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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|


Junior Member

fam I can't stop playing this


Haha YES!

That's my favourite part too.
Couple things I want to go over.

First, this is basically a non-edited version of the Django Unchained episode with guests Devo & Soundscream


Like I mentioned earlier soundscream's audio was low. I have had no time to edit thus far and just allowed clipping throughout the entire file in hopes it would level out a bit.

Test it out, let me know how it sounds and what you used to listen to it with. If need be I'll go back and boost the volume on every bit of Soundscream audio in the hour and a half recording.


Next thing, Podomatic is.....kinda weak. the upload limit is fine. Don't think we'd ever surpass the 250mb monthly limit. The bandwidth limit is already 1/5th gone after just 1 episode being offered in this thread.

I was thinking about libsyn.com I have no gripes about the $5 a month cost if the service is worth it. I'll look into it more in the next couple days.


"Someone turn my mic up"

Not as bad as you made it seem, but definitely lower than the others.


Couple things I want to go over.

First, this is basically a non-edited version of the Django Unchained episode with guests Devo & Soundscream


Like I mentioned earlier soundscream's audio was low. I have had no time to edit thus far and just allowed clipping throughout the entire file in hopes it would level out a bit.

Test it out, let me know how it sounds and what you used to listen to it with. If need be I'll go back and boost the volume on every bit of Soundscream audio in the hour and a half recording.


Next thing, Podomatic is.....kinda weak. the upload limit is fine. Don't think we'd ever surpass the 250mb monthly limit. The bandwidth limit is already 1/5th gone after just 1 episode being offered in this thread.

I was thinking about libsyn.com I have no gripes about the $5 a month cost if the service is worth it. I'll look into it more in the next couple days.

I could do some mirroring on my domain. See if you like the DL speed:

http://www.fyrewulff.com/blackgaf/podcast/sowellspoken_001.mp3 (right click -> save)

"Someone turn my mic up"

Not as bad as you made it seem, but definitely lower than the others.

I can be overly picky about sound quality, part of the reason I wanted some other people to give it a listen. I didn't want to post the OT with one episode thats hard to listen to, if the consensus is thats it's alright then I'll roll with it.

I could do some mirroring on my domain. See if you like the DL speed:

http://www.fyrewulff.com/blackgaf/podcast/sowellspoken_001.mp3 (right click -> save)


That'd be awesome. I'm in the office already but I'll check it out when I get home in 12 or so hours =l
Let me preface by apologizing if this post is hard to read I'm writing this as I'm getting ready to leave the house.

Spoilers for DJANGO AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While an important plot point its subservient to the meat of the film: Black slave killing white slave owners. You didn't see Django because it was a romantic story, you didn't see it because he had to rescue his wife. It was marketed in such a way to play up the aspect of revenge and violence.

Django represents the repressed and enslaved African American, the other slave owners and Mr. Candie and his plantation represent exactly what Mr. Tarantino said in the interview: "[A] genocidal white racist class, and the institution of slavery..." Django: Unchained (the film's name tells you exactly what to expect within. What ideas come to mind when you think of a title such as that?) gives physical identities to all those ideas. The symbolism of the film very clear. Whether or not there is one person that we can pin all the past atrocities on doesn't matter at all.

Tarantino also says that's why he started writing!

There's nothing in that quote that talks about rescuing a damsel in distress. We all know the true point to the film and because you have further exposition for the reason behind his killing doesn't mean that it nullifies or takes higher precedence than "A folkloric hero that...pays back blood for blood." Whether or not he helps other slaves is moot. He's not required to free slaves. He's required to kill white slave owners, nothing more. (He did actually make sure the black servants left safely though)

I'm not entirely sure why you're telling me Stephen was in control or running things. You may be right in some manner, but ultimately he still answered to the authority of Mr. Candie. And perhaps I'm too naive to see where you're going but this is also seems to be a moot point -- The antagonist of the story was Stephen, a black house negro. Yes he had some clout, but the main antagonist had better have some clout. Otherwise, why do we care if he dies?

