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The Black Culture Thread |OT12| Days of Future Bans

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Getting hot in here. I am going to call the cops


We made fun of Jandro so much he's out here making apps for us.

D i Z

Well then I apologize for making assumptions. I'm sorry. I only argue because I don't see what they did so wrong or could have done differently in the past. Everything they've done has more or less been consistent with what other crowdfunding projects I've seen do and its really hard for me to follow the logic of someone who thinks as the hypotheticals you've outlined do. I will admit backer psychology can be weird as hell though. Unfortunately we can only rely on anecdotal evidence which can always be suspect. What I've personally seen doesn't corroborate what you say. That doesn't mean you haven't seen different (again that's the issue with anecdotes) but since I can't see the logic in some of the trains of thought you've espoused and your experiences will be just as anecdotal as mine I'm left unconvinced?

That's fine. We're on the same page as to what we would like to see happen.

Anyway, I think the biggest issues (aside from IGG) have been coverage and that its a new IP. Most of the big videogame kickstarters have been a "direct sequel or spiritual successor to that IP you liked made by most/all of the same people who made it in the past". I think the last part is important too because even if I thought Lab Zero could do a better job at making a 2D Metroid game than Nintendo could do right now, I'm sure if Nintendo, or former Nintendo employees, put up a KS for a new Metroid like game, it would do better of the two. Also the "fuck big publisher X" narrative seems to get a lot of people to part with their money. Lots of people gave to games like Mighty No 9, Yooka-Laylee and Bloodstained because it let them say "fuck you Capcom/Microsoft/Rare/Konami!". With regards to coverage (especially at the start) most of those games got spots on big streams or feature articles (rather than small blurbs), etc. Like whenever Indivisible got a coverage boost (Youtubers play the prototype, Guest Characters announced, Jim Sterling talks about it) the money donated shoots up. It probably helps that almost all coverage of the project are almost unanimously positive.They however weren't able to get BIG streams/articles with this game but I have no idea how much of that is on Lab Zero, how much is on the media,I have no idea how hard or how much it costs to get those premium spots, etc. It's clear a lot of energy on Lab Zero's part went into making that prototype.The daily pledge amounts for most days of the campaign have actually been good compared to a lot of other major campaigns (though there were some slow spots as with any campaign). The issue was the start of the campaign (which means the back-end has to pick up the slack) not really the middle.

You're absolutely right about the sticking it to the big publisher narrative being a wrecking ball for promotional purposes. It's a shame that they can't use that one.

What can they do at this point? I'm not entirely sure. I think one more "big" announcement could push it over the top (I still think they have a shot at making it now though it will be just barely if so). It's also hard for me to say what they could have done differently during the middle. They've been doing interviews, they worked out the guest deals, they put the prototype on PSN. It would have been nice if some of that stuff came out earlier but I have no idea how hard it was for them to get this stuff done. If they can get a spot on a big stream near the end that would be great but I have no idea how hard/easy that is to do. Like I wouldn't say their campaign was run perfectly but I do think it was better run that a lot of ones out there that have succeeded.

Do you know if they have anything happening this weekend for Extralife? I didn't check the thread for that specifically. I've checked Twitch for any live streams. Zero. I'm not at all sure if there is some kind of funky contractual reason behind this, but if ever there was a time to get a game out before a massive amount of eyeballs it would be now. Especially with access being free. Youtube presence is a bit better as there are several updates posted over the last couple of days. Youtubes surfacing tools are absolute dogshit though, so everything that is posted is reliant upon people actively searching for it, or just blindly stumbling onto it.


So something that came across my mind with the holidays near - Kwanzaa

Does anybody celebrate that or know someone who does? I feel like I heard a lot about the holiday in the 90s but I've barely heard a peep about it recently. Is it more commonly practiced now or less? What are people's general thoughts on the holiday?

I skimmed past this picture and just thought it was something by a devoted Carson fan but I stopped by the Carson OT and learned it's something that hangs in his own damn house? LMFAO WOW

Nigga you had a whole blog detailing the story of the mobile game. You're part of the fandom lol

ayyy lmao <3


Accurate description of this thread from time to time

Do you know if they have anything happening this weekend for Extralife? I didn't check the thread for that specifically. I've checked Twitch for any live streams. Zero. I'm not at all sure if there is some kind of funky contractual reason behind this, but if ever there was a time to get a game out before a massive amount of eyeballs it would be now. Especially with access being free. Youtube presence is a bit better as there are several updates posted over the last couple of days. Youtubes surfacing tools are absolute dogshit though, so everything that is posted is reliant upon people actively searching for it, or just blindly stumbling onto it.

I just looked up Extra Life. A cool venture but I don't think its the right venue? "Hey guys isn't this prototype cool? Rather than give money to help fight cancer, give money to us!". That seems scummy? Maybe the hope is that people would donate to cancer AND them but still if they are siphoning any money for themselves, which would be the point, I can't imagine that would be a good look.
So something that came across my mind with the holidays near - Kwanzaa

Does anybody celebrate that or know someone who does? I feel like I heard a lot about the holiday in the 90s but I've barely heard a peep about it recently. Is it more commonly practiced now or less? What are people's general thoughts on the holiday?

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