My pc needs upgraded
I'm not even going to look for a picture of a horse in front of a computer made of chicken wire and wood slats. What kind of PC do you have? So many games don't even care anymore.
My pc needs upgraded
I'm not even going to look for a picture of a horse in front of a computer made of chicken wire and wood slats. What kind of PC do you have? So many games don't even care anymore.
Jandro keeps all his passwords on a post it on the computer, rookie mistake
I'm talking about Toxin. If Toxin was created today he'd be the alt right wet "US agent"to counter the socialism that black spider-man brought.stealth reference to a Captain Falcon America arc
I have a 560ti and an Athlon II X4I'm not even going to look for a picture of a horse in front of a computer made of chicken wire and wood slats. What kind of PC do you have? So many games don't even care anymore.
Not enough horse power?
I have a 560ti and an Athlon II X4
And I get shit on for horse pictures all over the net..fuck y'all lol.
I think it's the 640. I can run games fine but the computer is pretty slow now.which X4? I just did a check of the x4 640 vs a i7 920 and yours is just slightly ahead.
i have a 670gtx i7 930 and I can run 70% of new steam games at near max if not max. you should be able to run most of the stuff with no real problems, but maybe have to worry about AAA games.
He would get shotOld man get one of the neighbor kids to help you with the internet
He would get shot
Sounds like gramps has expedience..
Swear to God this thread will be nothing but horse pictures soon.
Parallax finna top off.
Before they do that I want them to continue on from Fusion, since every game afterwards (the Prime games) are all prequels
*nods* Forearm.Hello Ladies, Gents & Horses
Slay. Is Badlands over yet?
"As a white mother to a mixed race child, I couldn't 'cope' with my daughter's hair"
There aren't enough emojis for bullshit right here. Like you had a whole 9 fuckin months to watch a handful of youtube videos. You ain't know what you signed up for?! What did you expect your kid to come out with blonde hair, blue eyes or something? Like holy fuck, you think black women came out the womb with knowledge on how take care of black hair? They had to learn that shit just like anyone else so this whole "woe is me" shit is so fucking annoying.
Mornin' everyone.
Agreed. I always thought to myself, is it bad of me that I side eye the fuck out of couples when I see them with an obvious black-mixed-black child with hair that hasn't been taken care of, where you can tell theres clearly damage to it.
Friday for example, I was out and waiting on the side for my food at a take out shop. I see this couple whom is clearly White man and Asian woman walk in with this little black boy. Didn't matter to me whether he was mixed or not, he was a little black boy and I looked at his hair and it was bad, I could tell from where I was standing his hair was dry and he hadn't had a proper hair cut/trim/shape up.
I felt bad for not saying anything, because he was scratching his head something fierce, but its not my kid, and you know how people get when you even try to suggest something, at least from my experience you look like me approaching someone and they get defensive real quick even though I'm just trying to help. I see little girls with their hair just in a pulled back ponytail and I know its damaging their hairline.
IMO, these people are probably the people that love the idea of having a "mixed child" but don't know how to deal with the reality of them when it comes to hair, and don't take the time to learn out of their unnecessary frustration.
Ugh. The info is out there. All the Google. All the YouTube. All the libraries. All the bookstores. The irony that they are willing to engage with black babies but not black adults.
I was at a Target in the newly expanded "Ethnic Hair" section. Most of the major natural hair companies were represented and Target had pics of the CEOs and Founders of the black owned (or originally black owned) companies. They are not fucking around. And I saw a white couple with a black kid in the aisle. I wanted to cheer...for them actually doing their job.
Nintendo should start dropping their games on Steam.
Hello Ladies, Gents & Horses
Guys, I just had this crazy idea. What if the horror icons of film took on the heroes of marvel and dc? Who would win?
First up, Jason Voorhees vs Captain America. Who would win?
One of the first ones I watched. But that one for the No Escape movie and throwing that kid off of a building had me rolling. "You know where Teddy is? Right down there go get him!"
I've been noticing the co-hosts keep switching. Too bad, he was pretty funny too.
has anyone ever listened to Raleigh Ritchie songs? that's the stage name of Jacob Anderson aka Greyworm from Thrones
stumbled upon some of his songs on YouTube, they're nice
I'm trying to get more into Marvel's Black Panther. I watched the discontinued animated series. What content should I consume next?
Hey I hope all is well
I would like to see a spin off like this but I think Marvel/DC would always win. Are the horror icons even that powerful?
Guys, I just had this crazy idea. What if the horror icons of film took on the heroes of marvel and dc? Who would win?
First up, Jason Voorhees vs Captain America. Who would win?
I would like to see a spin off like this but I think Marvel/DC would always win. Are the horror icons even that powerful?
Hey I hope all is well
I would like to see a spin off like this but I think Marvel/DC would always win. Are the horror icons even that powerful?
Well, Jason is pretty much immortal, unless he takes on a magic user. Pinhead is a inter-dimensional demon. The aliens. Freddy Krueger vs Stephan strange would be awesome. Dream eater vs the sorcerer supreme.
I think last week was the finale, i dipped out and need to catch up
He doesn't look that tough
How do they keep stoping Jason anyway? Didn't they chain him up and toss him in the ocean?
lol Yeah, if there's one guy who's a lameass wimpy loser, it's the dude with the pins driven through his head to the bone.
Barker ended up writing him so that he became Godlord of Hell, until Lucifer killed him and got Hell wiped away. Even as he was dying, Pinhead still fucked everyone up.
I mean, when he first showed up, Jason was a klutzy idiot who would trip over his own feet. He just kept getting stronger and stronger every time he got killed. Jason is stupid. Friday the 13th is stupid.
yeah those videos were the first things to show up when i searched him on youtube, i suppose next to Thrones that's what he's most famous for. some of those videos have more views than his musicI only know him from his Game Grumps cameos.
Hey Fawful, you think Strange would be able to take on Pinhead?
That is epic as shit.
Where the fuck is Precure Musou
No hero could beat Pinhead