I don't live that life but I always wonder if those folks ahve to give so much of themselves and be "on" so often that when they get private moments they guard them like assholes.
Speaking of Kool Aid being problematic, I'm watching a piece on Jonestown during the show "The Seventies" on CNN. Every time I revisit the events there it boggles my mind how it all went down. The rapes, the murders. The physical and mental abuse and tortures. Almost a thousand people of all ages offed themselves and each other.
You have to ask how the fuck did one man manage to rally and convince so many to follow him and then off themselves after all of the abuse he put them through. Then I flip a few channels and get a stark reminder of people working en mass against their own interest. We've got an entire populous flirting with disaster by championing another mad man, and an ever growing list of problematic mad men wanna be's.
Shit doesn't ever change. There's always an open seat ready and waiting for the next fucker that people are eager to appoint and lead them directly into tragedy.
What's the best way to watch the first star wars trilogy before the upcoming movie releases?
Just realizing I need to watch them again. Without being around a bunch of losers.
Yeah there's a vast number of people looking to be led and led down the "right path". People who want to be the special ones, the believers separated from the chaff. They'll deny reality as it happens right in front of them so that their bubble of what's true and false remains intact.
If only I could be so grossly incandescent.There's a male porn actor who dictates that all of his scenes have this ongoing dark souls style storyline underneath them.
I'm not joking.
Speaking of Kool Aid being problematic, I'm watching a piece on Jonestown during the show "The Seventies" on CNN. Every time I revisit the events there it boggles my mind how it all went down. The rapes, the murders. The physical and mental abuse and tortures. Almost a thousand people of all ages offed themselves and each other.
You have to ask how the fuck did one man manage to rally and convince so many to follow him and then off themselves after all of the abuse he put them through. Then I flip a few channels and get a stark reminder of people working en mass against their own interest. We've got an entire populous flirting with disaster by championing another mad man, and an ever growing list of problematic mad men wanna be's.
Shit doesn't ever change. There's always an open seat ready and waiting for the next fucker that people are eager to appoint and lead them directly into tragedy.
If only I could be so grossly incandescent.
They actually used Flavor Aid.
If you wanna own em, then 42% off might do you right.
Yeah but they aren't even gonna admit that. It's much easier to lie about their publishing hurdles and scapegoat the audience that they'll never have than to admit that they produce a shit product that most people won't buy.
KT some fuckboys, if they wanted to they could slide some English subtitles in and make it digital only.,
If you don't want the headache just say so, don't create bullshit.
What's the best way to watch the first star wars trilogy before the upcoming movie releases?
Just realizing I need to watch them again. Without being around a bunch of losers.
KT some fuckboys, if they wanted to they could slide some English subtitles in and make it digital only.,
If you don't want the headache just say so, don't create bullshit.
Yeah, reading that thread makes me really sad.AWell, I made the mistake of reading through that Gods of Egypt thread. Time to go decompress and do something completely different tonight.
Here's the thing. Would you be talking about DOAX3 if not for this? KT fukken won.
Would we be talking about them? Nope. Weren't interested in the game either way. But they did however cement their name on the list of clowns never to be taken seriously.
That counts as an L regardless of any meager short term gains they might see from all this.
xvideo video title screen shot
xvideo video title screen shot
back on Xenoblade hype. This sounds cool as fuck. I would love for every RPG to have multiplayer like this.
Hey if they sell more than 300k units world wide, then they already ahead of DOAX2. JS
Just found a stack of old ass unlabeled mixtapes I made a decade ago. Party time.
And does a member of the Coli want to make this a thread in TLR?
You guys are so awesome here. I just wanted to at least say this here once.
You guys are so awesome here. I just wanted to at least say this here once.
You guys are so awesome here. I just wanted to at least say this here once.
