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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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Yeah, I'm still on Keto. Probably not the most efficient diet for putting on muscle, but I've been making progress slowly but surely. What's your diet look like?
Hey you gotta do you, you're getting that brotein. Weightlifting/bodybuilding is a very individual activity. I did keto once ,was great for fat loss.I do iifym Around 2700 Cal's right now. 225 protein, 200 carbs(400 on refeeddays),80 fats and 30 fiber.


I haven't willingly engaged in an activity for the sake of exercise in over two years. It feels so shitty, but it's hard to work up the motivation.


I was thinking of start a small contest thread where I was going to challenge people to outwalk me for three weeks. I'd let people form up into teams of 3 at most, I'd walk everyday and log the walks, and the teams could cumulatively add their distance to try and beat me, and whoever beat me would collect a prize.

I need to get back to where i was in 2002-2004 where I was walking six miles to work and six miles back. Also, it'd be like holding a gun filled with workout bullets to myself. First goal is to do a loop of Broadway -> Granville Bridge -> across downtown to Cambie Bridge -> Broadway loop, which gets me 3.5 miles

The only thing about keto is you start craving anything with carbs in it hardcore. I wasn't going zero carbs and I still felt it.


You old "i wanna take care of myself and stay in shape" ass niggas. Ol uppity asses.

Me? Imma swag it out and finish this meat lovers pizza. :)

I really do need to get back in the gym doe.


Junior Member
Got this on LinkedIn today. The response is to my comment on a discussion about work drying up for freelancers:


Africans complain of discrimination in Mumbai, India
I don't even have to click that, Indians hate them some black people. Hell they don't even like dark skinned Indians. Ever notice how all the Bollywood stars are 2 shades from white.

Man there was this gorgeous girl who I went to high school with, but that shit would NEVER happen because her parents would have nuked her ass into orbit if she was messing around with a black guy.


Yeah, I'm still on Keto. Probably not the most efficient diet for putting on muscle, but I've been making progress slowly but surely. What's your diet look like?

Bruh. Why the fuck are you still on Keto? I've seen some of your pics posted in the weightloss thread and places, and you're done. You've passed that weightloss finish-line. Time to enjoy the post-workout shakes.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Maybe you should post this in that other thread. Because there's no racism apparently.

I understand the point of that

But that pic/response is absolute cat-ass bullshit. The feeling sorry for myself, itsbecausei'mblackthatnetworkingdoesn'twork in the tone of a crying 10 year old is nothing worth repeating.
I was speaking to an older cat from philly about racism yesterday. And of course I live by the old adage "You can learn knowledge from a fool, just listen first". Anywho he hit me with his philosophy on it and stated "Racism is inferiority" Anyone that exhibits or pushes it just feels inferior to the race they hating on. I could get behind that.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I was speaking to an older cat from philly about racism yesterday. And of course I live by the old adage "You can learn knowledge from a fool, just listen first". Anywho he hit me with his philosophy on it and stated "Racism is inferiority" Anyone that exhibits or pushes it just feels inferior to the race they hating on. I could get behind that.


It sounds nice and all but.... naw. Not every person who thinks you're just a gunweilding, weed selling, jail bound, aids carrying shitty parent thinks that simply because they have inadequacy issues that they haven't deal with themselves.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
You yourself said that we had to work harder. True or false?

How the fuck does that translate into making a new country?

Work harder as in educate and articulate our own arguments for starters instead of harping on the shit that was a huge deal and primary focus a generation ago. More tools are there now and the landscape has changed (note: This does not mean racism is dead. Clearly.) - the dialogue needs to change accordingly. And most of all its incredibly selfish and incredulous to go on absolutely ignore the concrete personal issues that are going on in order to lead a masquerade that all of the problems on one's plate are related to race.
Someone link the thread. Why do I have the feeling people are keeping it dangerously real?
Right here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=539499

This is when you think you're keeping it real and in reality you just made a goddamn fool of yourself and everyone that ever gave you a high five.


Junior Member
I understand the point of that

But that pic/response is absolute cat-ass bullshit. The feeling sorry for myself, itsbecausei'mblackthatnetworkingdoesn'twork in the tone of a crying 10 year old is nothing worth repeating.

