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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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Ubisoft Marketing
we can replace wonder woman with GL Jon Steward or Even Black Panther (tho I think marvel will DO a Black Panther movie since RDJ is about done with Iron Man)

.... I truthfully dont think HG is an exception. It not a great movie but it is kinda solid with solid acting. I think wonder woman could hit the same way since its an established IP and a woman's empowerment movie and IF and I mean a BIG IF they make her a lesbian or bi-sexual the LGBT community will welcome the movie with open arms.

Wonder Woman x Black Canary fic inbound.....



There's only one..or possibly 2 men fit for Diana. One of them wears a bat, and the other, luckily for the bat, is trapped in the Marvel universe.


The Trinity only exist so that DC can pair Wonder Woman up with either Supes or Bats whenever their respective love interests die/dump them/aren't in the mood to fuck.

Just let the poor woman marry Steve Trevor. He's not the most exciting guy, but she likes him and it's better than being a superhero side chick.




Junior Member
No seriously did drake fund this I cant beleive this shit

There was a thread on this an the general fucked-up-ness of Japan's romance infrastructure. Two threads actually. Now I haven't had Mufasa's Japanese odyssey so I can only talk on what I've read, but apparently like 50% of Japanese adults under 40 just... aren't fucking. At all. Social awkwardness is an easy target but some people are just saying that's another symptom.

Some people say the problem is mostly economical. The economy young Japanese people grew up in sucks compared to their parents' economy so they can't expect to get in relationships without seeing a reduction in standard of living, and since contraception is apparently less prevalent in Japan, they gotta avoid relationships altogether if they wanna avoid kids. As a result you see a commoditized companionship industry: Maid caves, cuddle cafes, host and hostess cafes, etc. There were dudes they interviewed in articles saying they'd be all over some of their female friends if they had more money.

The other side of the problem is apparently a generation of women who are career-minded but are treated like it's the 1980's or some shit, and thus can't get jobs if they're in relationships. They might do one-night stands and things like that (which probably explains Mufasa), but that's it, and will only marry if they find men rich enough to take care of them since marriage basically means retiring to the kitchen over there.

Still, it's probably a bit overblown, and probably only affecting like half the population. Still, the birthrate over there is dangerously low and some of the problems are probably economy-related.

It comes across like some "I want my wife to be pure" type of shit, because I'm *waiting for the right one. The longer she stays on the cock carousel the more likely she might do something drastic/reprehensible like fuck a black guy. I can't have the mother of my children having had sex with a black guy at some point in her life. What will our children think?

*can't get none.

That's definitely what it develops into, but I think it starts with insecurity, specifically the insecurity of virgin guys having to ask out non-virgin girls, or just dealing with a relationship where the woman has more experience than the man.

Basically, *can't get none.

Hope jada knows I'm goin RAW!


There was a thread on this an the general fucked-up-ness of Japan's romance infrastructure. Two threads actually. Now I haven't had Mufasa's Japanese odyssey so I can only talk on what I've read, but apparently like 50% of Japanese adults under 40 just... aren't fucking. At all. Social awkwardness is an easy target but some people are just saying that's another symptom.

Some people say the problem is mostly economical. The economy young Japanese people grew up in sucks compared to their parents' economy so they can't expect to get in relationships without seeing a reduction in standard of living, and since contraception is apparently less prevalent in Japan, they gotta avoid relationships altogether if they wanna avoid kids. As a result you see a commoditized companionship industry: Maid caves, cuddle cafes, host and hostess cafes, etc. There were dudes they interviewed in articles saying they'd be all over some of their female friends if they had more money.

The other side of the problem is apparently a generation of women who are career-minded but are treated like it's the 1980's or some shit, and thus can't get jobs if they're in relationships. They might do one-night stands and things like that (which probably explains Mufasa), but that's it, and will only marry if they find men rich enough to take care of them since marriage basically means retiring to the kitchen over there.

Still, it's probably a bit overblown, and probably only affecting like half the population. Still, the birthrate over there is dangerously low and some of the problems are probably economy-related.

I personally blame Ichigo.


Homegirl is wafer thin. She's probably gonna make herself sick trying to bulk up too much too fast like Chris Evans did.

Fifteen or twenty pounds and seventh months with a PT bought with Hollywood money will be more than sufficient.


