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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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This Boston thing has me all sorts of fucked up.

They essentially put that city under marshal law. No one leaves their homes. If you're at work, you stay there. There will be no one in the streets. Lock your doors. If the military knocks, you open and obey any and all commands. You will be interrogated if found outside.

All from two young adults with explosives and some firearms. One isn't even twenty years old, yet.

That's INSANE to me.

I understand that things have changed since 2001, but I don't like that stormtrooper shit at all. This isn't an army invading our home soil. This wasn't warships dropping carpet bombs laying waste to thousands.

This is - if we're to take the news accurately - two motherfuckers. TWO! Who set off two explosions in a building, robbed a convenience store, killed an MIT campus policeman, stole a vehicle, and replayed the gunfight from Heat in a suburban neighborhood.

And because of that, we had the city go into COMPLETE suspension?

This didn't happen when 2 guys committed one of the most deadliest bombing attacks in Oklahoma. This didn't happen when two damn planes destroyed the two largest towers in New York, and one in Washington. So why the fuck did we just go full retard now? What's different? How are these two guys so powerful and their apprehension so paramount that locking down the city, stopping all public transport, freezing all flights, disrupting all cell phone networks, confining all Boston citizens to their homes and having the national guard on the streets and knocking on doors was considered okay?

This doesn't feel right at all. There's something really dark going on with this, and it scares the fuck out of me.

That's not what happened at all.

Only Watertown had any sort of lock down and that was only in the area around the secured perimeter. The rest of the city was free to do as they pleased though the Governor encouraged people to stay indoors. Businesses voluntarily closed for the day so their employess weren't at risk. Public transportation was closed as a lot of the routes lead through and around Watertown. People voluntarily allowed the police and special forces to search their homes. Even if refused a legal warrant would've been secured rather quickly as the suspect is a risk to many people and an individuals rights do not supercede those of the general public.

It's really nowhere near martial law and definitely not as bleak as you're envisioning. The people of Watertown and Boston, who actually went through it have no complaints... so I don't understand how others can be so shaken by it.

I. The Oklahoma City bombings.. they had no suspects so a lockdown and search would be useless. I. 9/11 the perpetrators were killed in the attack. No further imminent threat. The lockdown in Watertown was due to knowing who the susoect was and his general vicinity and trying to keep him from escaping and attacking innocents again in the future.

The didn't lock down the city after the bombings. Only after the pursuit.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
That's not what happened at all.

Only Watertown had any sort of lock down and that was only in the area around the secured perimeter. The rest of the city was free to do as they pleased though the Governor encouraged people to stay indoors. Businesses voluntarily closed for the day so their employess weren't at risk. Public transportation was closed as a lot of the routes lead through and around Watertown. People voluntarily allowed the police and special forces to search their homes. Even if refused a legal warrant would've been secured rather quickly as the suspect is a risk to many people and an individuals rights do not supercede those of the general public.

It's really nowhere near martial law and definitely not as bleak as you're envisioning. The people of Watertown and Boston, who actually went through it have no complaints... so I don't understand how others can be so shaken by it.

I. The Oklahoma City bombings.. they had no suspects so a lockdown and search would be useless. I. 9/11 the perpetrators were killed in the attack. No further imminent threat. The lockdown in Watertown was due to knowing who the susoect was and his general vicinity and trying to keep him from escaping and attacking innocents again in the future.

The didn't lock down the city after the bombings. Only after the pursuit.

You've actually calmed me down a bit. Thanks for that.

I'm still bothered about it, however. It was still a lockdown. If the folks of Watertown have no problems being locked in their homes, fine. It still rubs me wrong.
You've actually calmed me down a bit. Thanks for that.

I'm still bothered about it, however. It was still a lockdown. If the folks of Watertown have no problems being locked in their homes, fine. It still rubs me wrong.

They didn't. And what's the problem? Why do people keep bringing up other COMPLETELY different situations? The only reason for the lockdown was because

1. They KNEW the bomber's appearance
2. He was injured and not likely to have anyway out of the city

Were it any other situation such drastic measures wouldn't have been taken, but those things considered, that was the best approach when you have a guy armed with a gun and explosives roaming free and you want to catch him as fast as possible. I don't think I've seen many (or any really) comments by people in the area too bothered by it. In fact, that only people "disturbed" seem to be those that don't live there.

But anyway, a more nagging issue for me is why it seems Japan keeps being excused for blatantly offensive stuff? This is the 21st century. They're a first world nation, with one of the highest internet penetrations in the world. Except for their porn, there's no outside censorship. They have access to American movies, TV, and music, and I'm not talking about from decades ago either, so why is it that they keep getting excused?

