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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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Does entry-level just not exist anymore or did that get replaced by unpaid internships. I'm looking for Public Relations jobs (or something loosely related) in the NoVa/DC area and this shit is depressing. Everything wants 2 years experience minimum. These are jobs that...I'm pretty sure I could do but the qualifications just seem way above what I can put down on a sheet of paper. WTFFFFFFFFFF!


Ubisoft Marketing
Does entry-level just not exist anymore or did that get replaced by unpaid internships. I'm looking for Public Relations jobs (or something loosely related) in the NoVa/DC area and this shit is depressing. Everything wants 2 years experience minimum. These are jobs that...I'm pretty sure I could do but the qualifications just seem way above what I can put down on a sheet of paper. WTFFFFFFFFFF!

Been slowly dying out all over. Its the same for many peeps i know trying to break into the gaming industry. There's less in the way of entry level. Minimum experience levels needed are 2-3 years now. The alternative is 6 month paid internships.



Been slowly dying out all over. Its the same for many peeps i know trying to break into the gaming industry. There's less in the way of entry level. Minimum experience levels needed are 2-3 years now. The alternative is 6 month paid internships.

The gaming industry is getting stupid. I've seen "entry level" positions that want you to have shipped 2-3 AAA games already. LOL
19 >_>

At any rate, do you guys mind a more serious subject?

What do you guys think about black people and homosexuality?
27 years young baby!

Isn't it kind of an urban legend that blacks are any more bigoted towards gays than any other racial group? I think I read that around the whole Prop 8 debacle.


Does entry-level just not exist anymore or did that get replaced by unpaid internships. I'm looking for Public Relations jobs (or something loosely related) in the NoVa/DC area and this shit is depressing. Everything wants 2 years experience minimum. These are jobs that...I'm pretty sure I could do but the qualifications just seem way above what I can put down on a sheet of paper. WTFFFFFFFFFF!

Welcome to the job market! Shit sucks.
The gays vs blacks thing has more to do with religion than anything else.

Pretty much, it's the same for everyone against gay marriage regardless of ethnicity. People who go on and on about black people being the most homophobic group are just...dumb.

Especially when you look at the population size of black people, then look at the size of the black religious nuts against gay marriage That size is utterly DWARFED by the white religious anti gay crowd to a point saying blacks are the most homophobic just makes no logical sense.
19 >_>

At any rate, do you guys mind a more serious subject?

What do you guys think about black people and homosexuality?

Personally I feel if that's what they want then let them be. Best example I can give is my youngest sister is a lesbian. Love her to death and would die for her. Her sexual orientation doesn't matter in the slightest. That's still family. My mother wasn't to agreeable at first but again that's still family. And at the end of the day love is all that matters. Point number 2 my best friend is gay. He told me before he told anyone else and amongst our circle of friends he was worried he would not be accepted. I told my lady about it and we backed him when he came out to everyone else. Went over like flying colors. Even the most stanch Christian cat that hangs with us broke it down like this...

"I feel homosexuality is a sin. But at the same time lying and killing are also so sins and no sin is greater than someone elses. To be hard on someone especially a friend because they like dick is fucking retarded. He is still the same cat that hung with us for years. The only difference now is we can crack gay jokes at him."

Oh and on another note my little sister when she came out to me I remember hugging her and whispering in her ear "Don't you dare bring an ugly chick in this house" She died laughing and was crying cause she was relieved. And whats funny is she has never ever ever brought and ugly female home. Hope that answers your question. They people same as us who deal with the same shit just as us. Just cause they like it another way don't mean shit they the same....as us.

Get off my damn lawn!


Not religious at all so I don't care who or what you want to do with your dick/vagina whatever floats your boat.

Real Talk: Christianity has done more damage to the African American community than good.
Does entry-level just not exist anymore or did that get replaced by unpaid internships. I'm looking for Public Relations jobs (or something loosely related) in the NoVa/DC area and this shit is depressing. Everything wants 2 years experience minimum. These are jobs that...I'm pretty sure I could do but the qualifications just seem way above what I can put down on a sheet of paper. WTFFFFFFFFFF!

