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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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well the gym is busy so i had to opt for exercising at home

im going to do squats

No weights on the bar squats.
Over the last 2 weeks just by changing my diet and drinking water Ive lost about 10 lbs. It feels good man. I have a goal to get under 300 in the next month. Yeah im a big dude


Man, GAF is making me feel bad today. Recovering from a cold, so I've been away from the gym a while, but I see like 2 or 3 threads in OT about it. I should probably wait until tomorrow to be sure I'm fully recovered, don't wanna relapse...
congrats man. What did you cut out?

Literally fast food. no more sweet tea and lemon. no more energy drinks and random sweets. I started eating foods that I can actually Identify what the were before they were cooked if you know what I mean. I increased my intake of water period. And I reduced the portions of what I have been eating and eating multiple meals instead of one major a day.


This is the biggest I have ever been. In this picture I am 342.

Last weigh in this morning puts me at 329. I got a ways to go but I wanna get back to this


Wish me luck BCT.


What are you trying to accomplish? Losing weight, cardio, building muscle, toning?

i dont think i need to lose weight (im 5ft1in, 113 lbs), but i want to be skrong, to build a little muscle and tone up

i took my first step towards being a Better Me by cutting soda out of my life, and after a couple weeks, i had a pepsi and couldnt believed i ever liked it. i thought i was going to be sick lmao.

but i guess its been a month and a half now without a soda and even though its been such a short time, i feel much better and cant see myself ever going back to it. i know thats a small thing, but after 22 years of drinking that crap daily, breaking away from sugary drinks is a big deal to me and i really want to see what else im capable of.


Dropping soda is pretty big. I was never a huge soda guy so it wasn't too hard for me, but that shit is terrible for you. I pretty much only drink it when there's booze involved.


Doesn't seem like white-washing to me, especially since it says that it's an American that joins the Yakuza.

Unless I'm missing something.

There are different forms of whitewashing. There is literal whitewashing where a non-white character is made out to be white on film, such as a real life Asian person being portrayed as white in the movie 21. Alongside that, there's narrative whitewashing where films about a non-white culture are told from a white character's point of view, such as The Last Samurai. Either form of whitewashing perpetuates the under representation of non-whites (and by relation, over representation of whites) in our media.

The concept has sort of been done before with Yakuza by Sydney Pollack: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073918/

Damn good movie if you haven't seen it.


What do you guys who dont drink soda drink?


what really helped me was getting these cans of Perrier:


because i realized I REALLY WANTED THE FIZZ

so now, whenever i notice i start craving a fizzy drink, i dont buy a soda. i just drink a can of that perrier, which is 8.45 fl oz of sparkling mineral water (pretty small), then i can go about my business just drinking whatever bottled water i have.

those packs of perrier have saved my ass. can a nigga get a sponsor? i'll preach at the church of perrier.


What do you guys who dont drink soda drink?


I miss soda but water's just much cheaper. I'll kill some sweet tea though. I still drink soda whenever I'm out of the house.
We got a LeBleu machine at home (god knows why) so I probably drink about 6 cups of water per day just sitting around the house.
That and 2 of those whey protein drinks mixed w/ water. I just started that this week though.

I honestly dont notice a difference though. I got the benefit of youth + great genetics on my side so I pretty much can and do drink/eat whatever I want.


As for Xbox One, I'm still buying one. I don't buy used games, I don't borrow games from friends, I don't rent games from Redbox/Gamefly and I have a reliable internet connection. I understand why people won't purchase one, and I commend them for their decision to do so, but I lack the moral fortitude to boycott a console for reasons that don't directly effect me. It's a selfish position, but in a decision between boycotting a console for ideals alone and playing the games that I want to play, the latter is going to win out 100% of the time. There's simply going to be to many games that I'm going to want to play on the platform, and I'm not going to be reduced to port begging or missing out on great gaming experiences.

I miss soda but water's just much cheaper. I'll kill some sweet tea though. I still drink soda whenever I'm out of the house.
We got a LeBleu machine (god knows why) so I probably drink about 6 cups of water per day just sitting around the house.
That and 2 of those whey protein drinks mixed w/ water. I just started that this week though.
What kind of protein are you taking? Just regular whey by gold standard? Try myofusion it's a protein blend including whey, I always suggest protein blends to new protien drinkers though


What kind of protein are you taking? Just regular whey by gold standard? Try myofusion it's a protein blend including whey, I always suggest protein blends to new protien drinkers though

this stuff

I saw a lot of posts about Trutein in the Fitness thread so I was thinking about ordering some of that when I get low. I don't really know a lot about the supplement game.


