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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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Ubisoft Marketing
MS spending dat cash for tomorrow!



I need to get the fuck out of Baltimore or something. I just need something new going on. Something I can actually get excited about. Ever since I graduated, it's been a struggle just to get up everyday. I've totally become the stereotypical Gaffer (sitting around, refreshing the forum cause I don't have shit else going on) and it fucking sucks. Can't find the motivation to do anything. My friends act like they don't even fuck with me anymore; I don't contact them, I don't hear from them. I gotta find something else, yo.

More on topic: My Wii U price is like $200. But then, that's my price for every console.

My life right now to a T. Luckily I found a seasonal job till july so I don't waste away, but I totally kniw dat feel.

And since I already got burned with buying a 3ds at launch, I'd only get a wiiu for 150 unless it comes out with a fuckton of games that I can't get anywhere else.


Damn, you and Domino make graduating sound shitty.
It was cool for the first month or so. lol Then you look up one morning and you're like, "Damn brah. Ain't shit to do."

exactly. that's exactly how i feel. i woke up today at like 11, sat up for like 5 minutes, realized i didnt have shit to do and went back to sleep for 2 more hours. at least youre in Baltimore though. i'm in fucking High Point, NC. we dont have shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. except for ratchet stuff like what i posted above.
Yeah, Baltimore can be cool, but it's like...it's a city full of people who don't care about anything and look at everything from the most cynical viewpoint possible. Everyone just wrapped up in themselves, living in their own little bubbles.

I don't know. I think I'm mostly just mad at myself. Feels like everyone is moving, and I'm just standing still. Tired of sitting around waiting for something to happen. But finding that work ethic is tough.

My life right now to a T. Luckily I found a seasonal job till july so I don't waste away, but I totally kniw dat feel.
Right now, the most I've got is helping my step-dad at his delivery job on Tuesdays. We drive around, delivering sugar and shit to Rita's. It's pretty chill, but obviously not a real job. lol

Rei, what's your degree?
Simulation and Digital entertainment (Game Design). Going back next year to get my Masters in Creative Writing and Publishing.


The physical form of blasphemy
Yeah, Baltimore can be cool, but it's like...it's a city full of people who don't care about anything and look at everything from the most cynical viewpoint possible. Everyone just wrapped up in themselves, living in their own little bubbles.

I don't know. I think I'm mostly just mad at myself. Feels like everyone is moving, and I'm just standing still. Tired of sitting around waiting for something to happen. But finding that work ethic is tough.

That's the biggest problem with this city. :| I feel bad for the musicians and ish.

You definitely need to start making shit happen solo though. If you can manage to get something going, then it might jump-start some of your friends. Being stuck in a rut, especially in this city, fucking s u c k s.


Yall already know how hectic tommorow will be....Don't nobody in here say some stupid shit and get caught with the hammer. We already have a short list of members in our thread anyway


And the craziness keeps coming Dad went ham on mom said im done i want a divorce. They been married 38 fucking years ughhh. The stress is going to kill me


"where your banzz at?"

hypest mixtape of 2013 so far.

And the craziness keeps coming Dad went ham on mom said im done i want a divorce. They been married 38 fucking years ughhh. The stress is going to kill me

damn. did you at least see it coming? because that's what threw me off the most. they kept it hidden really well and then dropped it on me a week before HS Junior Year. that year wasnt a good year.
Like parents trying to educate kids about teenage pregnancy, kids need to start educating their parents about mid-life divorces. It ain't always so good on the other side.

Only way I get down.

I can't do that. Every time I'd drink it like it was bacardi O, and I paid the price.


shit is straight up dangerous, cause you think you can handle more than you actually can, cause it goes down easier than a drink with that alcohol volume should....then a hour later, you shitfaced and straight fucked up.

I once had to talk to a Logan's manager because I wanted some Everclear at 10 in the morning. I worked 3rd shift and we were grabbing lunch before seeing Batman Begins. He said he wouldn't open a bottle for one shot, but I he offered me some Barcadi 151.

The fact that my PSP gotten broken the same day had nothing to do with getting lit.

151 proof what

i dont know anything about alcohol

i want to try it

You ain't ready. Plus you a lightweight if you are getting fucked on Smirknoff ice.


New Slaves (Fan Made Compilation)

man it kills me that white people actually like this new Kanye stuff. actually cheering it on when he's talking cash shit to their faces.
shit is like The Garden Party episode of The Boondocks come to life. its crazy.

151 proof what

i dont know anything about alcohol

i want to try it

satch you aint about that life. i aint about that life either. 151 is responsible for the single worst night of my life. i felt like i threw up everything i'd ever eaten and half my innards with it. the only thing that made me feel better was laying on a cold linoleum floor.

everclear nights werent anywhere near as bad.


Damn, sorry to hear that.

damn. did you at least see it coming? because that's what threw me off the most. they kept it hidden really well and then dropped it on me a week before HS Junior Year. that year wasnt a good year.

Sorry to hear that man. My parents are negotiating their divorce right now.

That sucks man.My parents got divorced when i was young.Messed me up a lot.

It'll be tough, but try to keep your head up.

I think what the issue is my dad is the only one working my mom hasn't had a job (that she wasnt fired from and lasted more that 3 weeks) in about 7 years or so. He just needs help and she isnt helping. I hope this was him just blowing up and not seriously wanting to go threw with it.

Either way thanks for the kind word guys. I'll stay strong and hope for the best.


Yeah Satch, if your go-to is Smirnoff Ice, stay faaaaar away from 151.

Might want to start off with trying regular liquor, some regular old vodka or rum or something.
First bottle of liquor I ever brought with my own money.


You know topshelf liquor? This shit was on the floor under a layer of dust.

Is that a plastic bottle? Cause if it aint, it's probably still better than the clear sludge Burnett's sells. Holy shit it's trash. I gag just thinking about it, not even that strong, just a straight up disgusting flavor.


First bottle of liquor I ever brought with my own money.


You know topshelf liquor? This shit was on the floor under a layer of dust.

I've had that. I think the worst I ever had was some garbage Sauza bottom shelf tequila. I can do the decent ones like Don Julio just fine, but that shit just did not sit right with my digestive system.


they are honest warnings. ive seen dudes reduced to sleeping in their own vomit in parking lots fucking around.

I told Satch I got a case of Zuma with her name on it.

I've had that. I think the worst I ever had was some garbage Sauza bottom shelf tequila. I can do the decent ones like Don Julio just fine, but that shit just did not sit right with my digestive system.

Only liquor that gave me diarrhea.
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