Get two years, shuffling around doing peoples shit around you for free.

That's the job market until you get some experience these days.


Ubisoft Marketing
The gays vs blacks thing has more to do with religion than anything else.

This. Growing up in predominantly Christian southern Nigeria, i've seen people stoned to death for being gay.

I'm thankful for my dad. He taught me to have good Christian values, BUT also taught me to be, above all, tolerant. And to always evaluate things for myself. It wasn't till i moved to England for school that i fully realised that homosexual people were just that....people!

I have friends who have come out, and for me, their happiness is paramount. For a lot of black Africans of my generation, the deep seated religious upbringing gave rise to some of the attitudes you see towards homosexuals from the black community nowadays.

There used to be a saying at my school when i was in my teens that "you hardly see any black gay people". In my mind i used to think "well, they'd dare not come out in case their parents disowned them, or thought they had been possessed by demons". Or worse.


Does entry-level just not exist anymore or did that get replaced by unpaid internships. I'm looking for Public Relations jobs (or something loosely related) in the NoVa/DC area and this shit is depressing. Everything wants 2 years experience minimum. These are jobs that...I'm pretty sure I could do but the qualifications just seem way above what I can put down on a sheet of paper. WTFFFFFFFFFF!

Dat catch 22. Nobody wants to hire someone without experience, but nobody's willing to give the experience. Internships seem harder to get when your out of college too.

This. Growing up in predominantly Christian southern Nigeria, i've seen people stoned to death for being gay.

I'm thankful for my dad. He taught me to have good Christian values, BUT also taught me to be, above all, tolerant. And to always evaluate things for myself. It wasn't till i moved to England for school that i fully realised that homosexual people were just that....people!

I have friends who have come out, and for me, their happiness is paramount. For a lot of black Africans of my generation, the deep seated religious upbringing gave rise to some of the attitudes you see towards homosexuals from the black community nowadays.

There used to be a saying at my school when i was in my teens that "you hardly see any black gay people". In my mind i used to think "well, they'd dare not come out in case their parents disowned them, or thought they had been possessed by demons". Or worse.
Yea, it's no wonder I've never met a gay Nigerian. People are probably to shook to come out. I can't imagine seeing that kind of stuff as a kid, but my parents tell me about it damn fairly nonchalantly; not about gays, but thieves and other criminals being burned with tires and petrol.


Ubisoft Marketing
Yea, it's no wonder I've never met a gay Nigerian. People are probably to shook to come out. I can't imagine seeing that kind of stuff as a kid, but my parents tell me about it damn fairly nonchalantly; not about gays, but thieves and other criminals being burned with tires and petrol.

We had to watch a thief have his hand chopped off in the village square once. He stole sugar. They asked him which hand he used to pick the object with and he said his left. Chopped it clean off and gave him a mark on his arm so everyone knew he was branded a thief.



We had to watch a thief have his hand chopped off in the village square once. He stole sugar. They asked him which hand he used to pick the object with and he said his left. Chopped it clean off and gave him a mark on his arm so everyone knew he was branded a thief.


I think what makes it worse is that it's commonplace. People aren't normally supposed to see that kind of thing, but you always hear these stories.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Gonna get my second tattoo done this week too

As for gay/black - I think a lot of people want there to be something there that isn't. Just a lot of blanks to fill matched up with lazy, shouldbe answers that sound great because they'd assemble a good argument or point.


Speaking of black and gay, this dude Mr. Cee (Hot 97 dj) got caught out there again


He should just come out and admit he's gay, no way Hot 97 would fire him or phase him off the air, but getting caught up picking up prostitutes will probably get him axed.

It must be tough being on the DL for some of these cats, they got set coded messages on how to get some an shit. Reminds me of this patrice o'neal story.

The gays vs blacks thing has more to do with religion than anything else.

