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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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Junior Member
We should be comparing WiiU to Virtual Boy since that's the closest bombed console to the WiiU sales/support wise.

VB only sold 770k units according to wiki, and wasn't even released in Europe. While Wii U has sold, what, 3 million or something? It's not even remotely close.

Not to mention VB was canceled the first year it was released in japan, and a year later in NA.
Pretty much, and I'm barely even paying attention to the news on them as is. I wouldn't even know how bad Wii U is doing if gaming side didn't insist on having so many topics on the first page for shitting on Wii/whining about lack of Wii U support.

E3 will tell me what I want to know. Maybe I'll actually stay awake during it this year.

I usually get vaca around that time : p I don't know how many here are into the Fighting Game Community but that's also the same week as EVO 2K13.
I'm a big Nintendo fan but some posters are like conspiracy theorists on gaming side. I'm just gonna stick with my new PC and Wii U for a while. Best of both worlds in my opinion.


VB only sold 770k units according to wiki, and wasn't even released in Europe. While Wii U has sold, what, 3 million or something? It's not even remotely close.

Not to mention VB was canceled the first year it was released in japan, and a year later in NA.

Yea, I didn't think that could possibly be right.


Saw this on fb


And im officially one of the vita brotherhood
I just wish MS wouldnt fucking charge for Live or at least make it worth it. Basically your paying for mountain dew and doritos ads on your xbox.


Well, this was certainly a shitty week. First, being rushed to the hospital with bee allergies over the weekend, and last night, my car was rear ended at a stop light by some elderly woman who honestly needs to have her licence taken away. I was stopped at a red light and apparently she "misjudged the distance needed to stop" resulting in her completely plowing the rear end of my car. Fortunately she wasn't going that fast, but the hit still did a bit of damage to my car :/

Saw this on fb


And im officially one of the vita brotherhood

This certainly makes me feel better... it's amazing hahaha


Any of you going to EVO this year? If everything goes ok for me for the next few months I plan to go

Probably not? I'm already going to Vegas over the Summer, although I suppose I could try and convince my friends to make the trip for that specific weekend. I probably would be too busy doing other stuff to actually go though.
Not this year. And it sucks because I've been to EVO twice and it was fun as fuck each time. I also never caught that EVOla virus because I'm not a lame who decides to go without showering.
hah, I heard about evola after I went a couple years ago (when it was at the rio). Sadly won't make it, but hopefully I can hang out at pax this year. or not. meh.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Too broke and busy to go to any events, last convention I attended was GenCon and that was when I lived in SoCal so it wasn't too bad a drive to Anaheim.

Someone send that Maury info to PTW.
Thanks! I guess it was a bit subtle. ;)
The best trolls are. :D

Hilarious either way because some really do think that way. Nintendo is pretty much capturing my interest with handhelds only at this time.
I beat by the last day the funk is weapon grade level.

Not as bad as some of the anime cons I've been to, but then again EVO's venue tends to have the AC on at all times. Also, me and my friends stayed near the middle/back since everyone was clustered at the front near the stage.


Not as bad as some of the anime cons I've been to, but then again EVO's venue tends to have the AC on at all times. Also, me and my friends stayed near the middle/back since everyone was clustered at the front near the stage.

Why do people that stink the worse have no concept of personal space?
Two shady ass Negros just woke me up and tried to pull an energy provider scam on me.

Pro Tip: If you want to seem official don't walk around in Baseball caps and sweats.
Two shady ass Negros just woke me up and tried to pull an energy provider scam on me.

Pro Tip: If you want to seem official don't walk around in Baseball caps and sweats.

Lol reminds me of a call I got from Delaware asking from my personal info for a survey for Georgia Power. I told the guy why would Georgia Power call from Delaware when they are in Georgia, he just hung afterwards.


I honestly didn't notice much stink*, but I did miss the finals. I bet it was intense.

*my senses were also deadened by large quantities of grain alcohol.

smell was noticeable at EVO 2009, it's gotten considerably nicer since. Finals are always amazing, but they stay packed as fuck.
Lol reminds me of a call I got from Delaware asking from my personal info for a survey for Georgia Power. I told the guy why would Georgia Power call from Delaware when they are in Georgia, he just hung afterwards.

I was groggy when I answered the door but I knew something was up when they were asking for my bill. Told them to come back tomorrow before 12 am. Went and called my power company, confirmed they were BS. Went downstairs and told them the fuck off while they were trying to pull the same shit on my neighbor.