Django going back I would say only helps my point. It's a revenge film. Like you said he could have left. But he went back and decimated the entire Candie house, and even Mrs. Candie who really did nothing wrong in the film (except wanting to punish the man who was the cause of the death of her husband which is very understandable) The denouement was supposed to be very cathartic because Django was killing everyone who wronged him... the representation of slavery finally setting things right. Underneath it really had nothing to do with Broomhilda but everything to do with the main premise of the film.

And Broomhilda could easily have been killed and the story still would have served its purpose. It doesn't really hinge on Django rescuing her. Again, Brromhilda only serves to contextualize a former black slave killing white slave owners.

And I argue that it is directly comparable to Inglorious. You don't need every single plot point or every single conflict to be symmetric. The thematic motif is that of an oppressed class, enacting vengeance (the reason they can or do is moot) on the oppressive.

With that said, even the most memorable lines to both movies are extremely similar in nature. Paraphrasing here but you have a bunch of Jews saying, "We're in the business of killing Nahzis!" and as harSon said a black slave saying, "Kill white people for money, what's not to like about that?"

I really don't think we'll agree on this. It's clear we have very different interpretations of the film. I think having a black man as the final baddie is a cop out to the entire premise of the film, and to the subject of slavery. You of course do not. I understand why you'd think that, I just disagree.

More spoilers for Django Unchained below.

You're right that we disagre on a base level about this movie's status as a revenge film, though I acknowledge revenge plays a large part and served as the main draw for audiences. And that's fine.

What I had a problem with since your first post was your assertion that the revenge that was in the movie was unsatisfying, and, while that's subjective, I still have to disagree because of how you're viewing Stephen's character and all of the violence Django carries out against those who perpetuate slavery and the institution of slavery itself. And it's strange you still say it's unsatisfying because you even quite Tarantino saying why he started writing the movie in the first place:

For a movie to be a straight-up revenge flick in my eyes, it needs to have a specific target. If I made ti sound like I meant that that target has to be a particular person, then I apologize for not being clear. In IB, Shoshanna sets out to kill the Nazi's upper echelon and the Basterds do the same — I just mentioned Hitler before because it's easier for that to be . That's hard to interpret that differently. It's fair to gauge the satisfaction of that revenge based on whether and to what degree they reach that goal, which is the driving force throughout the movie. Kill Bill is the same, as if Once Upon a Time in the West (though the reason why is left as a surprise until the end), True Grit, Leon the Professional, Hamlet, Etc. I might even call Memento a revenge movie, but the concept of revenge is subverted hard, same with Oldboy. Revenge in most decent revenge movies isn't always clean and safe, but I'll get back to that later.

DU has no such ultimate revenge goal, which is why I don't liken it to those revenge movies. The Brittle brothers are killed early on, Candie is only introduced 45 minutes in then killed an hour later, and so forth.


If you're going to look at DU as a revenge movie — which is fine and fair to me, even if it doesn't seem like it — you have to judge the satisfaction of the revenge differently.

When I say there needs to be a specific target in a revenge movie and ask what's the target in IB, anybody can answer "the Nazis." No one will say "Germans," or "Evil in general. They'l say Nazis. If I ask that question about any film in that list above, I could get an answer. DU doesn't have that, even if you say Candie, he's still just an idiot who truly believes his way of life is right — the phrenology scene with the skull shows that. If you think that it's Stephen, but you mentioned how shallow it feels because he's not the big boss man that's been played up the entire movie and he's a tragic character despite being so vile since believing that black people must be subservient is all he's ever known.

The true target, which is mentioned in that Tarantino quote, is slavery itself. Django can't kill everyone who wronged him because he'd have travel through time to do that and kill those who instated slavery in the first place. Shoshanna gets to kill those responsible for the deaths of her family.

So then how does he get revenge against such a nebulous enemy? He gets it by simply being who he is. What makes all of DU satisfying is Django's rebellion against America and slavery. That's what makes that exchange between him and Billy Crash so great:

"You are one lucky nigger."

"Better listen to your boss, white boy."

"Oh, I'mma go walking in the moonlight with you."

"You wanna hold my hand?"

It's because even up into the mid 20th century where it was the status quo, black people were not supposed to talk back to white folk; it just wasn't done. You've got Django riding a horse when society says he can't. He pretty much calls Candie's lawyer a nigger. He kills white criminals. He reads, stares white people in the eye he has a wife when America tries to tell him he can't. That's what puts a smile on my and many others' faces.

That's what makes the whole movie satisfying; if Django could've saved his wife without having to track down the Brittle brothers, he'd have done that. Same with any other villain in the movie. If you're going to look at it as a revenge film, realize what's actually being revenged and judge it based on that.

I'm not trying to say you shouldn't feel the way you do, but if you see the movie again, look at it in a different way so that you enjoy it more: it's Django, Schultz and Broomhilda against American ideals, not against the people per se. Don't think of Django killing Stephen and blowing up Candy Land as the final act of retribution. The final act of revenge is Django being with Broomhilda and him living as a man, not as a slave.

And about revenge not always being clean and safe in these movies: All of the satisfying acts of revenge in IB would be, if placed in a different context, really off-putting to most viewers. The Nazi who gets killed with the baseball bat said he got his medals "for being brave;" had he been an Allied soldier and he killer a Nazi, it would've been touted as a horrifying scene rather than cheered for by audiences. I know my audience cheered when Shoshanna's movie theaters went up in flames. The only reason that stuff is satisfying to anyone is because we know the Nazi's have done awful stuff and we've grown to hate them for myriad reasons, so seeing them get fucked up is awesome at first. Looking back on it though, the revenge is kind of sickening; the Basterds end up being almost as bad as the Nazis considering how they revel in their suffering.

I see that as being similar to DU with Stephen, though you never experienced that initial satisfaction and went straight to feeling how empty the act of killing someone for revenge is. I went to see this with my folks on Christmas day and soon after Stephen was revealed, my dad leaned over and said "Samuel L. Jackson's character has to die."

I whsipered back "That's what they want us to think," only half joking. Again, Stephen was conditioned to be that way and killing him doesn't change much, though I did enjoy seeing him get some comeuppance, particularly for his speech about what he's seen done to slaves.


I'm going to try and make this quick. I had a lot of thoughts during the movie so I apologize if this post seems all over the place.

- Saw it with a predominantly white crowd. (packed screening, like 4 black people not including me and my brothers)

- QT peppered a lot of the N-words with jokes (many un-needed but slave times so OK), but there were a lot that weren't seasoned to be digestible, yet the crowd laughed nearly every time. Crowd cracked up when the screen showed black people in chains. I had to stare at the screen to find something funny. There was none. Just black people in chains trudging through mud. Yes people racism is dead!

- I thought the movie was a good popcorn flick, but as a revenge flick it was bad, and even worse as a movie that delves into the topic of slavery.

- Don't get me started on the KKK scene

- There weren't any slave owners that were made to be REALLY hated except the Bittle brothers - and they were killed in the beginning. The rest of the film they killed racists and slave owners without even showing how ruthless these people were -- and even when they introduced one that was supposed to be a terrible man he was offset by two very disturbing things:

Dicaprio was a loveable/charming slave owner.

SLJ was worse than Dicaprio

Now these may not seem like a big deal but they are very insidious in nature. The man the movie MAKES you hate isn't all the slave owners, it isn't DiCaprio but SLJ's character. (He was even going to let Django and Schultz go; although racist, he was a man of his word who didn't like being lied to. He simply just made Schultz pay what he originally was going to. Not a bad guy right? Right)

In a revenge movie about killing white slave owners the black man's final triumph isn't over a white slave owner, it's over a house n*****-- he doesn't even get to kill the "worse" slave owner in the south (Mr. Candie), Schultz does, a white man! No, the final enemy in this revenge movie is a black man, albeit an uncle Tom, they still made the black man the prime hated, despicable enemy. No one liked SLJ. Mr. Candie, a supposedly terrible and ruthless slave owner had to argue with his servant Stephen to even let them in the house, and be treated well.

As soon as they showed SLJ I whispered to my brother, "Notice how they make the most hated character a black man..."

Compare this movie to Inglorious Basterds, a very similar revenge flick -- except for it actually felt like a revenge flick. A bunch of Jews killing "Nahzis" in very brutal ways and at the end they exploded Hitler's head. I'm not Jewish but it seemd very cathartic and infinitely satisfying. Imagine if they didn't kill Hitler (since he did kill himself IRL) but instead they killed a Jewish guy. This movie? A copout. No, it didn't feel satisfying at all - and out of all the over the top violence in the movie, he simply shoots Stephen (SLJ) in the legs and blows up the house.

The scene where Schultz killed DiCaprio made no sense, and was just the setup to actually have the black man be the main villain. The white man was so upset about injustice that he killed another white man in cold blood without regard for the shotgun aimed at Django or Broomhilda.

And don't tell me this was an analyses on black people being their own worst enemy. Black people are treated poorly by black people because America tells EVERYONE to treat black people bad, not just the majority but minorities as well. Just look at the famous white/black doll beauty experiment. Black people are learning the same prejudices that most Americans do. I wouldn't give QT that much credit anyway

In all I think QT made a terrible mistake. A subject as sensitive, clouded and sometimes outright ignored should have been handled differently.

There's a lot of things I missed but this should give you a feeling on how I felt.

Is this Spike Lee's NeoGaf account?


I'm going to try and make this quick. I had a lot of thoughts during the movie so I apologize if this post seems all over the place.


There's a lot of things I missed but this should give you a feeling on how I felt.

These are truth bombs that will get seen as "hating"


As to Django and it's place as a revenge flick
I'd like to make sure nobody misses the fact that a huge turn happened early in the film. Never was Candie the main antagonist or better yet the Drive for Django. The brothers were. The viewer is made to shift the hate from the immediate enforcers of the pain hes suffered, towards the overall problem with the country (Candie). While Candie later becomes an antagonist and represents everything wrong with the times, the revenge probably happened too quickly for the viewer to have a "aww yeah, get em" moment. Kill Bill played it very well until the end, but if you think about it, it was a simple kill the guy and get revenger cliche. Django was more grand in scope, because after killing the main antagonists, he still has other problems to overcome, and even after the film is over, one is left to wonder. How do you get revenge on a whole country?


How do you feels about Q in general. Just from my memory of films he seems be infatuated with mentioning nigger in his movies . In True Romance there was the whole interrogation of the main characters father by Christopher Walken. In it the father called Walken a nigger due to his Italian heritage and revealed the historical reasoning why he called him that. Pulp Fiction had the whole "dead nigger storage" scene. Then you have Django and its use. I haven't watched Jackie Brown or remember his movies too fondly in general but there is probably more there. Do you guys have any issues with it?
How do you feels about Q in general. Just from my memory of films he seems be infatuated with mentioning nigger in his movies . In True Romance there was the whole interrogation of the main characters father by Christopher Walken. In it the father called Walken a nigger due to his Italian heritage and revealed the historical reasoning why he called him that. Pulp Fiction had the whole "dead nigger storage" scene. Then you have Django and its use. I haven't watched Jackie Brown or remember his movies too fondly in general but there is probably more there. Do you guys have any issues with it?

The N word has never really bothered me when used in media like movies/music


How do you feels about Q in general. Just from my memory of films he seems be infatuated with mentioning nigger in his movies . In True Romance there was the whole interrogation of the main characters father by Christopher Walken. In it the father called Walken a nigger due to his Italian heritage and revealed the historical reasoning why he called him that. Pulp Fiction had the whole "dead nigger storage" scene. Then you have Django and its use. I haven't watched Jackie Brown or remember his movies too fondly in general but there is probably more there. Do you guys have any issues with it?

Nope. QT is the best director since 1990.
How do you feels about Q in general. Just from my memory of films he seems be infatuated with mentioning nigger in his movies . In True Romance there was the whole interrogation of the main characters father by Christopher Walken. In it the father called Walken a nigger due to his Italian heritage and revealed the historical reasoning why he called him that. Pulp Fiction had the whole "dead nigger storage" scene. Then you have Django and its use. I haven't watched Jackie Brown or remember his movies too fondly in general but there is probably more there. Do you guys have any issues with it?

Its a harsh truth, but white people say nigger when they are among themselves, more then you would think. So in essence its a more realistic depiction of how the word is used.