The thing is, judging by the picture, the guy who sent me that is an older dude.

I mean this isn't the first time old folks have given me the you-are-disadvantaged-because-you-are-black-even-in-the-21st-century-talk, but never to the level of "give up."

Both of my parents basically grew up in the Jim Crow south. My mom actually picked cotton from the first grade until she went to college. Now my dad probably makes something like 300k a year (I don't actually know, but it's enough for my parents to fill their house with six big-ass TVs and a bunch of furniture they don't use), admittedly partly due to his military career, but that's a whole story in itself. Point is, the usual message from them is the whole work-twice-as-hard-to-get-half-as-far deal. To say that my parents blame white folks would be an overstate... nevermind, my mom still has some kind of ingrained mistrust of white people that only manifests at home and while she's driving.

I'm not really sure if the lesson took. My military family upbringing is probably what ensured that most of the friends I grew up with are white. Any differences I've seen between judgement from older black folks and older white folks has been extremely subtle.

...actually, I'll admit that in most of the job interviews I've landed, the interviewer has acted slightly shocked upon the revelation of "Oh you're **regular Anglo-Saxon name**!"


Damn, people be hating on my dude Hip Hop Gamer for real. Dude is out here trying to get his grind on and people want to talk shit because he doesn't act like they think a games journalist should. Makes me sad son.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Damn, people be hating on my dude Hip Hop Gamer for real. Dude is out here trying to get his grind on and people want to talk shit because he doesn't act like they think a games journalist should. Makes me sad son.

He gets a lot of that because he says a lot of dumb shit too.


He gets a lot of that because he says a lot of dumb shit too.

well I'm not acting like the dude hasn't said some inflammatory stuff too but so does everyone else say dumb shit all the time. Its who is saying it that people start making distinctions from say if Michael Pachter said it compared to HHG.


How the fuck does that translate into making a new country?

Work harder as in educate and articulate our own arguments for starters instead of harping on the shit that was a huge deal and primary focus a generation ago. More tools are there now and the landscape has changed (note: This does not mean racism is dead. Clearly.) - the dialogue needs to change accordingly. And most of all its incredibly selfish and incredulous to go on absolutely ignore the concrete personal issues that are going on in order to lead a masquerade that all of the problems on one's plate are related to race.
Right here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=539499

This is when you think you're keeping it real and in reality you just made a goddamn fool of yourself and everyone that ever gave you a high five.
Haha. What in the world are you talking about?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
well I'm not acting like the dude hasn't said some inflammatory stuff too but so does everyone else say dumb shit all the time. Its who is saying it that people start making distinctions from say if Michael Pachter said it compared to HHG.

One of his biggest problems is that he tries to play it both ways.


So if you're in a place where you're not wanted, the logical thing is to stay there?

Honestly dude I think your problem is that you project any type of possible rejection experienced by you onto discrimination and racism from others. I'm sorry, but just because two white girls turned you down doesn't mean that every white person is a racist and it doesn't make them racist for not wanting to date you. You take problems that you have with yourself and instead of trying to deal with it you project it onto a race "woe is me" type of thing, that doesn't help anyone. Not to yourself, or others that might actually experience real discrimination.

You say that you came back better, I would say it's quite the contrary. You've allowed yourself to stew in your own false reality of "I do everything right but everyone is racist against me" and its shown with your posts coming off as being extremely out of touch with the world. Start focusing on you and less of what you *think* other people *might* think of you.


Honestly dude I think your problem is that you project any type of possible rejection experienced by you onto discrimination and racism from others. I'm sorry, but just because two white girls turned you down doesn't mean that every white person is a racist and it doesn't make them racist for not wanting to date you. You take problems that you have with yourself and instead of trying to deal with it you project it onto a race "woe is me" type of thing, that doesn't help anyone. Not to yourself, or others that might actually experience real discrimination.

You say that you came back better, I would say it's quite the contrary. You've allowed yourself to stew in your own false reality of "I do everything right but everyone is racist against me" and its shown with your posts coming off as being extremely out of touch with the world. Start focusing on you and less of what you *think* other people *might* think of you.

