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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|

There's always this weird back and forth discussion of black face in art/film classes. Since it's terrible, shitty and stereotyping but it, at the very least, depicted black folks. It always ends in "man this shit is fucked."
Racial issues aside, that's by far the best song in Dumbo. Those are some hep crows.

Edit: I see you already said that. That's what I get for scrolling from the bottom up.

Disney has done a good job of pretending that Sunflower the Black Centeur doesn't exist


And I don't think Song of the South has EVER been fully-released on home video, to this day, but you can't write the Crows out; they're the best part of the movie! You just gotta take some of the good with the bad, lot of great films from waaay back in the day that are pretty racially insensitive, to put it mildly.


Junior Member
Racist as anything, but I fuckin' love those crows from Dumbo. Best song in the whole damn movie.


My theory for why I never noticed it is because the stereotypes displayed there are so ridiculously far removed from my entire life experience that I had no idea they were supposed to resemble black people. Basically, by the time I saw it, it was a ridiculously outdated stereotype.

On the subject though, it kinda reminds me of the homeless lady from Deus Ex Human Revolution.


Disney has done a good job of pretending that Sunflower the Black Centeur doesn't exist

I don't even know what that character is from!

And I don't think Song of the South has EVER been fully-released on home video, to this day, but you can't write the Crows out; they're the best part of the movie! You just gotta take some of the good with the bad, lot of great films from waaay back in the day that are pretty racially insensitive, to put it mildly.
I remember Song of the South being on TV one Christmas when I was a kid (early 80's) but I've never seen it anywhere since.

I think I knew the crows were supposed to be black as a kid, but only because of the penetrative and huge influence that black artists had had over music. My mum and dad were big fans of people like Ella Fitzgerald and Charlie Parker and all the rest so I subconsciously associated 'the crow song' with black musicians. I wasn't so much aware of racial caricatures, as evidenced by the fact that I didn't realise the woman in Tom & Jerry was the housekeeper until about a year ago, I always assumed she owned the house. That might be a UK thing though because when I brought it up at work, everyone in the office had a 'mind blown' moment.

I'm glad the crows have stayed. Next to the Pink Elephant Parade, they're my favourite part in any Disney film.


Any of ya'll ever been the only black person in a class discussion about slavery? Made me hesitant to contribute since I was afraid I'd be making some white folks in the class guilty. Someone even threw out the "Don't forget slavery existed in Africa too!" line.

I hate that shit so much, since it's two different types of slavery and one on a much bigger scale then the other.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Great posters dropping like flies around here lately. Rest in peace dudes. Hopefully he is horrifying everyone in the afterlife with terrible news stories.
Slayvens thread is funny. I get people don't understand Aizen but thirsty? "That guy is thirsty for pussy". People really can't figure it out?

Are these the same guys that go into threads and say shit like "who's Drake?"

Still, this is one thing I hate about the Gaf community and it goes on everywhere here. Instead of just not posting or looking shit up, they'd rather go on for pages saying now they don't understand. I saw it happen in the gaming side yesterday too.

What thread are you even talking about? Fucking hell. Way to provide a link to your obscure thread reference!

This guy should get juniored, fast!


Also, one of my favorite strategies in the academic context is to sit back, say nothing, look thoughtful, and try not to smile as I drink in the awkwardness of everybody else

nah, you can dart your eyes over here all you want, not getting any help from over here.

the "don't ask me shit" look is so clutch in class.

edit: wooooooooooooooow my roommate and i just had a Same Girl moment...except there isnt a twin :/
i could've died when i saw the girl's reaction lol.
On behalf of Black-GAF: We pour a 40, Gaborn..

Nobody's penetrated my world (lol) and left such an interesting(lol, Gaborn was a cool guy.) mark on it.

What thread are you even talking about? Fucking hell. Way to provide a link to your obscure thread reference!

This guy should get juniored, fast!
Slayven made a simpin/thirsty thread and gaf continued to act like Google doesn't exist.

A.E Suggs

He died. His health issues finally caught up with him, it seems.

Wah! Damn man I hope my health issues don't catch up with me to soon. If I can peak out until 40 at least i'll be ok. Kids'll be out of highschool and I'd have snapped my daughters first boyfriends necks from bring by dudes that look like they sell drugs for a living...yep thats all I want out of life I can get fucked after that I ain't bound for much after that anyway.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Sometimes I wish I had access to a 360 again so I could play Halo with some of you guys. I'm fucking AWFUL though, so I just stick with the warthog and hope I run someone over.

When i used to play, i used to run the warthog. Drift kills and escapes. Fuck mongooses.
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