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The Black Culture Thread |OT12| Days of Future Bans

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platinum not sodium.
platinum is a really nonreactive metal, thats why they like to use in in medical instruments and implants.
Yo! The tone was fucking set! LOL..I don't understand it, personally. I new so many girls who played it was ridiculous. My wife and I know mothers that named their daughters Kitana and Mileena..I'm NOT kidding.

I think there's a fear in some of these young cats who have linked video games so deeply to their identities, a fear they may not even be aware of, that their masculinity feels threatened by women sharing an interest. Would probably make an interesting study if people went in-depth.

I can sort of understand it. I have usually let my identity on here be vague and cloaked in mystery, but fuck it. When I was growing up I was constantly told by my mother that playing games was meant for boys and not for girls. This was a little odd to me since my mother did play Duck Hunt from time to time when I was little, but I believe she thought the amount I play is akin to a male's habits. My mother used to be concerned about it and talked to my father about it when she and him were in the other room, but I could still hear it and she expressed her concerns about it and she came to the conclusion that I would just grow out of it.

As you can see today of course I didn't and I became more intrigued and passionate about the medium as the years went on. During my elementary school years I did talk about games from time to time with both the boys and girls. I wouldn't get scrutinized half the time, but the other half I was mocked by both the boys and the girls for my interests including my different appearance. I believe this was around the 4th grade where this happened the first time. A little more from teasing from the girls probably because I tended to hang around them more because they were my own.

In high school is where the shit hit its peak. I was starting my first novel then and those nosy ass bitches who used to read my shit without permission and ask me about what my influence was laughed at me when I told them my inspiration was Final Fantasy IX. I was also constantly writing out maps and plans for various game ideas as well and used to constantly hear whispers from those girls, who were intentionally whispering loudly enough for me to hear about how I'm a dyke and need to be watched out for because I'm trying to turn someone out and how I'm weirdly obsessed with games like some nerdy ass white boy. There was a small group of other geeks I hung out with for one year back then and that's where I felt some comfort. I was the only female there, but I wasn't scrutinized for my habits. I did witness the boys getting picked on for playing games, but the experience was a bit different for me.

Those particular boys were the ones who were geeks like me and that got talked shit on from other boys, but those same boys did always talking about getting the new Madden or Live because Live was still relevant then and sometimes I heard GTA and Kane & Lynch one time, but oddly, but not surprising given my other exposures, those boys got talked on behind their backs from girls who complained about boys playing those games and how they were more concerned about the game than giving them attention.

These opinions were not limited to hear as I heard similar sentiments from other members of my family. One of my aunts used to say the same thing as my mother. Told me it wasn't lady like and would constantly try to make me play with toys for girls and try to get me into trying out makeup. She really had no filter and said some shit later that I don't want to get into at the moment, but cousins were on a similar tip. One I haven't seen in a while, but the other used to have a Game Gear and a Dreamcast when I was growing up and played it from time to time and later on when I got older I asked her about it and she said she grew out of it and just her man and her boys play and she didn't quite say it, but I could tell on the look on her face that she was questioning why I was still playing them, but the biggest offender was my brother. Despite the fact that he used to play games with me a lot when I was younger, seems pretty adverse to my love of it now. He also made comments about me acting like a nerdy white boy, but said nah "actually I know white boys, you're just some kind of other weird". He never really seemed to have any faith of my aspirations to work in the industry and doesn't seem to believe me when I tell him that I will someday be running my own shit. What really bothered me was how he used to crouch down in front of my younger brother and whisper to him how he doesn't want my little brother to be like me playing games all the time. I also remember my mother saying one time to me that it's bad enough that you're bring all that attention to yourself being a stud along with being into video games, so that's why you have a hard time connecting with people.

Aside from him there were a bunch of other black women I knew that I recall saying that "a grown man shouldn't be playing video games" and this animosity to video games and as a male hobby I've see perpetuated in the media numerous times. One off the top of my head is from Tyler Perry's Daddy's Little Girls when Gabrielle Union's character came off of a date and was complaining to one of her girlfriends about not being able to find a man. Quote script: "And if you're a black woman
that wants to actually date a black man,
kind of difficult.
No, seriously, and if you want a black man
that has good credit,
actually wants to date a black woman
and doesn't play video games.
- Good luck."

Also when I went off to college and I casually mentioned to this girl that I got finish playing a little bit of my game and she said it was a lot and I was like nah it was just a few minutes. Being in school here, I don't have much time to play like I used to and she responded with it's a lot to her because she was brought up being told that it was a boy thing to play video games. It's cool if I do, but it's just weird to her. I did meet a few other women there who did play. One was my RA for like a week who said some fuck shit about Nintendo being too kiddy and another was one I was trying to get with who was a Computer Science major, but she was scandalous and the less I say the better. One day one of my professors gave us an assignment to conduct a student survey about a particular piece of media and since I love games, I try to squeeze it into any of my work when I came and decided to ask about game devices much like that survey. I did get way more men than women from my survey that owned game consoles, it was actually just a measly three. I was quite sad to see that.

