asians doe..
lol..geezuz..When will Native Americans get over it?
But guys, we gotta look at it from "another angle." You know, devil's advocate and bullshit.
Tuck you back in, brehs.
Tuck you back in, brehs.
instead of breaking his back he slammed the dude into the side walk. It was kind of freaky because they guy wasn't even bulked, just average.
Thought it was Ben Kinsley for a second lol..Bruh......
Roasted her marshmellow ass on an open fire.![]()
Tuck you back in, brehs.
Queen of Chicken by day, Roy of Alan by night
Tuck you back in, brehs.
There's this, but I think he or she is being sarcastic, especially since no one was paying attention to that post.
Play the prototype already. It's free!
That nigga said I want all your confidence gone by morning lmaooo![]()
Tuck you back in, brehs.
War and PeaceAny suggestions for a reading light?
HahaWar and Peace
This looks really awesome but I',m afraid with only two weeks left to raise over a million, it isn't going to make it. Here's hoping it does. I don't often support crowdfunding but this seems like an exception and a really good cause.On a side note, a fair number of new playable character designs have been revealed for Indivisible. The most recent was this guy:
A coffee farmer named Kaldi with South African influences. A partial list of revealed playable characters:,w_620/v1445330276/fnkv0hatlhepeywrlmne.jpg
When you add in the main character, there are actually more people of color revealed as playable characters so far than not O_O
If you've got any money it would be super swell if you could throw some support for this project.
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I think I'm going to make a mini mission out of nabbing some Nuka Cola Quantum when I pick up a copy of Fallout 4.
I was already looking at playing this a month or so ago, but this is great news/I'll have to support this. Have any GAFer's expressed how unconfortable the game makes them feel yet?
This looks really awesome but I',m afraid with only two weeks left to raise over a million, it isn't going to make it. Here's hoping it does. I don't often support crowdfunding but this seems like an exception and a really good cause.
Fuck, I just tried to contribute and it gave this message:
you tryna die my nigga?
Jones makes good soda. I should be aight.
But do you know what Quantum does to the body right? lol
D'aaaw. That was cute.
This looks really awesome but I',m afraid with only two weeks left to raise over a million, it isn't going to make it. Here's hoping it does. I don't often support crowdfunding but this seems like an exception and a really good cause.
Fuck, I just tried to contribute and it gave this message: