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The Black Culture Thread |OT12| Days of Future Bans

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Why is it that whenever I leave out to do real world shit for more than an hour, this thread gets heated?

I had a FoxDie-style virus injected into you during your last flu shot. Instead of simulating a heart attack, it dulls the part of the hypothalamus that deals with empathy and anger. Keeps things nice and cool in here.




bitch I'm taking calls.
RE: God discussion

What has been discussed here is actually a really common contested discussion in philosophy called The Problem of Evil. It's a very interesting paradox that has no answer but many strong arguments by both people of faith and atheists.

I think we respect each other enough to discuss without hostility. I think the main objection came when a dream drop was unfairly critical on the negativity of some atheists.
a thought to share before considering a thread. atheists and those who claim that god is a negative thing always point to the fact that god allows bad things to happen. but if god intervened in every event, this would essentially prevent the true flow and ebb of life, it would pervert free will and cause and effect and everything else if god was there to catch every glass before it fell or extend every life to 100. There would be no such thing as choice or chance or failing or evil, the struggle of living would be meaningless if it existed at all. If their entire premise is that they don't need god to lead a moral and good life on earth, god's whole point seems to be you don't need him/her to make life on earth a wonderful thing free of pain or suffering, you just have to choose it. That same free will and self interest based decision making is why we are all where we are. We blame god when it's humanity and we blame god for allowing humanity to be human.
This is actually a hybrid of the main arguments why evil can exist in a world with a God, i.e. The crucible of the human soul along with the free will argument. I happen to agree with what you are saying and think that it's possible overcoming struggle and the pursuit of good could be a major purpose of life under a benevolent God. That doesn't excuse everything that happens but it is certainly an interesting thing to think about.

Philosophy isn't so much about answers as it is about asking and considering interesting questions.


I had a FoxDie-style virus injected into you during your last flu shot. Instead of simulating a heart attack, it dulls the part of the hypothalamus that deals with empathy and anger.
Knew I shouldn't have trusted those damn vaccines. Jenny McCarthy was right.



Surely you meant grape.

so many variables, and exposure to OT would only make things worse. the real answer seems to be that religion has spent centuries shitting that bed, and it will take at least a few centuries more to clean it up. But I think it actually could be reconciled. Pendulums swing and passions inflame.

peach preserves on a popeyes biscuit is the goat.

The Adder

Uh, sure. I think those critical of religion point out fucked up shit happens to prove that God is not benevolent or merciful, ergo worshipping Him is pointless. misplaced. I don't think it's a free will argument more than it is trying to rationalize what a supreme being is capable of, and how what happens in our world does not follow the common depiction of such a God. Critics are simply pointing out the hypocrisy of this supposed God.

I.e, how can you say God is good when there are millions starving?

Because, as noted in Akira's post, the alternative is humanity being made unable to commit negative acts. Everyone incapable of being anything but good and kind to one another. Because the vast majority of human suffering is either inflicted by humans upon other humans, or can be easily mitigated by humans if we were willing to do so.

No child HAS to starve. We have food enough for everyone.

No person HAS to go without shelter. We have space enough for everyone.

Even disease can be conquered, or at least mitigated, if we as a species decided to go for it.

But we have free will. We have a choice. And we make the selfish one every single day.

That's why it's a free will argument.

If there's a god or gods, be they benevolent or otherwise, they do not allow "bad things" to happen. They provided us with the means to better ourselves and allow us to choose whether or not we do.


so many variables, and exposure to OT would only make things worse. the real answer seems to be that religion has spent centuries shitting that bed, and it will take at least a few centuries more to clean it up. But I think it actually could be reconciled. Pendulums swing and passions inflame.

peach preserves on a popeyes biscuit is the goat.

The only reason that you should make that thread is if you are me and like to see things fall into chaos and people snapping at each others throats.


bitch I'm taking calls.
The bootstraps fallacy suggests that anyone can overcome their circumstances if they just "try harder". I don't think that's what he is saying here. No matter what decisions a singular person makes in this situation, only a universal chance could make the things he describes possible.

All the things Adder describes may technically be possible, but don't happen in our world. Why?