How do you feels about Q in general. Just from my memory of films he seems be infatuated with mentioning nigger in his movies . In True Romance there was the whole interrogation of the main characters father by Christopher Walken. In it the father called Walken a nigger due to his Italian heritage and revealed the historical reasoning why he called him that. Pulp Fiction had the whole "dead nigger storage" scene. Then you have Django and its use. I haven't watched Jackie Brown or remember his movies too fondly in general but there is probably more there. Do you guys have any issues with it?

Not really and especially so in Django and Jackie Brown considering the settings for both of those movies.

Dead nigger storage is the only time it got to me a little, but it makes sense based on what was going on in the story.


I wouldn't say that I was bothered by the usage of Nigger in his films, considering that those respective scenes within True Romance and Pulp Fiction are some of my favorites, but his insistence on using the term regardless of its relevance is a bit weird. I mean, who the fuck thinks of "Dead Nigger storage" and "Sicilians are spawned from Niggers" during the writing process. It's so off-base, out of left field and irrelevant to his narratives that I find myself completely baffled.

Reservoir Dogs had a few instances where characters accused other characters of acting and conducting business "like a bunch of Niggers," ie. always at each other's throats, untrustworthy and killing each other.

Even in Kill Bill, in reference to the slaughter at the chapel, the sheriff says something around the lines of "they even killed that Negrah fella at the piano," and while it wasn't present in the film, in the screenplay this quote is present: "There's cops all over here, I had to be cool. They tend to notice things like Negroes sneaking around people's backyards."

In Inglorious Basterds, there's the card game scene where a correlation between King Kong and the "Negro experience" is made. And within the script, during the opening scene where the Jew Hunter is comparing Jews to rats, he makes a comparison between blacks and gorillas, saying "Negro's - gorilla's - brain - lips - smell - physical strength - penis size."

Jackie Brown and Django Unchained speak for themselves. He has a hard on for racial humor, but as I said, I'm not sure what to make of it.
More spoilers for Django Unchained below.

You're right that we disagre on a base level about this movie's status as a revenge film, though I acknowledge revenge plays a large part and served as the main draw for audiences. And that's fine.


Very good points. And don't get me wrong, many of those scenes were satisfying. To me it just felt like it was all undone at the end. That's just me though. And no, I'm not Spike. I wouldn't [publicly] boycott a movie. That's silly. I'm happy I saw Django and it deserves a second viewing. I will agree with harSon again, QT does seem to have a hard on for odd racial humor.

These are truth bombs that will get seen as "hating"
Lol, it already did.


I wouldn't say that I was bothered by the usage of Nigger in his films, considering that those respective scenes within True Romance and Pulp Fiction are some of my favorites, but his insistence on using the term regardless of its relevance is a bit weird. I mean, who the fuck thinks of "Dead Nigger storage" and "Sicilians are spawned from Niggers" during the writing process. It's so off-base, out of left field and irrelevant to his narratives that I find myself completely baffled.

Reservoir Dogs had a few instances where characters accused other characters of acting and conducting business "like a bunch of Niggers," ie. always at each other's throats, untrustworthy and killing each other.

Even in Kill Bill, in reference to the slaughter at the chapel, the sheriff says something around the lines of "they even killed that Negrah fella at the piano," and while it wasn't present in the film, in the screenplay this quote is present: "There's cops all over here, I had to be cool. They tend to notice things like Negroes sneaking around people's backyards."

In Inglorious Basterds, there's the card game scene where a correlation between King Kong and the "Negro experience" is made. And within the script, during the opening scene where the Jew Hunter is comparing Jews to rats, he makes a comparison between blacks and gorillas, saying "Negro's - gorilla's - brain - lips - smell - physical strength - penis size."

Jackie Brown and Django Unchained speak for themselves. He has a hard on for racial humor, but as I said, I'm not sure what to make of it.

You kinda nailed it for me. Individually each one isn't a big deal but as a whole it just seems odd, maybe a tad bit obsessive. He could make a documentary on beetles and he would find a way to make a racial reference.
To add to the QT 'race obsession' thing, it's not even 'race obsession' since it's almost always about black people.

edit: though in Reservoir Dogs there is the whole tipping scene and how a jew wouldn't have the balls to say what Pink did, the fake cop story with the 'oriental' and "Tommy Wong..fucking Charlie Chan" that last one is not really racey or outrageous though.


