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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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But to me...the representation of what the black culture is, is from what i've seen from my campus..not trying to generalize, just noticing what i've observed.

Most men, have those long billed baseball caps, usually there pants are hanging below there waste. They curse alot...i hear alot of the times going "Whats good nigga"..they seem to glorify the N word..not sure why..as a jew, it would be like me and my jew friends going "What up Kike?"

But yeah, they act very "thuggish"

I feel black culture is basically influenced by the rap culture..leading to what we see in today's youth.

It's getting real.



jesus woman shut the fuck up. kids looking 4 years old and they already ratchet as fuck.


Anybody remember way back when it was the in thing to fold one pant leg up like LL Cool J? I don't know why, but that suddenly came to mind a moment ago.

It's getting real.

His name is kinda ironic.

black people being judged as a collective, nothing new there unfortunately. But I can't help but just shake my head.

Hey guys, just wanted to pop in and say that your podcast is very enjoyable. Keep it up!

Glad to hear it!
Speaking of the podcast, editing is done. Devo's intro is basically not there due to low volume, but her voice should be pretty easy to differentiate from the rest of us.

I need sleep. I'll upload and all that around 8pm eastern.
Going by the url yes.

From this

or this

to this
We were both hired about a year ago as temps. But they got her through some service that is real dumb.

They paid me 10/hour and her 18/hour plus 8/hour to the service for a year. She is rude as hell and is oblivious to it and snitches like crazy for petty shit.

She once brought our supervisor and another employee in a room to say the employee was working too slow despite the employee training her and basically doing both of their jobs.

She never really liked me cause people would request me on projects much more often than her because she was slow and rude as fuck. She got wind of this when an employee took shit off her desk to give to me and said they needed it done that day. There were tears.

Fastforward; we now work together. Just the other day she came to my desk "can you come here for a minute?" sure I said and she walked me into our supervisor's office and said while pointing at me "he hasn't been printing X reports for the past 4 days."

I was fucking shocked. I was pulled away from the reports directly by our supervisor to assist our auditors and she was well aware of this. Luckily our supervisor gave her a 'yea, so what' face and made her look foolish. Then she brought up that I had put the wrong date on a spreadsheet from 3 weeks ago...shit was sad.

Just now walking through the halls we pass by eachother and I say 'hey, hows it going?' and she looks me in the eye and looks away with much salt.
you need to go HAM on her, fuck the bullshit


That taser thread is getting real wild, people prescribing it all to 'black culture'

And I thought this was a parody post at first but his backtracking after people called him out says it was real.

Something needs to be done about these ghetto people I can't fucking stand them. What will it take for them to stop talking/acting like that? I wanna say more mandatory education in the slums but I dunno.

She got what she deserved though and that scene where she gets tased and drops to the ground while her kids scream in horror is fucking hillarious.


That taser thread is getting real wild, people prescribing it all to 'black culture'

And I thought this was a parody post at first but his backtracking after people called him out says it was real.

Yeah, that vid was wild. I said my piece in that thread and left before I could read that ignorance.

^^^^Is that Amerie?!? The fuc...


Those comments...All the more reason why I stopped posting on that thread.

I didn't even make it past 30 seconds of opening the video link. Still, I wasn't expecting that thread to actually turn into any form of discussion or the negative comments.
From the taser thread:

Here's a gem of a reply:

And he proceeds to get offended when someone calls him a racist.

I swear, some of the people on this board are blatant racists but are too cowardly to admit it.

The second guy you quoted sounds more ignorant and sheltered than racist.

Wow @ that taser thread..People really live in a bubble.

I've notice a lot of my fellow white people on the internet are like this. You need to look at it like this: The majority of people on Gaf spend their time online or playing video games; not really familiarizing themselves with the outside world.

I've actually been thinking about making a thread on how alot of people on internet seem sheltered.

Fake edit: why in the fuck am I awake...


Junior Member
The second guy you quoted sounds more ignorant and sheltered than racist.

I've notice a lot of my fellow white people on the internet are like this. You need to look at it like this: The majority of people on Gaf spend their time online or playing video games; not really familiarizing themselves with the outside world.

I've actually been thinking about making a thread on how alot of people on internet seem sheltered.

Fake edit: why in the fuck am I awake...

All this is true and I was thinking about doing the same. Just remember people like us are in the minority here so what you say won't go heard. You'll probably get replies like "so what if I like to stay in everyday. I'm doing what I like to do!!! Just because I don't get drunk every weekend.....blah blah blah"


From that taser thread a few people have said it but, I'm always baffled at the idea that some people have that you can act or sound 'black'.

As a black man I find that one a head scratcher.

Just taking London as an example we have probably 20-30 different types of black people from all over the world. Just taking my dad's west indian heritage into account just within those islands we have Jamaican,Bajan, Trinidadians, Dominicans,Guyanese and many others.

All very different types of people all mostly black. All have different food ,language patterns and customs. The idea that you can condense this all down into a behaviour pattern that fits all black people is beyond offensive for me.

It's very revealing when someone says that anyone is "acting black".
Damn, Black History Month starting early on sheltered-GAF

at least we got a new OT title

Black Culture Thread |OT4| Basically a cancer of sorts
Sounds like she might be a feisty fuck Morris. Might be fun to hit on her and see what happens, but she'd probably try to bring you in for harassment.


not licensed in your state
From that taser thread a few people have said it but, I'm always baffled at the idea that some people have that you can act or sound 'black'.

As a black man I find that one a head scratcher.

Just taking London as an example we have probably 20-30 different types of black people from all over the world. Just taking my dad's west indian heritage into account just within those islands we have Jamaican,Bajan, Trinidadians, Dominicans,Guyanese and many others.

All very different types of people all mostly black. All have different food ,language patterns and customs. The idea that you can condense this all down into a behaviour pattern that fits all black people is beyond offensive for me.

It's very revealing when someone says that anyone is "acting black".

Remember, we all think, sound, and act alike.

[I can't believe the number of posts I saw with this mentality. And GAF is supposed to be a progressive board? More so that others, but still!]

at least we got a new OT title

Black Culture Thread |OT4| Basically a cancer of sorts

lol, wish we could change thread titles now

BHZ Mayor

Remember, we all think, sound, and act alike.

[I can't believe the number of posts I saw with this mentality. And GAF is supposed to be a progressive board? More so that others, but still!]

lol, wish we could change thread titles now

At the risk of keeping it too real, this is a crock of bullshit. All you need to do is take one look at any thread involving women or race
or Gaming side
to see that.
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