Vox: The real reason Americans fight about identity politics
I always thought the people who complained about "PC culture" were being cowardly. If your instinct is to whine when your views and beliefs are challenged, you ain't built for the discourse.
The previously voiceless and downtrodden getting a platform is one of the best things to happen to the concept of free speech in its history.
The only argument from the "anti-PC" I've heard that I feel has merit is that trigger warnings could be harmful in the classroom, especially if students are allowed to just opt out. Because there are certain topics you can't discuss in earnest without risking upsetting someone.
Beyond that though, it all just comes across as a bunch of bullshit from people who are mad for the reasons you stated. People out here getting in their feelings over tweets or because someone called them out on being an asshole. Or because their kids got a shitty participation trophy in a youth sports league despite the fact that no child in history has ever wanted those things. Or because minorities and women and LGBT and the differently-abled would like to be able to just watch a fucking movie that features someone like them. Or so on and so on.
Now we all know online activists and "social justice warriors" can be overzealous and are certainly not above critique. But I'll take the people that are at least trying (however imperfect the steps and actions may be) to make the world better somehow over those maintaining the shitty status quo we have now.