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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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I didn't say you said they were entitled but that's the feeling I get when they expect black men to "stay loyal." It's bullshit. Also who said anything about beauty standards or exclusively dating white women. If two people hit it off what business is it of anyone's to expect some exclusivity among their own race. She's assuming that they're fetishizing people because she doesn't understand that people get together because they mesh well.

Well, it's sort of a central topic within the dialog by Jill Scott you posted. And there's a difference between understanding and condoning, they're not synonymous. I too believe the idea of entitlement and loyalty across racial lines in dating is bullshit. But I also understand where such a thought process is derived from.

It's easy for me to sit here and say that her words are bullshit and without merit. But I didn't grow up wondering why people like myself weren't propagated as the pinnacle of beauty. I didn't have to grow up wondering why even the individuals sharing my skin color and gender on the magazine covers, television shows and movies still had fair complexions and features comparable to that of the normalized European standards of beauty. As a light skinned interracial black man (Hell, as a Black man in general), I had people within the media who were sexualized that resembled my own reflection in the mirror to a degree. Darker skinned black women with distinct black features do not for the most part.

There are studies done to reinforce the notion that Black women are the least desirable, labeling them as masculine in the process. OKCupid did studies and found that black women are by far the least desired women within their online services. While interracial relationships are certainly up within the country, that doesn't include interracial relationships with black females as a partner, who are less likely to marry outside of their race than other groups. Outside of black men, they simply aren't all that wanted. And to be rejected by entire demographics for no reason outside of the color of your skin has got to hurt on some level.

I'm just saying that I understand where the venom comes from, and as people who aren't necessarily subjected to this level of oppression, and instead are relatively privileged in having beauty representative of us propped up in some regard, maybe we aren't in a position to levy such vitriol at those who are. If anything, I feel sorry for them. And this is coming from someone who's been hated on by Black women for dating outside his race plenty of times.
I understand all that. Point was beauty standards have fuck all to do with people getting together because they genuinely like each other which is what people on the outside can't wrap their heads around. It's always someone has a fetish rather than genuinely likes the person they're dating, and it's something some folks need to seriously fuck off about.
I always hate running into this shit.

the obvious solution is for them to date white men to get the brothas jealous.

That almost sounds like Black men have an obligation. So where is brother version talking about sista's when they say 'sorry i don't date black men'? Judging someone else choice in a partner and taking pain from it is just damn stupid. I just don't get how them choosing a partner outside their race constitutes abandoning ship and a betrayal.

Do people need documented evidence that a same race relationship didn't work out before they apply for their interracial marriage permit?

see, when that happens, the dude usually laughs.
Jill Scott jumped to lots of offensive conclusions when all she knew was a wealthy attractive black man married a white woman. Betrayed? That's a lot to put on a man you know so little about. I may be putting words in her mouth, but somehow I feel if he was some unattractive loser she wouldn't have cared who he wifed.
Black women have gotten the short end of the stick for sure, but you are not getting 'black man reparations'. That man she was wincing at didn't betray shit, and for her to react that way to a fucking stranger says much more about her than it does him.

some women keep going after the short straws though. then they complain about how the long straws aren't being used to drink chocolate milk.


Definitely one topic to mention on the next podcast is the obvious "black men obligation" in relationships. It's almost a cache 22, whatever you do. I see where she is coming from bout Black women not getting the same treatment or love that women with more European appeal gets.

Tho the one thing women like Jill don't like to talk bout are the few black men that are doing something with there life and still passed over, but we all know she aint feeling them Cornball brothers.


I understand all that. Point was beauty standards have fuck all to do with people getting together because they genuinely like each other which is what people on the outside can't wrap their heads around. It's always someone has a fetish rather than genuinely likes the person they're dating, and it's something some folks need to seriously fuck off about.

I don't think there's much on the subject of fetishization within that piece you posted from Jill Scott. I suppose you can draw comparisons between the effects of normalizing beauty and the fetishization of a race, but that's not exactly the most appropriate comparison IMO. And having a preference for a specific type of person does not entail that genuine love is not present.

And besides, I don't think that Jill Scott is saying that black men who have relationships with white women somehow value white skin over traditional reasons for going into a relationship. Simply that maybe black men are victims to the same social stigmas regarding racialized beauty that everyone else is. And within a society that is no longer institutionally against such relationships, Black men who are instilled with the belief that white = beautiful and black = ugly are effectively being weaned off of black women (that a pretty weird way of putting it, but I can't think of another way to put it).

87 for lames. 88 is when the Gs were born.

88 here as well.
What's was the Boondocks announcment?

Also everyone knows that 85 was the supeior year to be born in. Y'all don't got your blackhearts yet.


Even though I was born in 88, I can relate with people who grew up in the early to mid 80s. I was poor as shit growing up, and as a result, my parents couldn't really afford cable or new toys. So a lot of the cartoons I watched on cassette and toys I played with were hand me downs from my brothers and sisters who were obviously born years earlier.




ehh...Idk bout that movie....
I was playing Pokemon the year it came out, and some people currently on the internet were being born that year. That's that shit that makes me stare into the horizon and contemplate my life.


bitch I'm taking calls.
90s people just don't post please, y'all aint shit.
Get out. 1990 is real as it gets.
lol. didn't even know 89ers were old enough to register for this site.
Same. I still can't grasp the concept of 90's babies being old enough to post. I consciously understand 20 years ago was 1993, but subconsciously still don't get it.
Damn. Bunch of people in here just salty cus they losing the pulse of what's cool. It's ok gramps, we won't leave you behind. Dy's son knows what I'm talking about.
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