Honestly dude I think your problem is that you project any type of possible rejection experienced by you onto discrimination and racism from others. I'm sorry, but just because two white girls turned you down doesn't mean that every white person is a racist and it doesn't make them racist for not wanting to date you. You take problems that you have with yourself and instead of trying to deal with it you project it onto a race "woe is me" type of thing, that doesn't help anyone. Not to yourself, or others that might actually experience real discrimination.

You say that you came back better, I would say it's quite the contrary. You've allowed yourself to stew in your own false reality of "I do everything right but everyone is racist against me" and its shown with your posts coming off as being extremely out of touch with the world. Start focusing on you and less of what you *think* other people *might* think of you.

No. I know my weaknesses and my strengths. I've been through therapy and talked about these things. I've worked out. Gone to school. Have a car. Have decent money for a 20 year old. I've done everything right by most peoples metrics! But that's still not good enough. Why won't you tell me what's wrong then? Huh?! Because I've improved and changed areas of my life that were less than stellar and the only improvement I ever saw was how I did. Financially, academically, personally. How people view me has still not changed.

And what the hell does "real discrimination" mean? I've had more than my fair share of outright racism. Just yesterday I got called Nigger randomly again by a bunch of white kids. And for what?! If you can admit that there's racism, that there's systemic racism; then how can you turn around and tell me with a straight face that it doesn't affect everything?

There are people out there way worse than me. That don't have jobs, don't work, don't go to school. Whatever. And they can navigate society with far less resistance than I can. That we can. Or did the world change while I was sleeping and all of you actually believe that we're on the same playing field now?

Before I start off, what exactly is bothering you?

Everything! I'm sick of being rejected as even a fucking human being and being told that things are better than before. What difference does it make if you get out of prison for a crime you never committed, but people still run away from you? I'm not even a human being in most peoples eyes! That fucking bothers me! Yes! Why shouldn't it?!


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Hello everyone.

So I went away for a while to try and hash things out after becoming an emotional wreck between my therapist telling me to stick to my own kind(Read: black people) when I tried talking about my difficulties in society where 99% of the people here are white. And no, that's not sarcasm. 99% of people where I live *are* white. But. Why is that a problem?... I'm not sure why I thought leaving the internet(A place even more venomous) would make things better. As real life had a lot more to deal me. I suppose the rationale was that reading internet comments and articles was only echoing the problem back onto myself. So I took a break, to try and find some...sort of peace, balance; whatever we all seek. And it didn't go well at all. Between getting rejected twice in a row when asking girls out and getting: "Sorry, no black guys" and losing my job over a friend who later betrayed me, things were tough.

My first thought after logging out of GAF, clearing my browser bookmarks, deleting all the essays, articles and videos that I'd viewed regarding racism and social ostracization; was "Approach people as if you don't know them. Don't fall into the same trap of judging people before knowing them. The same one that has affected you so." And so that is what I did. A month passed and I continued working out, studying, living the best I could while struggling with my depression. One day I woke up to take my medication and asked myself: "Why am I taking these? Because I'm depressed? Why?...because of what people say/do to me? Is it worth it, changing my brain chemistry just to feel happy? Joyful? Should I just not face reality and all it's harshness and truths instead?". And so I flushed them down the toilet and never continued with them. My energy was back, my sharpness, I felt great! But at the same time, I realized that I'd developed a very cynical and jaded view on life. I became somewhat of a jerk inside my head and even while talking to someone with a smile; I was breaking them down on all levels. This frightened me and I quickly gleaned that my self hate, pity, anger, frustration at my surroundings and the inability to move forward; was causing me to project all of that onto innocent people. In many ways, I was seriously cultivating racist attitudes as a means to "protect myself". I never thought highly of anyone, because then I could get disappointed. I never trusted anyone, because then the trust could never be broken, I never looked at any white girl(Read: All girls) even with a hint of interest because then I could not get my heart broken in the worst way possible. And all of those things, quickly piled up and became something so, twisted and malevolent. I frightened myself with the thoughts that would come into my head.

