Not weird at all since most probably can relate to Kilgrave a whole damn lot.

Not weird at all since most probably can relate to Kilgrave a whole damn lot.
His parents are cool as fuckSpeaking of Black Panther...
Just caught this in the Transformers Devastation credits. I hope his middle name is "Mothafuckin'". T'challa Mothafuckin' Jackson!
aight, which one of you is this?
aight, which one of you is this?
aight, which one of you is this?
That shit was creepy as hell
Why does he have a little boy in there?
Why does he have a little boy in there?
Didn't we have a BCTer that wanted to name his kid T'challa at one point?
Fuck Black Friday, that shit should be banned
Then you'd be robbing that man of a chance to go camping with his friend Eduardo. Why isn't that little boy at school?
Not weird at all since most probably can relate to Kilgrave a whole damn lot.
Speaking of folks that need to be in school, whatever happened to Lil Terio?
Became a doughboySpeaking of folks that need to be in school, whatever happened to Lil Terio?
The vortex between his shoulders, that had consumed his neck, finally was able to consume his head as well. He's been hiding ever since.
I have no idea. His shine was stolen by people using individuals with mental conditions or development issues to gain fame. I'm sure he'll pop up next to a ham or turkey tomorrow
Not weird at all since most probably can relate to Kilgrave a whole damn lot.
Then you'd be robbing that man of a chance to go camping with his friend Eduardo. Why isn't that little boy at school?
aight, which one of you is this?
Butt-chugging is possibly the worst thing I've ever heard of in my life.
Don't go to the freakmommy twitter account D:
No, really don't.
I motion we change the term "Uncle Tom" to "Ben Carson"
FuuuuucccckkkkkkUncle Ben?
Tony said :"I feel sorry for your mother"
hilarious.Uncle Ben?
Cinema history right there folks. First long take of the Dehumanizing Stare on display
That stare.
Saw the man's family tree through his eyes.
Watch the video.
Phuc Dat Bich, indeed.
What's wrong with this Megan girl?
Megyn Kelly has dedicated herself to pursuit of being the most gawdawful person on the planet (excepting that time she clowned Trump in the debate)
What's wrong with this Megan girl?
I don't know if Fox News doesn't know what protesting actually means (like many people on this forum lately) or trolling but to be safe I'm going with both.
It's weird how OT is the only place on the internet that doesn't completely love Jessica Jones. The show is the best thing Marvel's ever put out, easily.
Off site a lot of people were really unhappy with jones and cage getting down. Which makes me wonder why they were watching it in the first place
Off site a lot of people were really unhappy with jones and cage getting down. Which makes me wonder why they were watching it in the first place
I seriously don't get all the Nintendo hate.
The Wii U is a legit system and getting two of its best games bundled for $250 is a good deal. And I'm willing to bet that it still has more good exclusives than PS4 or XB1.
Off site a lot of people were really unhappy with jones and cage getting down. Which makes me wonder why they were watching it in the first place
How salty was it?
Did anyone else start watching The Man in The High Castle? Any thoughts? I'm on episode 8. I like the world building. The story and motivations are whatever though.
Not weird at all since most probably can relate to Kilgrave a whole damn lot.