One answer is that humanity, or more accurately 'society', makes selfish decisions rather than righteous ones. People often care only about the people and things near them, instead of seeing humanity as one.


Imma just come back in a few hours when someone decides to post some black Steven Universe cosplay

Does it have to be SU?


the shit you just said is exactly what racists say about minorities.

Except religion is a choice and race isn't. False equivalence.

The Adder

the shit you just said is exactly what racists say about minorities.

And they'd be right if those racists provided every minority they said it about a home, land, clothes, food and a job and expected no more of them than to be able to care for themselves.

Given that that isn't the case, however, those people are simply willfully ignorant, stupid, or just plain hateful.

Like your reply.

what about hunger, shelter and disease? are those choices or nah?

An individual choice? No. The choice of humanity as a whole? Abso-fucking-lutely. 2 of those things we could get rid of TOMORROW if we wanted to. Entirely. And the other one would be greatly reduced by the extermination of the first two. And could possibly be dealt with completely.

But we've made the choice, not as individuals, but as a species, not to value benevolence over greed.

Do try to see through your euphoria to read my actual post next time, dear friend.


Imma just come back in a few hours when someone decides to post some black Steven Universe cosplay


Black Garnets are like a dime a dozen so I went with something a bit more rare. Still only took me all of 60 seconds to find :p

Also stumbled upon this which is hilarious but random as all hell:


I never ever post bad cosplay. :3


I'm still salty about what happened to her post time skip. Like WTF Oda? :/
An individual choice? No. The choice of humanity as a whole? Abso-fucking-lutely. 2 of those things we could get rid of TOMORROW if we wanted to. Entirely. And the other one would be greatly reduced by the extermination of the first two. And could possibly be dealt with completely.

But we've made the choice, not as individuals, but as a species, not to value benevolence over greed.

Do try to see through your euphoria to read my actual post next time, dear friend.
your post is nonsense when you read it that way. i assumed you were not making an insane leap.



Black Garnets are like a dime a dozen so I went with something a bit more rare. Still only took me all of 60 seconds to find :p

Also stumbled upon this which is hilarious but random as all hell:


I'm still salty about what happened to her post time skip. Like WTF Oda? :/
That wig is tempting. Not as godlike as the real stuff tho


On the other hand Nami has always been shit except now.
I just like cosplay in general maybe lol

I'll cut you.

Not cosplay, but damn I can dig it.

Fucking do it nintendo. Fucking do it. I would love to see those meltdowns.

Oh! OH!
Better fucking plan! Have you play through the whole game, heroic mime and when you beat it, you find out that isn't not Samus but a black girl instead. Can you fucking imagine? We'd be buried in salt.

back on topic:


The Adder

your post is nonsense when you read it that way. i assumed you were not making an insane leap.

What insane leap. Everything I'm saying you, as an atheist ALREADY FUCKING AGREE WITH. Having the means as a species to solve all of the problems we have as a species we are inhibited only by our choice of personal gains over the good of the whole.

Summed up? We are the architects of our own misery.

The only point on which we differ is whether a benevolent god would allow us to treat one another so poorly.

To which I respond: Free will necessitates it. The only way to prevent it is to inhibit free will.

A statement which, in your frothing fervor, you did not bother to addess one way or another.

For someone who's suppossed to be the rational person in the argument, you're doing a piss poor job of arguing rationally.
What insane leap. Everything I'm saying you, as an atheist ALREADY FUCKING AGREE WITH. Having the means as a species to solve all of the problems we have as a species we are inhibited only by our choice of personal gains over the good of the whole.

Summed up? We are the architects of our own misery.

The only point on which we differ is whether a benevolent god would allow us to treat one another so poorly.

To which I respond: Free will necessitates it. The only way to prevent it is to inhibit free will.

A statement which, in your frothing fervor, you did not bother to addess one way or another.

For someone who's suppossed to be the rational person in the argument, you're doing a piss poor job of arguing rationally.
i don't believe.

you keep taking this to mean that i believe in something else and then arguing for/against that ideal.
I'd consider myself atheist if only because I don't believe in what people generally constitute to be a god. That being said, I'm open to religious practice where applicable (e.g. out of empathy), but I wouldn't really consider it a routine part of my life.