Fifteen or twenty pounds and seventh months with a PT bought with Hollywood money will be more than sufficient.

we need to get immortal as her personal trainer.....


We would all expect him to smash afterwards

dont try to fight
dont let me go
youve gone too far from what i know
i lost my heart in the dark with you
father father why you let me go
father please dont let me go


Fifteen or twenty pounds and seventh months with a PT bought with Hollywood money will be more than sufficient.

Is she going to even be able to put on that weight, let alone within a constrained time frame? Some people just have naturally skeleton like physiques. And furthermore, are the filmmakers going to even push her to? Filmmakers had no issues having Angelina Jolie's boney looking ass over power grown ass men with raw power in Salt.



Here’s the deal: We have a serious problem with Don Lemon. Not that he was ever all that likeable in the past, but to us, he was just fine as another talking head on TV. But when he somehow decided to provide impromptu black social commentary, we became saddened and disgusted by the way he used his platform to spread half-truths about the black community. Don might be more equipped to criticize the gay or journalistic communities, but going after black people has become a fashion statement.

So, let’s be clear – Don Lemon needs to be fired from CNN. There have been a long line of black faces removed from the network in recent months, including Soledad O’Brien, Tony Harris, Roland Martin and TJ Holmes, yet the only black face that is regularly featured on the network is the guy who enjoys chopping off the heads of black people with a smile on his face. Sorry, but we just won’t stand for it. Don’s defense of the Stop & Frisk program, which has violated the civil rights of thousands of New Yorkers, was the straw that broke the Lemon’s back.

Here are 8 reasons that CNN needs to turn Lemon into lemonade and pour his sorry behind out into the street:

1) Because he just might be a racist: People think that you can’t be a racist when you’re black. But if you work for white people and use your blackness as a tool to oppress and attack people who look like you, you are akin to the Uncle Tom in Django Unchained who hated black people more than white people do. So, Don Lemon could likely be a mild mannered version of Samuel L. Jackson’s character.

2) Because he is being used as a token: If a white guy were to say the same things that Lemon has been saying, he would never be considered to be an objective journalist. But for some reason, people think that when Lemon opens his mouth, he is allowed to sport his “negro license” as a Get-out-of-jail-free card for any ignorant thing he might say. No white guy on CNN would ever dare to say the things that Lemon says on a weekly basis.

3) Because he has lost all credibility as an objective journalist: Whatever happened to the days when a journalist reported objective news? Lemon’s diatribes make him sound more like a less intelligent version of Rush Limbaugh than a CNN anchor. Maybe he should spend his time bashing gays the way he goes after blacks. Oh, that’s right…you can’t criticize gay people on CNN, at least not the way they go after blacks.

4) Because his analysis is simple-minded: Don Lemon analyzes race in ways that would make a third-grader blush. He rarely says anything truly insightful, it just comes off as a repetition of what people are saying on Fox News. Is that what CNN wants? A Fox News parrot?

5) Because he’s (ignorant) naïve enough to think that Stop and Frisk is a good policy: Don doesn’t back up his support for the ineffective program with actual data, just the meanderings of a confused black man. Stop and Frisk has been proven in one study after another to NOT be a deterrent to crime and only serves to increase the amount of terrorism that citizens must endure at the hands of the NYPD. But, for some reason, Don Lemon thinks the program is a good one.

6) Because he’s turned CNN into the Circus News Network: Sure, Lemon has gotten people talking, but at what expense? Anderson Cooper, another CNN brand from the gay community, has been consistent, fair, intelligent and reliable. Don Lemon has been consistently auditioning for a role on Def Comedy Jam. If we’re going to criticize the buffoonery that might appear in a Tyler Perry film, then we should also speak up about the educated buffoonery that sometimes occurs when talking heads yap about things they don’t understand.

7) Because he’s a hypocrite: Right after Don expressed his passionate support for the NYPD’s Stop and Frisk program, it was revealed that Don himself sued after being the victim of racial profiling. So, while Don is asking the black community to sit back and take it, he feels that respectable negroes like himself should not be followed around like a common “n***er.”

8) Because he is spending less time elevating CNN’s brand than his own: Does Don Lemon work for CNN or for himself? Are the network’s executives comfortable with Don ranting and raving on the air, infuriating millions of black people? Maybe Don should just stick with being a CNN anchor and stop trying to become an angry white man.