It was then that I came to understand the truth. Racism isn't something that people can use you break you. It is a far more terrifying thing. It is at its core; akin to a poison that one ingests slowly over time until they succumb to it and spread it to others. Destroying themselves and everyone from the inside out. Very few times were overtly racist words or actions used against me in my life, in fact; I remember all those times *because* of their infrequency and the shock that comes with such boldness. No. It's the subtle things. The small minutiae of day to day life that is thrust upon a person until they eventually snap under it. You see, I asked myself a simple question: "What is the one thing you hate about yourself the most? That if you could change, would improve your life?". Because I'd been rejected for being "ugly", "big lipped", "Big black guy", "black", "African", "Nigger". There was never a single positive word that people used towards me that did not somehow reflect my nature. "You're pretty smart, are you sure you're black?", "You talk white!", "I thought you were white on the phone!", "I've always wanted to fuck a black guy!", "Is it true?". Even the compliments, were laced with the same poison. The insidious nature of true racism. I was always "The big black guy", but what about all the white guys around me the same size or bigger? They were never "The big white guy". It was something that I could never escape, and tragically; in that realization...I succumbed to the worse aspect of it. I placed myself and all people like me above all others. Because there was no way that *I* could be the problem. No. If I, we; were hated, despised, ridiculed and abused. It must be because they are afraid of us. Us. And them. No white person could say they were my friend unless they were willing to die for me. Everything suddenly became a test. Testing everyone and everything to find the slightest trace of imperfection. Any flaw of character so that I could write them off as a racist; ignore them. Because it would be easier than confronting reality. Daring, to be hurt.

Who do you trust? Why do you trust them? Those were the questions that plagued me for the next few months. I spent many days laying in my bed, unable to sleep peacefully and dreaming dark dreams. I began seeking out black people, people like me. I didn't care who they were as long as they were black people, poor, rich, ugly, beautiful, smart, dumb; kind or mean. I just wanted someone that I could talk too and vent my soul at. Someone other than my silly therapist who could never understand. My stupid classmates that got away with so much that I could never do. My so called "peers" that smoked weed, got drunk, had sex, said and did as they pleased. Because they were young. They were living. And yet it was I who when the call came around as to the cause of their behaviour, I, was guilty. Me, with my "rap music", "Thug culture". And so I internalized it. I said "I hate rap music! Why do those stupid people make such music? Why am I being labelled a thug because of them?!". And I lashed out against people who listened to rap, called them losers, drop-outs, failures. I took the hate projected at me, and threw it at others. And that is the genius of racism, it is a weapon whereby one has to simply attack one person; and it ricochets.Whereas rock music or metal, country; never idealized stardom or sex and drugs. No, it was only rap music and hip hop. Because their sons and daughters could never, would never in a million year; possibly do any of those things without someone pressuring them; guiding them. I was continuously held guilty, responsible for things that I never did. And it made me angry. Because I knew that if I even did any of those things, the trouble that I would catch would not make it worth it at all. But what does ones taste in music have to do with their actions?

Then I found myself smiling. A truly wicked smile. As I watched my peers come and go. Smiling at the failures and faults of other people. The girl who's relationship with her boyfriend was in peril, the guy who got drunk and smashed his car. The guys tumbling on campus grounds in a flurry of fists and kicks over some words. I started to relish in seeing people suffer, enjoyed their pain and tears. Begged and prayed that they would hurt more. But still I could not enjoy it without immense feelings of guilt and shame. I felt broken. Why could I not hate people? Detest them? Everyone always told me: "You have to grow a thicker skin", "Stand up for yourself", "Find the right girls", "Find the right friends". But I kept finding myself drawn back to the same people. The average people. I stayed up texting with the girl who's relationship was rocky and told her to talk to him. To try and work things out and save their 4 years of dating when she tried to invite me over. I drove the guy who'd smashed his car the week prior back from the bar when he'd called me and said: "Hey Crush, can I still take you up on that offer of a ride?", and I'd exclaimed to the two guys in a frenzy on the ground that it was just a mistake. Why? I still don't know. It burned me. Was it being done for acceptance? To feel needed? Wanted? To be a "nice guy"? None of those answers made sense.