I think the god(s) spoken of in human texts are inherently broken by virtue of being engineered and propagated by humans; our gods are manifestations of human consciousness and are prone to all sorts of corruption and evolution. In this sense, I'd consider myself not really buying into "gods of meme," while at the same time being open to the possibility of some form of higher power. Whether it'd even be comprehensible to the naked eye is another question, though; something capable of an event as relatively small as shaping the Earth as we know it already seems like it'd be above and beyond humanly-perceptible scope, something responsible for entire frontiers of space or the greater universe moreso.

Frankly, I think if god(s) exist, they're staring us dead in the eye at this very moment - there's just no way for us to tell. How could we? It would be like iTunes asking Clippy if it could see its creator; I think it's more realistic to assume our universe is theistically "sandboxed," in that it can receive inputs and be manipulated by its creators, though there's no way for the elements within to "punch up" of their own volition, while explicitly being aware they're doing so.


i don't believe.

you keep taking this to mean that i believe in something else and then arguing for/against that ideal.

you're not a theist, ok.

you're not a humanist, then? hm..well.

so...you're...not a nihilist, I'm assuming

you don't believe, in god, in religion in faith, but I don't want to end up in a circular logic loop here.

The Adder

i don't believe.

you keep taking this to mean that i believe in something else and then arguing for/against that ideal.

Lest you forget:


You started an argument with me about a post I made to in response to Trey predicated on my personal answer to the question of why a benevolent god would allow an imperfect world.

I took nothing to mean anything. You were the one who started shit in the first place.

If you didn't want to have a conversation on those terms then why the fuck did you shit post at me? This discussion didn't need to happen.

They turned Thoth into Multiple Man just to get around not having any main actors from anywhere in Africa.

Also, one of the concepts that Thoth ruled over was the art of magic. That's right, he's the Magical Negro.

so in other words why in the fuck would I create a thread like that.

I'm going to go to Popeyes. The only thing that will fix this is some strawberry jelly and a biscuit.

You're going to the Popeye's organization for something that isn't chicken. Maybe Dr. Carson /was/ telling the truth.
Because, as noted in Akira's post, the alternative is humanity being made unable to commit negative acts. Everyone incapable of being anything but good and kind to one another. Because the vast majority of human suffering is either inflicted by humans upon other humans, or can be easily mitigated by humans if we were willing to do so.

No child HAS to starve. We have food enough for everyone.

No person HAS to go without shelter. We have space enough for everyone.

Even disease can be conquered, or at least mitigated, if we as a species decided to go for it.

But we have free will. We have a choice. And we make the selfish one every single day.

That's why it's a free will argument.

If there's a god or gods, be they benevolent or otherwise, they do not allow "bad things" to happen. They provided us with the means to better ourselves and allow us to choose whether or not we do.
Maybe I shouldn't be getting involved in the discussion, but I'm curious.

Whether "free will" is something positive or desirable would be subjective, no? I'm sure there are cultural factors that would dictate whether one would want to sacrifice freedom for security, or maybe it's a human trait to view it as a virtue.

But if the god/God in question operates on a different standard of "good" from the one that humans employ (which is obviously dynamic as it is), then couldn't the god view "free will" as being "evil" and something undesirable/sinful? Absolute free will, if viewed from the point of human parenthood, would be seen as negligent. You want to guide your children and allow them to make mistakes, but you wouldn't jeopardize their lives because you left it up to them as to whether they should drink a bottle of bleach or not.

Maybe there's a good that aligns with the values of what's "good" according to a certain human culture in a certain time period. Maybe "good" is characterized as maximizing human suffering for whatever reason. I'm sure people could find a benevolent dictator-esque god as agreeable since I know some Christians who view God as harsh and cruel rather than merciful and forgiving. I guess it can get confusing depending on to what extent the god in question embodies (or opposes) a human definition of what we consider "good".

So the free will argument seems kind of subjective (and context-sensitive) to me, but maybe I'm crazy. Anyway, those are just my confused thoughts and are completely free from any kind of hostility or pretentiousness.
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