Paper or plastic?
Is this weeks podcast subject set in stone? Is it okay to talk about minorities and women in entertainment (in addition to gaming). Or is that too broad?


Jury is still out on QT. I'd be willing to bet that at one point he had some fucked up ideas. I'm also willing to consider that he might have grown and matured past that, to a point.
Is this weeks podcast subject set in stone? Is it okay to talk about minorities and women in entertainment (in addition to gaming). Or is that too broad?

We should be able to fill an hour + with just minorities in games past, present and looking forward. I have a couple things written down that I want to bounce off of everyone. Maybe its just me but I think this topic alone could be talked about for a whiiile.

Comparing things to other mediums is probably going to happen organically. And as proven by the first two casts things tend to veer away from the topic at times.

Keep in mind we'll have a whole episode dedicated to the 'rise and fall of the black sitcom' which will probably touch on film and the like.

TLDR: Yes it's ok if you're trying to explain or prove a point, like having a white male lead in movies/games serve the same purpose of reaching the broadest audience. Let's not talk about Kathryn Bigelow at length just cause.


We should be able to fill an hour + with just minorities in games past, present and looking forward. I have a couple things written down that I want to bounce off of everyone. Maybe its just me but I think this topic alone could be talked about for a whiiile.

Comparing things to other mediums is probably going to happen organically. And as proven by the first two casts things tend to veer away from the topic at times.

Keep in mind we'll have a whole episode dedicated to the 'rise and fall of the black sitcom' which will probably touch on film and the like.

TLDR: Yes it's ok if you're trying to explain or prove a point, like having a white male lead in movies/games serve the same purpose of reaching the broadest audience. Let's not talk about Kathryn Bigelow at length just cause.

Hit me up when the discussion of minorities in the media comes up. Hopefully I'll be able to make it, because I'd love to have that discussion. I don't think it's a secret on these boards that I'm absolutely fascinated by the subject.


Paper or plastic?
We should be able to fill an hour + with just minorities in games past, present and looking forward. I have a couple things written down that I want to bounce off of everyone. Maybe its just me but I think this topic alone could be talked about for a whiiile.

Comparing things to other mediums is probably going to happen organically. And as proven by the first two casts things tend to veer away from the topic at times.

Keep in mind we'll have a whole episode dedicated to the 'rise and fall of the black sitcom' which will probably touch on film and the like.

TLDR: Yes it's ok if you're trying to explain or prove a point, like having a white male lead in movies/games serve the same purpose of reaching the broadest audience. Let's not talk about Kathryn Bigelow at length just cause.
Cool--cool, cool, cool.
Dick Gregory's thoughts on Django


Brother Dick gave the truth of it.

Ke-mo sah-bee (pron.: /ˌkiːmoʊˈsɑːbiː/; often spelled kemo sabe or kemosabe) is the term of endearment and catchphrase used by the intrepid and ever-faithful fictional Native American sidekick, Tonto, in the very successful American radio and television program The Lone Ranger. (The phrase is sometimes also used by the Lone Ranger himself.)
It is sometimes translated as "trusty scout" or "faithful friend" in Potawatomi.[1][2] Its use has become so widespread it was entered into Webster's New Millennium Dictionary in 2002.[2]

The Tonto Apache (Dilzhę́’é, also Dilzhe'e, Dilzhe’eh Apache) is one of the groups of Western Apache people. The term is also used for their dialect, one of the three dialects of the Western Apache language (a Southern Athabaskan language). The Chiricahua living to the south called them Ben-et-dine or binii?e'dine' (“brainless people”, “people without minds”, i.e. "wild", "crazy", "Those who you don’t understand").[1] The neighboring Western Apache ethnonym for them was Koun'nde ("wild rough People"), from which the Spanish derived their use of Tonto ("loose", "foolish") for the group. The kindred but enemy Navajo to the north called both, the Tonto Apache and their allies, the Yavapai, Dilzhʼíʼ dinéʼiʼ - “People with high-pitched voices”)

Well shit
#3 - Minorities In Games - Topher/DrFunk
#4 - Rise & Fall of The Black Sitcom - Prof.Beef/Devo
#5 - Interracial Dating - Dark Faze/Devo (Topher)
#6 - Comic Books/Comic book based movies - ?/?
#7 In The workplace ?/?
#8 - Things Black People Need To Stop Doing - ?/?
#9 Minorities In Media - harson/Topher

PM if you'd like jump in with the four of us in one of the open spots.