I continued to struggle silently as I sat down one day and saw an article by accident that minorities faced much higher levels of stress, heart problems and early death. Even if they were well off in other aspects of life. And it scared me. I didn't want to die or feel that way forever. And then, in a moment of utter madness. I said: "Maybe I should go to Africa!". But where? Who do I know? What would I do? What is it like? Is Canada my home or is Africa? Are the people who say that I don't belong, am not Canadian; any more Canadian than I? Who's country is this? Where are they? And so I researched. I looked into the horrific history of this country that was glossed over in history class. The broken native peoples, generations separated, shamed; "civilized". That even I, the black. Was somehow more "acceptable" than them. Those "Indians". Nothing but drunks, rapists, murderers, drug dealers and losers . Than I looked at America. Those blacks. Australia. Those natives. Nothing but drunks, rapists, murderers, drug dealers and losers. Everywhere I looked that had been colonized, it was the ones being subjugated, colonized; that were the worse off. The so called, "plagues" of society. And so I asked myself: "Well. How can this be possible that all these people, across different continents and oceans; were all somehow just inherently wicked, broken and bloodthirsty? Just worse than white people?". There had to be a common element. Something that worldwide, from the most secluded villages to the largest skyscrapers; that made some people good, and others bad.

Without the night, the stars would not be as beautiful. We are blessed with great intellect as human beings. Capable of greatness and relentless in our destructiveness at the same time. The same hand of the doctor that heals a white boy in Tuskegee, is the same one that infects a black man in Tuskegee. Our brains, these spongy blobs of tissue have split the atom and forged spears. We are analytical, curious, observant...remembering ancient stories; and forgetting recent history. As I delved deeper into this weird pattern of behaviour. I saw that it was not necessarily a "racist" thing of "we're better and that's true" as it was simply a means to control others. Europeans captured and enslaved one another. As did Arabs, Asians, Africans, Americans. One group would come in, dismantle another and take over or destroy outright. Because you see, there was always this fear. A fear that the ones once subjugated; would rise up and seek retribution unless they were either assimilated or destroyed. That the sons would rise up and kill their fathers. So for the longest time around the world, conquering literally meant that. Whether peoples had green eyes, blue eyed; one was better and the other was wicked. Whether people had red hair or brown. One was pure and the other wicked. Any difference between peoples was always seen as a symbol of their greatness or a symbol of their weakness. And these things have changed over time. Even the colour of ones skin.

After weeks of painstaking research, I came to a simple conclusion. Racism, sexism...all these things are not evil. Or wicked. But simply the refuge of those that are weak in their own self worth. It is a tremor that shakes from the very core of their being, to their hearts and onto their tongues. A severe inferiority complex as could ever be. For if one is truly confident, strong in their superiority; what need is there to boast? To hold others down, prevent access to learning? Health? *true* freedom? What ever could those of us too weak minded or bodied ever hope to accomplish against such true might? If a white man were truly superior to a black man, then would he not say to the black man: "Come! Let us settle this matter once and for all!" And give the black man the exact same resources and conditions that he gives his fellow man to succeed? To prove beyond a doubt his superiority? But. Those who go down that path know this all too well. That is why they shout from their living rooms and around the world: "*WE*". "*WE*. DID THIS." Because *they* have not. For all their speech of accomplishment, achievement and wonder. Such people talk only of the past and are ever so fearful of the future. A future in which all are given the same freedoms and opportunity. Where no longer can a person born with a silver spoon sit atop a perch and claim: "Look! At all that my history has done! I may have not done anything myself, but look! Look at all that has *been* done!". Because the people will listen, then look amongst themselves in confusion and ask him or her: "And you. What have *you* done?".

This, is the answer that I have come too. The definition of judgement by character and not judgement of the physical. But rather of the capable. Because let there be no mistake. There is a narrative that is being pushed, whether consciously or otherwise. And it is not that of true equality, but of obscurity. Of a zero sum game. And it is that fear of losing the perch, of no longer being special because of ones ancestry, sex, gender or otherwise that continues this perversion of innocent minds in the form of racism. However. It is by that same insidious poison that deals it to others, that the dealer hurts them-self. Because by ignoring their own failings, by pretending that they do not have any whatsoever and shining a harsher light on others and embarrassing them, challenging them; calling them out for the slightest of mistakes; that those under the light grow. Those who cast the light on others and laugh, laugh only at the shadows surrounding them. This is why so many young white people continue to struggle with drug use, pregnancy, delinquency and mental scarring. Because the society we live in is too far vested in keeping an eye on minorities; in supporting that narrative. That they fail to see that they are about to drive over their own children on the road.

