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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


In the Red Corner, representing "Why are BLM attacking Bernie and Hilary?" liberal voters, Bill "Did you know I dislike Muslims" Maher! And in the Blue Corner, with the assistance of the Incredible "Brother Ruffalo" Hulk, Michael Eric Dyson.



In the Red Corner, representing "Why are BLM attacking Bernie and Hilary?" liberal voters, Bill "Did you know I dislike Muslims" Maher! And in the Blue Corner, with the assistance of the Incredible "Brother Ruffalo" Hulk, Michael Eric Dyson.

Turned it off when Bill said "people need to learn the difference between and imperfect friend and a deadly enemy". Does he ever listen to the panel? I fucking hate this guy, man.


B) There is too much fuckery going around the past few days so I'm going to pull a play from Malyse's play book and post some good cosplay I came across:

She's cosplaying Emerald Sustrai from RWBY

You can check out more of her cosplay (and her tumblr in general) here.
She can Cosplay as anyone she wants.*swoons* LAWD <3 :D
In the Red Corner, representing "Why are BLM attacking Bernie and Hilary?" liberal voters, Bill "Did you know I dislike Muslims" Maher! And in the Blue Corner, with the assistance of the Incredible "Brother Ruffalo" Hulk, Michael Eric Dyson.


I love how mad he is because he refuses to understand you can both criticize and support. Drink this shit and shut the fuck up..

Is RWBY worth watching?

It makes a rough first impression due to the animation style and quality in the beginning (they literally animate non-central characters as featureless shadows) but if you can get past that and the silly nature of the comedy, it has really really excellent fight scenes that are basically choreographed since the creator/director/lead animator did a lot of the martial arts mo cap himself. As the series moves forward everything gets cleaner and tighter animation and story wise. VA quality improves as well. The creator has since passed away sadly but he had the plot outlined for years ahead of schedule (the finale of the latest season was known from the very beginning for example).

It's definitely worthwhile to give a shot. The first two seasons are available on Netflix streaming, edited together into two long movies.


Is RWBY worth watching?

Actually? Yes.The show is basically a shonen anime (I mean that in every sense of the word) except it was made in Texas instead of Japan. Basic premise is teenagers in a school learning to be ______ (See Naruto, Harry Potter, etc.) to fight wild monsters that cause trouble around the world. I would say the show starts off somewhat clumsily and plays up the high school aspect something fierce in the beginning but that tapers off as the seasons progress. Season 1 and 2 have arcs and fights and other stuff going on but they are all mostly set-up, character building and world building for Season 3. Season 3 is just all MASSIVE pay-off. Stakes were raised, shit went down and some major aspects of the show have been upended moving into Season 4. Seasons 1-3 are all considered to be Part I of the entire series and it kind of shows.

  • Almost the entire main cast (supporting cast varies in quality) is/becomes very likeable. Some have their gimmicks but overall they are actual characters & you'll come to care when things happen to them.
  • They got their mix of cute and kickass right - avoided "edge la edge" type characters
  • Excellent fight choreography
  • Excellent, if kind of cheesy, OST
  • Legitimate character growth over the 3 seasons
  • Humor works for the most part
  • World Building is a bit clumsy but I find myself wanting to learn more and more about the world
  • It's anime but without many of the tropes that make you say "oh for fucks sake Japan!"
  • Minimal fanservice, zero "creepy shit"
  • Season 3 establishes stakes in a way few "shonen" anime do often (sometimes ever). Shit goes down!

  • It's TV budget CGI instead of 2D animation (production values increase every season though)
  • VA work starts off just ok, gets very good near the end though
  • Not what I'd call a bastion of originality or set a super high mark for writing - its still a shonen anime
  • High school element played up a lot in the begnning but tapers off as seasons roll on.
  • Episodes lengths are weird and kind of random sometimes. Some episodes probably should've been combined
  • Cast is kind of White to be honest though more and more PoC show up in later seasons/episodes
Like I'm not sure its something that will blow your mind but I would call it a legitimately good shonen anime. It's better than many of the things that have aired on Toonami recently but I realize that's kind of a low bar :p Make sure you stick with it for all 3 seasons - 1&2 are set up, 3 is payoff.


C) Malyse, have you seen this Kickstarter? Seems like it would be right up your alley.
Heh. It's amazing how many of my social circles not only know about this but have specifically recommended it to me.
I need a bar full of drinks after reading this.

I'm legit confused and need Malyse or Dreams or Slay or ANYONE to please help me understand the levels to this. Not trying to clown but.... I DON'T GET IT AND I WANT TO UNDERSTAND.
Big ole bag of nope.
Goddamn shame how this Gods of Egypt thing is going down, eh?
Let me find my laughing dog image.
Christ. We got a thread yet?
Is RWBY worth watching?
I really gave RWBY a shot cause I love Haloid and Dead Fantasy (rip Monty), but the first episode made me angry. I really didn't like it.
Well, Hillary's about to win SC. By a lot. Be prepared for the threads you're gonna see in OT tonight.

I'm ready. Our allies will have to school us on how we need to vote in our own best interests. Hillary wants to keep us in the fields. Bernie is trying to let us in the house. So I've heard


In the Red Corner, representing "Why are BLM attacking Bernie and Hilary?" liberal voters, Bill "Did you know I dislike Muslims" Maher! And in the Blue Corner, with the assistance of the Incredible "Brother Ruffalo" Hulk, Michael Eric Dyson.

Fuck Bill Mahr
Goddamn shame how this Gods of Egypt thing is going down, eh?
Marvel will do better with Earth Force. White people empowered by the Eqyptian Gods

Bill Maher is the 'liberal' for right wingers to pretend they agree with the other side while staying in their own backyard
Bill Mahr is the dude that dates Black Women just so he can say "Nigeress"
I posted a serious video to challenge #BlackTwitter16

I see nipples in the video... (if it matters, they were white nipples)

I love nipples as you can tell by my hard earned tag but I was really trying to reach this community and not sure if I should go censor the breasts showing up in my youtube post

What would you do Black GAF?


I posted a serious video to challenge #BlackTwitter16

I see nipples in the video... (if it matters, they were white nipples)

I love nipples as you can tell by my hard earned tag but I was really trying to reach this community and not sure if I should go censor the breasts showing up in my youtube post

What would you do Black GAF?



I posted a serious video to challenge #BlackTwitter16

I see nipples in the video... (if it matters, they were white nipples)

I love nipples as you can tell by my hard earned tag but I was really trying to reach this community and not sure if I should go censor the breasts showing up in my youtube post

What would you do Black GAF?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I posted a serious video to challenge #BlackTwitter16

I see nipples in the video... (if it matters, they were white nipples)

I love nipples as you can tell by my hard earned tag but I was really trying to reach this community and not sure if I should go censor the breasts showing up in my youtube post

What would you do Black GAF?

Happy black history month y'all?
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