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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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Im waiting for Sony to just say something bout DRM. Idk man I think they and MS made a deal that they would both tackle it in some form.

Imma miss MS conference simce I have class but ill join yall for everyone else and Sony later in IRC


The physical form of blasphemy
Europe is getting the mean shaft. Don't they have to pay a ridiculous amount and have less features than Murrica edition?

500 is so silly. Suffer like G did.


MS is fucking themselves with this 499 bs.

Funny fact: Xbone will be 429 pounds in the UK, that is 666 dollars.
well I had already stated I was going 100% Nintendo and PC this gen. M$ has only made that decision easier.

Way to crash and burn at the end with that price. LOL!!!
I paid $600 for a PS3 so I can't talk shit....but I will. 500 after all that DRM bullshit...come on son.

They hyped the fuck out of their conference and didn't deliver IMO.
Microsoft's fake toughin ass about to get power bombed.

I doubt Sony says anything about DRM unless its really lax or nonexistent, so a lower price point is about the only thing they can have over MS.

Even yahoo commenters are casting shade on MS, and those folks are inbred turds.
I paid $600 for a PS3 so I can't talk shit....but I will. 500 after all that DRM bullshit...come on son.

They hyped the fuck out of their conference and didn't deliver IMO.
I paid $500 for the $600 PS3 and i was okay with that. I could drop $500 on a One if there was no next-gen DRM bullshit and online play was free.
499? they dont want that hood market after all

and lol at "we bout to kill/miguel leg drop sony at e3" shit they were saying

I fucking called it. I'm not even watching the shit but my phone just got blown up with text left and right about the conference. Everyone ofmy boys like I'm gonna have to get that xbone because of Dead Rising. Fuck that. I paid 600 for a ps3 and an additional 1600 for a TV to play it on during launch. I wish I could go back in time and fucking falcon punch myself with the money I could have saved. The only thing I have left to show is my launch 60 is still kicking but TV is dead. 499 is too goddamn expensive
I paid $500 for the $600 PS3 and i was okay with that. I could drop $500 on a One if there was no next-gen DRM bullshit and online play was free.
Damn nail on head. Free online was what kept me with the Sony brand. And backwards compatibility. Never lost any of my then extensive library. And it made the transition solid. Now look at this next gen.
Only thing that hurts is Dead Rising 3. But Capcom being capcom, that shit will be on everything but the Wii U in 8 months.

As much as I loved Dead Rising series....

That shit didn't look like Dead Rising. Its like the transition of the Dead Space series. If they are trying to take the series in a new direction cool I can dig it but that shit looked like a random third person zombie shooter. The only thing Dead Rising I saw was that chainsaw/hammer thing. And that took a cue from two along with the sculpting a weapon. It just didn't gel with me at all.
Oh my god at MGS V. Straight tears at the magnificence

Otherwise I was pretty mellow on the conference. Respawns thing looked good but I can get that in PC


You know what bothered me the most? That everything about the confernce was goddamn serious business. Say what you will about Wonderbook, shit like that is nice to break up a conference with.

And damn if I am tired of Master Chief. He reminds me too much of USAgent(nerds will get that reference).
I just got a text that they showed Killer Instinct......

I am being told that Glacius and Sabrewulf are confirmed......

And just got told its being made by Double Helix...

Fuckers almost got me to even think about considering. Fucksticks almost had me.


Edit: damn slay.... john walker really?


I just got a text that they showed Killer Instinct......

I am being told that Glacius and Sabrewulf are confirmed......

And just got told its being made by Double Helix...

Fuckers almost got me to even think about considering. Fucksticks almost had me.


Edit: damn slay.... john walker really?

Damn right, one of the original try hards. MC has zero personalty and charm. MC will forver be USAgent to Gordan Freeman's Cap.

Y'all remember this hot fire?

Battlefield 4 looked amazing tho

because it was played on PC

The enter key had me rolling. Also I'm starting to have suspicions about whether the footage was canned. The Titanfall demo looked really suspect towards the end with that ejection + landing on the other mech and shooting it in the face exactly like the trailer that was running a few minutes ago.
That Killer Instinct reveal did give me childhood flashbacks to the swap meet videogame vendor. Struggle setup with a busted console and raggedy TV, but kids were lined up waiting to play. Parents would basically leave their kids there as they walked around. It was like a poor people arcade, except there was only one cabinet.

But developed by Double Helix? ha, no way.
Damn right, one of the original try hards. MC has zero personalty and charm. MC will forver be USAgent to Gordan Freeman's Cap.

This right here folks is fucking gospel.

And I'm on my phone so can't post like I want but I took a picture of myself when I got the KI texts. Yeah.
Damn nail on head. Free online was what kept me with the Sony brand. And backwards compatibility. Never lost any of my then extensive library. And it made the transition solid. Now look at this next gen.

even BC isnt a dealbreaker for me. on PS3, the only PS2 game i really played was Fire Pro Returns. but i'm done paying for XBL. hell, 2/3 of my XBL time was from free codes and trades. if Sony pulls some next-gen DRM bullshit or puts shit that should be free behind a paywall, i'm done with them too...


Formerly Momotaro
You know what bothered me the most? That everything about the confernce was goddamn serious business. Say what you will about Wonderbook, shit like that is nice to break up a conference with.

And damn if I am tired of Master Chief. He reminds me too much of USAgent(nerds will get that reference).

I've been saying it for a while, but this whole industry is just too damn serious.
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