I actually have backed quite a few crowdfunded projects, so I'm no stranger to this being a common practice particularly in indie game development. That doesn't mean to say that it's not a rookie mistake and generally bad for the future of crowdfunding in general. As I've already said, it sets a terrible baseline and expectancy level that is hard to come from under.
I actually have quite a bit of real world experience with publicly facing large scale projects, a couple of decades worth. And I have dealt with quite a lot of marketing and PR snafu's along the way. The kind that linger in the public conscious and affect ongoing development and future endeavors.
Your defense of them from within the community is fine and dandy, but we're not talking about that. The fact remains that the new project is woefully short of meeting their goals.
And as a result they are going to be done and done. I've tried to illustrate how the navel gazing with the current fan base has left them ill prepared to engage anything larger. All of these little pockets of negativity are what prospective punters are seeing first before they even get a chance to ask for financial assistance.
Let me ask you this. Besides the questionable (in hindsight) choice of going with Indiegogo as a do or die approach, what would you say is the biggest factor in this new project being underfunded? What in their optics, in your opinion, is holding them back?
The game looks solid, and from what I've played it could really be something.
I've listed some very real business and perception issues that they have without going into their finance management, and your response to all of them is either that this is how things are done in crowdfunding (not so much really, mostly by first timers and the desperate) and evidence of things being addressed to satisfaction within the community. That's all great if the community that is already overly invested was all that was relevant to their needs, but it ain't.
I'd like to see them pull this one out. What would you suggest?
People thirsty for that Overwatch game.
Glad it's coming to console not having a good PC. Will try it if the network doesn't launch broken.
That dude Reinhardt looks real sick with his Jethammer.
Best weapon ever.
What's cooler than a chunk of metal propelled by a jet engine towards your face?
It does look good, but from what I've seen they haven't tackled the problem with balancing snipers very well. They've made them damn near untouchable at times.