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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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I've seen this thread and topic a couple times and I always have to ask, "Why?" Why are people so hard up to add more vile and evil shit to games? Rape is horrible and not something I really want to simulate doing while playing a fucking video game.

It's like, I'm no prude. I'm generally okay with video game violence - I do wish we could slow down the arms race to make games as graphic as possible, but that's just me - but there really does have to be a line somewhere. Fuck that context shit. Some things don't need to be in a game.


I've seen this thread and topic a couple times and I always have to ask, "Why?" Why are people so hard up to add more vile and evil shit to games? Rape is horrible and not something I really want to simulate doing while playing a fucking video game.

It's like, I'm no prude. I'm generally okay with video game violence - I do wish we could slow down the arms race to make games as graphic as possible, but that's just me - but there really does have to be a line somewhere. Fuck that context shit. Some things don't need to be in a game.

I see it like hipsters that live in the hood. They want to feel something real, cause they don't get that much out of their lives. I onbly ask for my entertainment to entertain me. Except for Spiderman, he always makes me feel real.

Should have been watching the NBA. Keeps you out of trouble.
Now I have to go through post histories.

Hold up.

I knew Devo was taking a break from general posting and all I see are posts in here, how'd she get got? Request?

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I think Devo was banned for thread complaining in this thread, so even Community isn't safe.

once they added in this new crop of threads from OT i knew community was going to get hot... to many people from OT proper come over here now.... its a god damn shame too

Mr Touche

Who is actually immersed by more "gritty" stuff in games? It always comes off to me as very limited in perspective.

Because it's written and created by people who have never experienced it.

What does some writer raised in the suburbs that's been to college know about being raised in the hood aside from HuffPo anecdotes? And then of course any experience that paints white people or authority figures in a bad light is out, so that's at minimum 40-80% of it gone right there.


u guys ever hear ov nair like pronounced hair but nair but like salng f
imgfor black dude but like u know its fucked   up


So thread whining isn't for post just in the actual thread?

That's what I always assumed as well since it was a "distraction" to the actual thread being discussed, not to mention the bolded sentence in Evilore's thread whining OP:

Do not whine about a thread not being thread-worthy, or that you saw it on Reddit, or that someone else is about to whine about it not being thread-worthy, or anything along those lines. If something is not up to your standards, just don't reply, and it will fall off the first page within a few seconds, as it is supposed to.

And the site FAQ:

Thread Whining / Respect to Others. It's not that "Haters gonna hate" is a banned meme, it's that it's often used to be flippant and dismissive to other posters. If someone is trying to explain what they think about something, either treat them with respect or don't reply at all. So when you post "u mad", "deal with it", "haters gonna hate", "the GAF hivemind", "the usual suspects", "but GAF said x and now they're saying y!!!", "entitled whiners" or anything else that suggests that you don't care what other people think, you may be banned if it is taking away from discussion. This is getting to be a pretty big problem, and it's probably the single largest category of bans these days. If you don't want to discuss something, you don't need to post.

This also includes things like "weekend gaf", "sounds like a GameFAQs threads", "tl;dr", "cool story, bro", "Neat" and associated image macros, "who gives a shit", etc. This list is not exhaustive, and using variants of these statements such as "bold please" and "f*ck the haters" is not a good way to avoid getting banned, as the problem is the general message/intent of your post, not the specific words you are using. If you think a particular thread is lowering a quality of the forum, PM a moderator about it.

Anyway like JokerOfSpades said, probably better to ask a mod, before we start getting banned for too much Metadiscussion or something.


so I had a dream where I was talking to evilore (in person) and he was explaining why he banned me. shouldn't have watched that documentary, it's fuckin wit my dreams
I should post in this thread more often.

Actually, I have a good topic to bring up.
WHats up with the "taboo"amongst the black community for performining cunnilingus. I get made fun of by my friends for being a fan of it.
"Pinko I bet you love to eat pussy don't you."
"You nasty ass motherfucker".

A.E Suggs

I haven't been on gaf in awhile and I come back to see there are a lot of bans. I'm somewhat glad I missed all the fun cause something must have went down.


Should have been watching the NBA. Keeps you out of trouble.
Now I have to go through post histories.

Not enough games in the day to do that. I guess what keeps me out of trouble is not logging in at all.
I should post in this thread more often.

Actually, I have a good topic to bring up.
WHats up with the "taboo"amongst the black community for performining cunnilingus. I get made fun of by my friends for being a fan of it.
"Pinko I bet you love to eat pussy don't you."
"You nasty ass motherfucker".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbvNbfDvNHI&feature=youtube_gdata_playerWhat taboo? I remember when I was younger all I used to hear was about how nasty it was but let's be honest that was that child mentality. Man as I got older that became the national pasttime. Every chance I get I will "dive in" on my lady.
I should post in this thread more often.

Actually, I have a good topic to bring up.
WHats up with the "taboo"amongst the black community for performining cunnilingus. I get made fun of by my friends for being a fan of it.
"Pinko I bet you love to eat pussy don't you."
"You nasty ass motherfucker".

Really? My crew didn't care. Now it was a joke if someone was going to town on a jump off or a girl they just met that night. That's reckless.


Its taboo until you try it.

I remember sitting at the diner at like 2am talking about it w/ my two white friends and a waitress. One dude swore on his life he'd never do it. Bruh said it was icky lol. Got the shudders off the thought. We promised he'd love it if he tried it. Ffwd like 6 months and this cat like eating more than fucking lmao.
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