hey guys, I had such a bad time at my local barber shop today. Just need to get this off my shoulders. The barber shop i go to is the typical black barbershop that either there is an illegally rip movie from the theaters playing on the tv or everyone is talking about the latest news or women. Walking in everyone is talking about the kid in Florida who was taken by the gator and how the media looked at the kid's parents compared to how the media looked at the kid falling into the gorilla cage parents. Because they were talking about Orlando the whole 50 people being murdered in a gay club came up. One of the customers was saying how he isnt sorry that it was gay people who died. then the whole conversation devolved into whether gay men are men, even my barber who i go was saying how if he caught his son doing anything gay like the hand on the hip even by accident he would beat him. Only one guy in the place was talking sense and sticking up for gay people. I wanted to say something but i know how passionate i will get and i dont feel like one day having to defend myself if i find myself alone with one them. So i kept my mouth shut, paid and left. Even when i was leaving they were talking about nambla and how gay men snatch up little boys. WTF.
I swear being Black and gay I have to deal with racist crap in the gay community and homophobia in the Black community.