This is the fallacy of racism. Of blind hate. Nobody wins. The legacy of slavery specifically in the America's is not a chain that has bonded those of African descent only; but also that of whites. I am of African descent. I have never been a slave, my family has never been slaves. But I am treated as if I am incompetent, talked to like a child. Given a burden with such weight and history that I can never work it off in all the days of my life. And there are many white people as well that have never been slave owners or like my family, are recent arrivals. Yet they too are burdened with a history. And so shall their children and their children's children. It is nothing short of a curse that humanity has inflicted upon itself. Anywhere you go around the world, you will find ethnic conflict and mistrust. But there is a dangerous problem if we are unable to judge one another, criticize and grow if at any incident, it turns into a colour issue. Everything, is a colour issue. And so maybe when the cashier gives me my change in a haughty manner, she is just having a bad day, or when a teenager drives by and calls me a nigger; he or she doesn't know history because we gloss over it? Because the truth is, there are racists. Pure and dangerous. But there are also people, people who don't necessarily think about every action or word that they utter and can make honest mistakes without realizing that their words may hurt.

If anything, it is in knowing that you have done something wrong and not acknowledging it; that makes a person bad. Not in making a mistake and then attempting to rectify it. There are days still where I wake up and say: "I wish I was somewhere where colour wasn't an issue.". Then I smile and realize that if it wasn't colour, it would be something else. As history has gladly proven.

Where I am now, I'm uncertain. But I am clear on my initial thoughts. That people are just trying to get by in most cases and not out to purposely harm others. It is incredibly difficult not to take hate, internalize it, blame people similar to you for "being the bad ones" and or turn it back on your attackers. But I'm thankful, glad; that the empathy I'd tried so hard ot get rid of. Figure out how to lose or destroy, has never left me. Because it helps me when I reach those low points to remember that the people who hurt me, are not the people I want to lash out against. And I think that's the point where most people fail. It takes a truly mature and discerning mindset to not fall sway to emotion and rush off to "get back" at ones attackers or defend people that you don't even know; simply because you share something in common with them physically. I almost made "friends" with some bad people because I just wanted to feel a sense of belonging, to be wanted, desired. And while we all do go through that at points in our lives; it can be easily distorted by those able to see through your pain and corrupt that sense of wanting to belong into something else.

So I'll keep trying. That's my goal for the year. Keep trying. Judge on character and action, not on looks and talk alone. Because there are many people that talk and do nothing, and many that are silent; but do much. So. It's good to be back on GAF I suppose. "Home away from home" and all that. In a way I feel a little disingenuous posting it here though because admittedly, I feel that you all will understand this better than the rest of GAF. As most of you in here are black/African/other minorities and can understand the frustration on a deeper level(Not to say that white people don't go through the same things). Echo chambers are never really good for honesty...:)

Your therapist fucking robbed you.
No she didn't. I'm just exhausted of fighting the same struggle day in and day out. How is it that I can do all of those things as a minority, but the majority can't? I look at people as human beings. I don't pre-judge them. But they do for me. Me saying that I've completely lost any faith in humanity whatsoever does not make me a bad person. And I can't believe you guys are judging me unfairly like that. I see the way that white people act around one another compared to me. The way that white guys can do things that I can't. Say things that I can't. Who wouldn't be heart broken by that?

Nobody here can attest that we are treated the same. Can any of you? Why do you people insist on talking about this equality nonsense when you know it to be false!? Nobody cares about us! And that is not a woe is me complaint. That is a fact. A fact that has enabled me to push harder instead of thinking that things will just be handed to me without resistance. That is how I am improving. By acknowledging that fact. Not by living in a dream!

I'm not a damn masochist that I'm going to keep getting rejected and told that I'm not good enough simply for being black over and over. There are plenty of wonderful black women out there that would love to have a well educated and healthy partner that's also black. So I literally don't care to chase any bullshit about equality. When I'm making good money, have a nice home and a partner that understands my struggle; it'll all be worth it. I'm not interested in any revenge, my revenge is me succeeding far, far beyond any of those jokers can.
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