You guys are so awesome here. I just wanted to at least say this here once.
what the hell is this Extremis 3.0, was clicking around and saw it and who thought that would be a good idea
what the hell is this Extremis 3.0, was clicking around and saw it and who thought that would be a good idea
Where you're from - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Where you live - Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
What is your age? - 25
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - I'm half Khaleeji Arab, a quarter Ethiopian and a quarter turkish. I've been told I can pass anywhere from italian to black, but I usually identify as arab even though I don't really care how people see my ethnicity.
Do you know your roots - I do, but I honestly don't follow it. Just being my own man I guess.
Favorite musical genre - If I were to be specific I'd go 80's Thrash Metal, but I enjoy a wide variety of genres with rock in general probably as my fav with hiphop as a close second.
Your profession/major/career interest - Film director
Your religious affiliation - Atheist
Hobbies - Playing guitar, retro games, watching movies and tv from any period of any quality, basketball, cooking, and wasting my time online.
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Popeye's
Fun fact - I fixed up my own custom built car at the age of 22. Still one of my favorite things that I've ever done.
I'm not black or "full on" black or whatever. But this seems like a good community and I'd like to contribute every now and again, so I thought it's only fair to introduce myself.
Lions hate on Gods of Egypt said:We recognize that it is our responsibility to help ensure that casting decisions reflect the diversity and culture of the time periods portrayed. In this instance we failed to live up to our own standards of sensitivity and diversity, for which we sincerely apologize. Lionsgate is deeply committed to making films that reflect the diversity of our audiences. We have, can and will continue to do better.​​
They'd lose more money than it's worth.It just doesn't matter when all I see is words.
They won't, and they wouldn't, and they probably never would, but to make a difference they could cancel the movie and reshoot the whole thing using different actors. It could stir the pot a bunch, and cost them a bunch of money but I wonder how much it would affect or change the industry.
YeahThey'd lose more money than it's worth.
I apologize. I have to turn down my asshole. No ill intent.
To the human form of the 100 emoji.Looks like Peele got engaged.
Lot of clowns in that Stoya thread. "I have to play devil's advocate" no you do not, you dumbass.
Every time.I just realized that Miles Morales is a black hero with electrical powers
Every time.
Speaking of tropes (Netflix spoilers)did Jessica Jones and Daredevil both have to kill the noble black man? Da fuck?
Kilgrave is the GAFer that makes relationship threads, why is he even in the same conversation as Kingpin and Loki?
upset cuz he got rejected and just won't hold that L.
The other villians are just comic book evil, while kilgrave made me squirm in my seat for how much everything he said mirrored the kind of crap I see rape apologists say on the internet. His attempts to justify rape, and the dialogue he uses to exert control over Jessica sounded way too real. No other villian made me quite as uncomfortable as him, especially considering how charming he was.
On this forum, 99% of the time it's used as an excuse to get a rise out of people by being contrarian which is basically just a form of trolling.What is the fucking point of devil's advocate? I feel like it exists only to give fools a reason to act a fool under the guise of "friendly debate".
Welcome welcome welcome.Where you're from - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Where you live - Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
What is your age? - 25
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - I'm half Khaleeji Arab, a quarter Ethiopian and a quarter turkish. I've been told I can pass anywhere from italian to black, but I usually identify as arab even though I don't really care how people see my ethnicity.
Do you know your roots - I do, but I honestly don't follow it. Just being my own man I guess.
Favorite musical genre - If I were to be specific I'd go 80's Thrash Metal, but I enjoy a wide variety of genres with rock in general probably as my fav with hiphop as a close second.
Your profession/major/career interest - Film director
Your religious affiliation - Atheist
Hobbies - Playing guitar, retro games, watching movies and tv from any period of any quality, basketball, cooking, and wasting my time online.
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Popeye's
Fun fact - I fixed up my own custom built car at the age of 22. Still one of my favorite things that I've ever done.
I'm not black or "full on" black or whatever. But this seems like a good community and I'd like to contribute every now and again, so I thought it's only fair to introduce myself.