Agreed. Most heavily religious communities will not be down with homosexuals. Luckily things seem to be changing, both in general attitudes towards the LGBT community and the number of Americans who consider themselves very religious.

I can see it in my family. All the adults are or were very religious while all their kids are less so to varying degrees.
Does entry-level just not exist anymore or did that get replaced by unpaid internships. I'm looking for Public Relations jobs (or something loosely related) in the NoVa/DC area and this shit is depressing. Everything wants 2 years experience minimum. These are jobs that...I'm pretty sure I could do but the qualifications just seem way above what I can put down on a sheet of paper. WTFFFFFFFFFF!

Everywhere wants work experience, even shit ass lowest of the low retail/restaurant jobs. Starting somewhere is a joke in and of itself for many.


Everywhere wants work experience, even shit ass lowest of the low retail/restaurant jobs. Starting somewhere is a joke in and of itself for many.

Its dumb as fuck. Its the reason why Im considering going back to school again to do a co-op program. Unless you're in medicine, engineering, or a co-op program, degrees for the most part mean fuck all now. No one cares about your degree anymore, they just want the experience.
Its dumb as fuck. Its the reason why Im considering going back to school again to do a co-op program. Unless you're in medicine, engineering, or a co-op program, degrees for the most part mean fuck all now. No one cares about your degree anymore, they just want the experience.

The people getting the jobs are those who can basically go for (or get into debt anyway) years of unpaid interning. And even that isn't all of them. There's far too many people and so few jobs left in many sectors.
I've worked full time since I was 16. Fastfood(1yr) ---->Retail(1yr) ---->Banking(3yrs) ---->Auditing(6 months & counting)

Each progression was large in part to previous experience. I'm getting a degree at this point to not encounter a ceiling that others here have encountered.


The people getting the jobs are those who can basically go for (or get into debt anyway) years of unpaid interning. And even that isn't all of them. There's far too many people and so few jobs left in many sectors.

A lot of places require that you still be in school when interning too.

Old Lace

This is the dumbest shit to me. I guess there's some sort of kickback they get for offering internships to schools though.
I remember hearing somewhere that in some states unpaid internships are illegal unless they give you academic credit. I think that's why a lot them require you to be in school.


The whole gay and black thing is a result of religion in America. But in Africa and the West Indies it is more so do to the culture. Being gay is very foreign according to them, many Africans say that it is Un-African. I recommend watching the BBC documentary about gays in Africa, political leaders talk about the issue.


Junior Member
Does entry-level just not exist anymore or did that get replaced by unpaid internships. I'm looking for Public Relations jobs (or something loosely related) in the NoVa/DC area and this shit is depressing. Everything wants 2 years experience minimum. These are jobs that...I'm pretty sure I could do but the qualifications just seem way above what I can put down on a sheet of paper. WTFFFFFFFFFF!

I have been dealing with the same shit for the last five years in NoVa/DC.

In that time since I got out of college, I have had zero full-time work. I got a couple gigs from someone I used to work under while at my college's newspaper, and a handful of game website gigs from people who were impressed enough with shit I wrote for fan sites.

Basically, freelancing has been the closest thing I've found to even getting a toe in the door. It's the reason why I gave up my conventional job search almost a year ago.



End my game stream for the day, get a text message that my mom and stepdad were in a car accident. Some jackass ran the red and they drove right into the side of the jackass. They hit him so hard his rear axle came off.

There was apparently a girl across the street driving a car that stopped for a moment (considering going down the side road) to get directions from her friend. If she hadn't stopped the truck would have driven right into her driver-side door.

The entire front of their car is gone, but they're okay. I'm still a bit shaken because I came real fucking close to losing my parents tonight. Fuck.


Fighting every urge to just a book a flight out of Vancouver right now, but i know it's not gonna help so I'll just stick to my original leave date


Yeah they've already contacted their insurance, I'm trying to convince them to go get a lookover at the hospital just in case (they have health insurance). It's a 2010 Hyundai Elantra so they were also still under full coverage due to still paying off the car
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