I usually down either powerades,gatorades or water. I've gotten to the point that soda is only when I'm eating certain food or whatever


Literally fast food. no more sweet tea and lemon. no more energy drinks and random sweets. I started eating foods that I can actually Identify what the were before they were cooked if you know what I mean. I increased my intake of water period. And I reduced the portions of what I have been eating and eating multiple meals instead of one major a day.


This is the biggest I have ever been. In this picture I am 342.

Last weigh in this morning puts me at 329. I got a ways to go but I wanna get back to this


Wish me luck BCT.
If I hit the powerball I am going to hire you for sercuity . Your company name will be Nemesis Enforcer.


My day is basically 95% water and 5% unsweetened almond milk (I'm lactose intolerant) with my protein powder. I have beer and alcohol on occasion, but over a month span, I'd say it's still 95% water.


My day is basically 95% water and 5% unsweetened almond milk (I'm lactose intolerant) with my protein powder. I have beer and alcohol on occasion, but over a month span, I'd say it's still 95% water.

Aren't all black people lactose inolarent? To varieing degrees?


I'd love to start dieting, but I can't tell I get a job so I can buy my own food.

For now, I've just cut all soda and juice out. Strictly water, and milk on occasion.
this stuff

I saw a lot of posts about Trutein in the Fitness thread so I was thinking about ordering some of that when I get low. I don't really know a lot about the supplement game.
Yeah I hate gold standard whey. You'll get alot of suggestion for trutein with is a protein blend too. I recommend trying myofusion though, it's my favorite blend by far.


Aren't all black people lactose inolarent? To varieing degrees?

To a great extent, absolutely. Most black people grow into lactose intolerance at some point in their lives. I wasn't lactose intolerant until a few years ago. I tried to simply ignore it initially, but the effects have gotten so bad that I don't even want to look at milk anymore (without taking lactaid!) It started out with just straight milk and ice cream, but it has slowly grown into dairy products in general :/


To a great extent, absolutely. Most black people grow into lactose intolerance at some point in their lives. I wasn't lactose intolerant until a few years ago. I tried to simply ignore it initially, but the effects have gotten so bad that I don't even want to look at milk anymore (without taking lactaid!) It started out with just straight milk and ice cream, but it has slowly grown into dairy products in general :/

Don't I know it, there is a place around here that makes old school milkshakes with real cream and shit. Had one it damn near killed me.


I'm not even sure if I'm lactose intolerant. I just cant keep regular milk down for whatever reason. I'll crush some ice cream though.
If I hit the powerball I am going to hire you for sercuity . Your company name will be Nemesis Enforcer.
I scare people for a reason. I'm really a teddy bear lol.

To a great extent, absolutely. Most black people grow into lactose intolerance at some point in their lives. I wasn't lactose intolerant until a few years ago. I tried to simply ignore it initially, but the effects have gotten so bad that I don't even want to look at milk anymore (without taking lactaid!) It started out with just straight milk and ice cream, but it has slowly grown into dairy products in general :/
I couldn't drink a glass of milk by itself without damn near throwing up.


Don't I know it, there is a place around here that makes old school milkshakes with real cream and shit. Had one it damn near killed me.

It was sort of a blessing in disguise as far as weight loss is concerned. I fucking LOVE cereal and ice cream. They're definitely my biggest vice. So literally not being able to consume them without being sick to my stomach or dropping cash on Lactaid definitely helped.

I fucking miss Ice Cream though. Ice Cream, Milk Shakes, Smoothies, Froyo, Boba, etc.. I loved it all... Fucking blows :( Everything good in life has Milk in it!

I scare people for a reason. I'm really a teddy bear lol.

I couldn't drink a glass of milk by itself without damn near throwing up.

Yup, and once you phase it out of your diet, you're fucked. You can gain some resistance to the effects by consistently consuming it, but once that's gone, it's a fucking nightmare. I nearly shit myself the last time I had a White Russian Lol.


Stopped drinking soda about a month ago. Been drinking nothing but water and juice. I try to avoid the proccessed stuff and drink organic but that stuff is just as bad sometimes too lol.
Juice has a fuck ton of sugar. I don't like drinking my calories personally, but I do it within reason. Alcohol is the worst for dieting.
Pretty much drink 90% water rest is a juice. I've had to phase out the Dole fruit juices for Trop50s juice. Considering how much I love fruit juice its being difficult. Greatest irony was I cut out soda 10 years ago and stuck to fruit juice/drink. Big mistake since fruit drinks may have more sugar than even soda.

Anyways, Xbox One won't be my console, I'm probably moving back to Ghana at the end of the year, its bad enough with the random blackouts but considering how spotty internet/broadband has been any time I visit, any console that requires this kind of connection just won't work for me. I understand why Microsoft is going down this shitty path, but they obviously don't care about any places with low broadband internet penetration. Its been amazing watching them double down and basically convince me to not even consider a X1
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