Why can we just go "Oh, there aren't many black people in Japan. They don't know any better? Blah blah" like it's still a valid reason? Do we still portray all asians as having slanty eyes, buck teeth and knowing kung fu like Looney Toons did? I'd be one thing if this portrayal was limited. You know, a comedy here and there. South Park has had some pretty racist portrayals of other people, for the sake of comedy and to push the boundaries, which I understand. The key difference is that's not the mainstream portrayal of them here. That's not how they are in every cartoon. Meanwhile, in Japan, I've can count on one hand the number of black people I've seen in an anime that doesn't have pitch black skin, super big lips, and possess super strength. It's frustrating


But anyway, a more nagging issue for me is why it seems Japan keeps being excused for blatantly offensive stuff? This is the 21st century. They're a first world nation, with one of the highest internet penetrations in the world. Except for their porn, there's no outside censorship. They have access to American movies, TV, and music, and I'm not talking about from decades ago either, so why is it that they keep getting excused?

Why can we just go "Oh, there aren't many black people in Japan. They don't know any better? Blah blah" like it's still a valid reason? Do we still portray all asians as having slanty eyes, buck teeth and knowing kung fu like Looney Toons did? I'd be one thing if this portrayal was limited. You know, a comedy here and there. South Park has had some pretty racist portrayals of other people, for the sake of comedy and to push the boundaries, which I understand. The key difference is that's not the mainstream portrayal of them here. That's not how they are in every cartoon. Meanwhile, in Japan, I've can count on one hand the number of black people I've seen in an anime that doesn't have pitch black skin, super big lips, and possess super strength. It's frustrating

It's not that people want to let Japan be excused for blatantly offensive stuff, it's that certain folks want to excuse blatantly offensive stuff regardless, and Japan is one of the few countries we have deep cultural contact with that is still somehow insular enough to do blatantly offensive stuff on a regular basis.

It's not just Japan. Remember, folks here defend stuff like Zwarte Piet and the australian blackface Jackson Five thing all the time.


It's not that people want to let Japan be excused for blatantly offensive stuff, it's that certain folks want to excuse blatantly offensive stuff regardless, and Japan is one of the few countries we have deep cultural contact with that is still somehow insular enough to do blatantly offensive stuff on a regular basis.

It's not just Japan. Remember, folks here defend stuff like Zwarte Piet and the australian blackface Jackson Five thing all the time.
Stop projecting your America racism. They are not parodying African Americans. Just those of African descent in general.


Lighten Up.
Like baby Drake?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I bought my first CD in about 8 years. Figured I should buy the Django soundtrack while I was getting the movie since it's the same price digitally.(Which Daft Punk is the same way, so I might do that.)

I don't need to remind any of you, soundtrack of the year.
Yeah it's only racist against australians and papua new guineans hence EVERYONE looking over at Free to see his response. That in and of itself told me all I need to know.

I've been to quite a bit of cultural events. No one has had to look over at the black guy to see his reaction.


Not only does Tyler Pery put his name all over his stuff...but he puts his face on his on DVD's like that too?


he is the brand, not his product. his product is chitlin circuit plays. Half the time people don't even refer to the titles. It's just that new "Tyler Perry" movie.


Yeah it's only racist against australians and papua new guineans hence EVERYONE looking over at Free to see his response. That in and of itself told me all I need to know.

I've been to quite a bit of cultural events. No one has had to look over at the black guy to see his reaction.

Being the lone black guy in the room sucks.


But anyway, a more nagging issue for me is why it seems Japan keeps being excused for blatantly offensive stuff? This is the 21st century. They're a first world nation, with one of the highest internet penetrations in the world. Except for their porn, there's no outside censorship. They have access to American movies, TV, and music, and I'm not talking about from decades ago either, so why is it that they keep getting excused?

Why can we just go "Oh, there aren't many black people in Japan. They don't know any better? Blah blah" like it's still a valid reason? Do we still portray all asians as having slanty eyes, buck teeth and knowing kung fu like Looney Toons did? I'd be one thing if this portrayal was limited. You know, a comedy here and there. South Park has had some pretty racist portrayals of other people, for the sake of comedy and to push the boundaries, which I understand. The key difference is that's not the mainstream portrayal of them here. That's not how they are in every cartoon. Meanwhile, in Japan, I've can count on one hand the number of black people I've seen in an anime that doesn't have pitch black skin, super big lips, and possess super strength. It's frustrating

Honestly, I think a lot of it (on the internet) is from weeaboos who idolise glorious Nippon. I'm not 100% sure but I think I've seen at least one poster here try to downplay what Japan did during WW2. Of course if you'd start posting racist stuff aimed at Asians the same people will probably lose their shit. :p
But anyway, a more nagging issue for me is why it seems Japan keeps being excused for blatantly offensive stuff? This is the 21st century. They're a first world nation, with one of the highest internet penetrations in the world. Except for their porn, there's no outside censorship. They have access to American movies, TV, and music, and I'm not talking about from decades ago either, so why is it that they keep getting excused?

