Just had the weirdest interaction with police officers in my life. I went across the street to grab me some quick calories of junk food from the store owned by the man of middle eastern descent as the politicians like to say.
Anywhoo, I see these people talking to police because someone stole something I guess and I refuse to make eye contact with the police because reasons. I enter the store and then realize they're still outside as the cashier slowly rings in my items for some strange reason. I see them and then they see me. I've the mean mug on like "leave me alone". They intentionally walk to the other side of the store entrance a good 45 feet away and proceed to watch me like a hawk at the register from the back. She's taking her time like shit ringing up all six of these items.
I ask her to ring in three beef jerky sticks and she says don't worry about it I got you. No big deal right? I slightly adjust my head and the cops are a good 7.25 feet behind me. I'm not sure they heard the part about "I got you" so I ask her again eight times just in case the cops didn't get the message. I then sign my name on the receipt hoping I don't get shot walking out the door because bullshit conservative fear mongering.
This was weird because usually I'm harassed and have been known to have guns pulled on me for bullshit reasons.
So am I reading this correctly that she was taking her time to keep you there with eyeballs on so that they had couldn't just fuck with you as their mission for the moment?