My experiences are primarily confined to growing up as a black woman and I interacted with white women and others ethnic groups minimally, so I'm not sure if it's any different for them, but that was the experience I've had with my life. I do wonder what creates these opinions and ideas. Sure, as I have learned the media takes a part in putting these stereotypes and notions into peoples heads and also from your household and social environment. I just hope things advance and that I can come into an environment where my passion and my sexuality are more accepting.


Awesome post


D i Z

A whole lot of good reading

I just hope things advance and that I can come into an environment where my passion and my sexuality are more accepting.

We'll get there. The very cool thing about this medium is that things are constantly in flux. In comparison to other money making and creative media out there, things seem to move more rapidly (not as quickly as we'd like in some aspects) and in broader leaps. The newer generations of creatives are taking the onus of changing shit more seriously given that we've all got the common history of someone somewhere looking down on gaming and gamers in general.

And I guess it is a bit of a double edged sword with some that are defensive about preserving what gaming means to them. Sooner or later all of that is going to erode as is happening currently with the proliferation of games and gaming tech being so tied to other forms of entertainment. Eventually it'll be at a place where TV and film become the new radio, and gaming is the most accepted and common pass time. By then it (hopefully) isn't gonna matter who the creatives are, just the process and the product to stand on its own merits.


It will happen eventually. Gaming is too widespread to remain the territory of the stereotypical nerd living in their basement.

Candy Crush sold for billions of dollars.

Like most of these things, it will take longer than it should, but it will happen eventually - because people will push for it to happen.
I've always had a little shade thrown my way because of my game playing mainly due to it taking place of priority. I was like always a middle of kinda guy kinda kool with everybody so gamer girls was never a problem for me. Online though...idk it was always sus to me.



damn, cant take a joke.....what happened to being non-pc?

That's a heavy topic and the situation is fucked but I'm kinda annoyed by gaffers wanting every fucking topic, even ones with more light hearted subject matters, to resemble their pretentious ass high school debate class. Especially on a forum where people trip over themselves to adamantly deny racism in the most fucked yo ways.


Junior Member
Im gonnaa suggest that the only interaction some of these people have with women is on their vitas.
Yeah, I laughed at the 'women in their lives' comment.

Black Republican has been exposed. Smell like bacon in this bitch.

Which, out of all quotes from training day, I use that the most.


Junior Member
***** I just hope things advance and that I can come into an environment where my passion and my sexuality are more accepting.
Me too. I used to be hesitant to play games openly around my wife. I could sense her lack of acceptance. But there has been progress. Not saying it's just like your experience but from marrying a black female, I could tell she wasn't accepting of it. Although, it is a time sink and I would say she doesn't like competition for my attention.

So it's interesting hearing your thoughts on why people in high school gave you shit. My oldest is 11 and if I ever see his emails, I see a few thirsty people trying to get his attention. Even at a young age, he is seemingly oblivious and others are trying to make some connection, socially. I guess that causes friction and young people fail at it.

I was happy, at a young age, to play video games nonstop, to completion. Ignoring social connects. It wasn't threatening and I was bullied at a younger age. So I can see why some people have a negative reaction to video games. And it doesn't help that some of our brethren are social rejects.

Either way, I will continue to play into my 60's and I'm even trying to figure out how to play with degrading eye sight (I had to crank my chrome default zoom to 125%. Halp). I'm going to play and use my kids as an excuse. That will help break the stigma. We'll be the first grand parents to play videogames all of our lives.

Hell, we'll probably the first group to force developers to consider aging eye sight in making a game.


Seems like the signal has been received and a couple are being watched right now.
Watch your internets guys. There eyes on them now.
Even Gordon is in their sights .
Seems like the signal has been received and a couple are being watched right now.
Watch your internets guys. There eyes on them now.
Even Gordon is in their sights .

I bet you those aliens 1450 light-years from us are actually just one big ancient human radar dish that the illuminati uses to intercept brain waves.
Yeah, I laughed at the 'women in their lives' comment.

Black Republican has been exposed. Smell like bacon in this bitch.

Which, out of all quotes from training day, I use that the most.

Someone finally making moves and they rounding up BCT.
Good knowing you.

Black Republican's a fed confirmed.

I bet you those aliens 1450 light-years from us are actually just one big ancient human radar dish that the illuminati uses to intercept brain waves.

lmao yall, i can explain, iaintenoo what yall talking about

Plays NWA #FuckDaPolice
There is the free with the core fighters and the rest you buy and then there is the full one but that is a regular game with all the guys and priced accordingly.
Ok. Thanks. I'll buy it when it's $5 lol..that game has barely changed. I swear it was like playing DOA 2.


Ok. Thanks. I'll buy it when it's $5 lol..that game has barely changed. I swear it was like playing DOA 2.
On PS3 or PS4?
There are so many of them it's hard to keep up with DOA 5. Got vannila,+,ultimate,core fighters,Last round.
Couldn't deal and just got the free one and bought Lisa and was set. Not need for anyone else.

nvm i see you got the PS4 one.


Used to the struggle of getting overlooked man.
yh it's SWE.
Happens rarely to US and everyone freaks out.
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