Why can we just go "Oh, there aren't many black people in Japan. They don't know any better? Blah blah" like it's still a valid reason? Do we still portray all asians as having slanty eyes, buck teeth and knowing kung fu like Looney Toons did? I'd be one thing if this portrayal was limited. You know, a comedy here and there. South Park has had some pretty racist portrayals of other people, for the sake of comedy and to push the boundaries, which I understand. The key difference is that's not the mainstream portrayal of them here. That's not how they are in every cartoon. Meanwhile, in Japan, I've can count on one hand the number of black people I've seen in an anime that doesn't have pitch black skin, super big lips, and possess super strength. It's frustrating

Thank you Zoramon. This shit makes no sense. Japan has been exposed to Africans in general and African-Americans in specific for a long enough time that there is no excuse for this. How is it that we know that making slant eyes with your fingers and buck tooth caricatures are crass and racist, but they get a pass for blatant black face? Like you said, look at the damn anime and manga. So much minstrel show bullshit. SMH

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Thank you Zoramon. This shit makes no sense. Japan has been exposed to Africans in general and African-Americans in specific for a long enough time that there is no excuse for this. How is it that we know that making slant eyes with your fingers and buck tooth caricatures are crass and racist, but they get a pass for blatant black face? Like you said, look at the damn anime and manga. So much minstrel show bullshit. SMH

Don't people joke on asian dicks and asian drivers all the time?
Yes. But it is generally considered to be a bigoted joke. People in that other thread weren't even considering that the wedding performers were being bigoted.

Not to mention I doubt there are many weddings here that feature racist caricatures as their main entertainment...


Hair semi-long: Oooh, can I touch your hair?
Hair really short: Oooh, can I touch your hair?

What's wrong with people?!

"Can I touch yours first?"

And then you stick both full hands in their hair, and let your hands linger as they pass through their flowing locks, while looking them dead serious in the eye the entire time.


But anyway, a more nagging issue for me is why it seems Japan keeps being excused for blatantly offensive stuff? This is the 21st century. They're a first world nation, with one of the highest internet penetrations in the world. Except for their porn, there's no outside censorship. They have access to American movies, TV, and music, and I'm not talking about from decades ago either, so why is it that they keep getting excused?

Why can we just go "Oh, there aren't many black people in Japan. They don't know any better? Blah blah" like it's still a valid reason? Do we still portray all asians as having slanty eyes, buck teeth and knowing kung fu like Looney Toons did? I'd be one thing if this portrayal was limited. You know, a comedy here and there. South Park has had some pretty racist portrayals of other people, for the sake of comedy and to push the boundaries, which I understand. The key difference is that's not the mainstream portrayal of them here. That's not how they are in every cartoon. Meanwhile, in Japan, I've can count on one hand the number of black people I've seen in an anime that doesn't have pitch black skin, super big lips, and possess super strength. It's frustrating

Japan is already behind when it comes to fair treatment for anyone other than the Japanese male. And it's mainly because they have no equal treatment groups big enough to complain about treatment of minority groups in that region of the world (as in big enough to hurt people's bank accounts). Even in the US, despite how progressive we think we are vs other parts of the world when it comes to political correctness, we'd still be getting a lot of black jokes if the NAACP/etc groups didn't have protests/marches every time something offensive about black people happens. So it's up to Japan/Japanese citizens to complain about these things, because even when groups from other regions complain about Japan doing things like this, since they aren't actually important to the Japanese market, nothing is done because it's not like X group is going to stop buying Japanese products/entertainment they are already not buying.

But despite this, in countries where these complaints do happen and succeed in stopping "jokes" like this from happening, there are always people inside of a bubble or people that just want to push the boundaries to see what they can get away with. In these GAF threads you are getting both. People that don't understand why people from different groups than them get offended and people that just want us to "lighten up".


Japan can't be racist because there is no malicious intent, you guys. They're just cute, innocent folk having a laugh. Let 'em alone. We devalue racism and make people less likely to take it serious when we point out stuff like this.

/Actual argument I heard last time I had this conversation.


Japan can't be racist because there is no malicious intent, you guys. They're just cute, innocent folk having a laugh. Let 'em alone.

One day it would be nice to see a thread where all of GAF can agree on something being fucked up and it has more than one post. I'm not waiting for that day though.
Being the lone black guy in the room sucks.

So I went to this hotdog joint in newnan yesterday to pick up some dinner for my lady and I after I got off work. Now I have said it before I wear black suit and tie to the site so I walk in to a gaggle of white folks in the most redneck gear looking at me like I was from another country.(I felt like Luke Cage landing in Latveria) It was too funny. I ordered my food and got on my bluetooth and walked outside to speak(you know courtesy and all) and as I was wrapping up my phone call this cat walked out and just started mugging. I gave him that bish stare(thanks for that racial bonus to stare downs) and embarassed his ass in front of his girl. Shit was too good. And my food was off the chain.


So I went to this hotdog joint in newnan yesterday to pick up some dinner for my lady and I after I got off work. Now I have said it before I wear black suit and tie to the site so I walk in to a gaggle of white folks in the most redneck gear looking at me like I was from another country.(I felt like Luke Cage landing in Latveria) It was too funny. I ordered my food and got on my bluetooth and walked outside to speak(you know courtesy and all) and as I was wrapping up my phone call this cat walked out and just started mugging. I gave him that bish stare(thanks for that racial bonus to stare downs) and embarassed his ass in front of his girl. Shit was too good. And my food was off the chain.
Luke Cage in latveria hahahahaha
Just got a new laptop.

It was a present.

For stuff.

And things.

You on the stroll? WHo turned you out?
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