Dr. Boyce Watkins and Yvette Carnell are Senior Editors for the Your Black World Network. For more information, go to www.yourblackworld.net.


Is she going to even be able to put on that weight, let alone within a constrained time frame? Some people just have naturally skeleton like physiques. And furthermore, are the filmmakers going to even push her to? Filmmakers had no issues having Angelina Jolie's boney looking ass over power grown ass men with raw power in Salt.

Putting on 20 ain't easy in general, but it's even harder for most of us because we have lives outside of that weight gain. Like I said, Hollywood money. It would be her job to put on a few lbs and hit the gym, and her base ain't bad. She's probably never gonna look like an Olympian, but that's not really necessary. They'll put her in a jacket and tight pants if they really have to.

The biggest problem will be her acting ability. No good recommendations so far.


I'm glad I'm not into comics with the way so many fans seem to get upset over casting and other details with comic book movies.

I am into comics and it doesn't bother me that much. As along as they at least they look like they are trying. Christian Bale being batman is more offensive than this chick as Wonder Woman.


If they dubbed his batman voice with someone that actually sounds intimidating, I would be thankful. How you can't laugh at Bane and Batman's fight I don't know.


I'm glad I'm not into comics with the way so many fans seem to get upset over casting and other details with comic book movies.
They're only upset because they care. And by care, I mean they think their being fans of the material translates to partial ownership.

Wonder Woman is my fave DC character and I'm not pressed about it. Unlike everyone else, I'm not going to make any judgment calls on casting until I see something - anything - about this movie's plot. Right now, we don't know shit beyond a handful of characters and the production team.

If they dubbed his batman voice with someone that actually sounds intimidating, I would be thankful. How you can't laugh at Bane and Batman's fight I don't know.

I got through the fight, but "WHERE IS THE TRIGGERRRRRR?!" almost killed me.


Is she going to even be able to put on that weight, let alone within a constrained time frame? Some people just have naturally skeleton like physiques. And furthermore, are the filmmakers going to even push her to? Filmmakers had no issues having Angelina Jolie's boney looking ass over power grown ass men with raw power in Salt.

Shit's easy. All she has to do is workout and up her caloric intake. I gained in no time. She should be fine.

Honestly I don't get it. I care more about the ability to deliver lines and act. Nerds are never fucking happy who cares about appealing to their ass.


They're only upset because they care. And by care, I mean they think their being fans of the material translates to partial ownership.
It's not so much that fans feel "entitled". It's more like they've been hoping and praying for a project, a serious, non-hokey, Hollywood blockbuster project for a long time. And we've seen enough bombs to know the sign of bad moviemaking. So when they see something actually happening, and then see such bad casting like Ryan Reynolds as Dick of the Year in Space..it's like hope and then devastation. So what you see isn't entitlement, it's hope dying. They'll get over it.


All Hip Hop is foolish if they think CNN isn't encouraging Don Lemon to do this. CNN has been wanting to be Fox News since they started beating them in ratings and Don Lemon is saying exactly what Fox News viewers want to say about the black community. I wouldn't be surprised if Don Lemon's videos/segments are getting some of the best ratings for the network.
It pays to shit on black people in the media.
Never happy, but will still be there day one. Then wonder why companies ignore their constant bitching.

Nerds pay to be offended. Star War nerds hate George Lucas more than cancer but they still buy that shit.


Ubisoft Marketing
I had no idea who she was before today (i was done after the first Fast and Furious movie), but i'm more interested in how she'll be written into the plot.

At this point, i don't trust DC to do anything worthwhile with the movie (and i'm a long time DC fan), so her acting ability is secondary to everything else at this point.

That probably sounds hyper entitled, but hey ho
Though I understand what you guys are saying, it never fails to amuse me when people on message boards complain about nerds.

Just because we say nerds doesn't mean we're being exclusionary about ourselves. But I'll be honest about how fans of comics and video games show some of the most entitlement I see of just about anyone.


I had no idea who she was before today (i was done after the first Fast and Furious movie), but i'm more interested in how she'll be written into the plot.

At this point, i don't trust DC to do anything worthwhile with the movie (and i'm a long time DC fan), so her acting ability is secondary to everything else at this point.

That probably sounds hyper entitled, but hey ho

Stop pushing your agenda in AC

Though I understand what you guys are saying, it never fails to amuse me when people on message boards complain about nerds.

hypocrisy is what is for dinner.
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