Told them to never bring their ass around my door again.
smell was noticeable at EVO 2009, it's gotten considerably nicer since. Finals are always amazing, but they stay packed as fuck.
yeah I regret not showing up for the finals, but some really dtf white girls snagged my brother and his friend at dick's last resort so I had to see how it all played out.
Went out to grab some groceries from my roomate's truck, who cant carry much on account of his broken leg and some "good neighbour" accuses me of stealing shit, orders me to put the stuff back in the truck. I tell him its my roomate's shit and I have the fucking keys to the truck in my hand, then he has the nerve to start asking me questions, like how long ive lived in the apartment building, and "oh 'ive never seen you around here before, my name's Ryan", like we both didnt know he profiled my ass.
this is that shit that gets me heated


Went out to grab some groceries from my roomate's truck, who cant carry much on account of his broken leg and some "good neighbour" accuses me of stealing shit, orders me to put the stuff back in the truck. I tell him its my roomate's shit and I have the fucking keys to the truck in my hand, then he has the nerve to start asking me questions, like how long ive lived in the apartment building, and "oh 'ive never seen you around here before, my name's Ryan", like we both didnt know he profiled my ass.
this is that shit that gets me heated

Smh, some people man.


how's the combat to bioshock infinite in comparison to the original bioshock? More or less the same? I wasn't a fan of the hit detection of the splicers, and they're being bullet sponges.

Went out to grab some groceries from my roomate's truck, who cant carry much on account of his broken leg and some "good neighbour" accuses me of stealing shit, orders me to put the stuff back in the truck. I tell him its my roomate's shit and I have the fucking keys to the truck in my hand, then he has the nerve to start asking me questions, like how long ive lived in the apartment building, and "oh 'ive never seen you around here before, my name's Ryan", like we both didnt know he profiled my ass.
this is that shit that gets me heated

A day in the life
I respect that. Shiiiet, I'd have done the same.
seriously, the thirst was something else. one of them was wearing a tight ribbed tank over boobs that would make reiko blush. halfway through our (really terrible) lunch she grabs her shirt and pulls it down a bit and shakes saying how hot it was in the room. in full knowledge of what she was doing. gawdam.
Went out to grab some groceries from my roomate's truck, who cant carry much on account of his broken leg and some "good neighbour" accuses me of stealing shit, orders me to put the stuff back in the truck. I tell him its my roomate's shit and I have the fucking keys to the truck in my hand, then he has the nerve to start asking me questions, like how long ive lived in the apartment building, and "oh 'ive never seen you around here before, my name's Ryan", like we both didnt know he profiled my ass.
this is that shit that gets me heated

Please tell me you didn't answer any of his questions. Should have told him to fuck off from the start and ignored his ass.


how's the combat to bioshock infinite in comparison to the original bioshock? More or less the same? I wasn't a fan of the hit detection of the splicers, and they're being bullet sponges.

It's pretty decent so far. I think melee may be a tad bit over powered, and the hit detection on enemies seems decent enough. Most of them aren't bullet sponges from what I've seen, and they take more/less damage depending on where you shoot them (human enemies at least).I'm not sure if things open up in the near future, but as of right now, I rarely use Vigors and prefer to use the pistol that I started with 90% of the time.

Also, it would have been nice if they developers included some type of indicator as to where enemies are located. The game is set up in such a way where you have to kill everyone within a given area before the next area/mission is triggered. And due to some wonky enemy AI, where they'll basically hide away and try and shoot you from a distance, sometimes it's a pain in the ass to locate the last enemy or two.


how's the combat to bioshock infinite in comparison to the original bioshock? More or less the same? I wasn't a fan of the hit detection of the splicers, and they're being bullet sponges.

A day in the life

Bioshock' Infinite's combat is pretty close to the combat from the first 1. The railhook/skyhook adds a new way of fighting.

I'll talk about it more when most of the people here are done with it/in the thread on gaming side, but the atmosphere, story, dialogue are it's strongest points. In some ways, real talk, the gunplay/combat kind of holds the game back. Almost in the same way it did in bioshock 1

That's just how I am about it tho.

That said this game shits on Bioshock 1


Banstick Emeritus
Went out to grab some groceries from my roomate's truck, who cant carry much on account of his broken leg and some "good neighbour" accuses me of stealing shit, orders me to put the stuff back in the truck. I tell him its my roomate's shit and I have the fucking keys to the truck in my hand, then he has the nerve to start asking me questions, like how long ive lived in the apartment building, and "oh 'ive never seen you around here before, my name's Ryan", like we both didnt know he profiled my ass.
this is that shit that gets me heated
You didn't tell him to go fuck himself? Shame on you.
You didn't tell him to go fuck himself? Shame on you.


pretty much this.

In other news. Tomorrow i.e good Friday marks my Diabetus anniversary. Yes the ole blood sugar killer gave me a visit this time last year and never left. Pricked fingers, 2x the grocery bill on all organic shit, back in the gym; even lost 18 pounds and his ass still won't leave. I fell better. I'm healthier but I still gots the diabetus. Thanks genetics!!!!


Two shady ass Negros just woke me up and tried to pull an energy provider scam on me.

Pro Tip: If you want to seem official don't walk around in Baseball caps and sweats.

We get carpet cleaners and alarm system sellers here. Ignorant ass folks too. I am not buying shit from anybody with a his dress shirt half tucked in and a grill in his mouth
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