#3 will be recorded this Sunday

DrFunk - 6pm est?
Topher - 6pm est
Moris - All Day
Dy - All day
Immortal -
onemic -


For sure. I'm thinking Minorities in media should be its own, since there's so much there. And "Minorities in games" "Rise&Fall of the black sitcom" can stand on their own.

If your going to mention Minorities in games are you guys going to venture into the whole "San Andreas" outcry? I remember a lot of people were pissed and it just wasn't bout the "hot coffee" mod haha.


The physical form of blasphemy
If your going to mention Minorities in games are you guys going to venture into the whole "San Andreas" outcry? I remember a lot of people were pissed and it just wasn't bout the "hot coffee" mod haha.

I just can't relate with a thug, ya know? Something about the culture, clothes, music, and hair. I'm not about that life, "you dig"? That Tommy though. Wow. I feel like I could feel exactly where he was coming from. I mean, I'm no criminal, or in the mob. I just couldn't relate to a...gangster. It's not because CJ is black. It's so typical for you all to try and pull the race card, ugh.
I just can't relate with a thug, ya know? Something about the culture, clothes, music, and hair. I'm not about that life, "you dig"? That Tommy though. Wow. I feel like I could feel exactly where he was coming from. I mean, I'm no criminal, or in the mob. I just couldn't relate to a...gangster. It's not because CJ is black. It's so typical for you all to try and pull the race card, ugh.

I don't want to be a pimp. :(


Does someone have the thread where Gaf first realized all the details bout San Andreas? Someone linked it to me like 3 months ago and all I remember was people literally losing it acting like the series was basically dead.


Paper or plastic?
#3 - Minorities In Games - Topher/DrFunk
#4 - Rise & Fall of The Black Sitcom - Prof.Beef/Devo
#5 - Interracial Dating - Dark Faze/Devo
#6 - Comic Books/Comic book based movies
#7 In The workplace
#8 - Things Black People Need To Stop Doing
#9 Minorities In Media - harson/?

PM if you'd like jump in on one of the open spots.

#3 will be recorded this Sunday

DrFunk - 6pm est?
Topher - 6pm est
Moris - All Day
Dy -
Immortal -
onemic -

Put me down for minorities in media. And IR dating if someone drops.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant

podcast #2 is good

also, massive django spoilers

all podcasts will be linked in the op
#3 - Minorities In Games - Topher/DrFunk
#4 - Rise & Fall of The Black Sitcom - Prof.Beef/Devo
#5 - Interracial Dating - Dark Faze/Devo
#6 - Comic Books/Comic book based movies
#7 In The workplace
#8 - Things Black People Need To Stop Doing
#9 Minorities In Media - harson/?

PM if you'd like jump in on one of the open spots.

#3 will be recorded this Sunday

DrFunk - 6pm est?
Topher - 6pm est
Moris - All Day
Dy -
Immortal -
onemic -

All day

Interracial dating and in the workplace would be great
Does someone have the thread where Gaf first realized all the details bout San Andreas? Someone linked it to me like 3 months ago and all I remember was people literally losing it acting like the series was basically dead.


EDIT: "Yeah, and I suppose this game is going to have a variety of things to listen to, like heavy metal, rock, classical, country, and rap? Yeah, no way. This game is going to be purely rap/hip-hop driven, and you know it."
"All chances of me playing this game are out the window. If I dont like rap how can I like this?! The mood is dead!"

:lol :lol :lol

EDIT 2: For old times sake I checked the previous thread. One year ago to the day, we were talking about the MLK club poster. :lol
I'll slap intros/outros to the podcasts, re-post them and then post the OT when I get out of class in 2 hours.


FryeWulff, I'll shoot you a PM about mirroring the final versions of the two podcasts.
One thing that sucks about being single and having a decent job is that you buy a ton of shit for yourself. My parents gave me a $200 gift card to best buy and I have no idea what to use it on.

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