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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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The very next thing he says is that he won't refer to the interviewer as a white man and the interviewer shouldn't refer to him as a black man...

Once again, he's talking about ideals. In an ideal world, where racism is near non existent, Freeman's version of how we see each other would hold true. I mean, its essentially what mlk said way back when. Judge a man not by his skin but by content of character. At the same time I doubt anyone would hate on what mlk said, which is why it confuses me when people hate on what freeman says, especially considering he has tried doing things to combat racism in his community. That documentary on him trying to end segregation in his hometowns HS comes to mind
Once again, he's talking about ideals. In an ideal world, where racism is near non existent, Freeman's version of how we see each other would hold true. I mean, its essentially what mlk said way back when. Judge a man not by his skin but by content of character. At the same time I doubt anyone would hate on what mlk said, which is why it confuses me when people hate on what freeman says, especially considering he has tried doing things to combat racism in his community. That documentary on him trying to end segregation in his hometowns HS comes to mind

Okay, I could sort of understand that in regards to BHM, but it doesn't sound like he's talking about ideals at all when his direct response to "how can we get rid of racism" is "stop talking about it." If Freeman's idea for the future is one where racism does not exist, I don't see how his response to "how can we get rid of racism" (as in the present time) can be "stop talking about it" (also in the present).

The key part of MLK Jr.'s speech was "I have a dream," which establishes clearly that it's a hope for the future. Provided your interpretation of Freeman's words are correct, it's not very clear, imo.
Except that its essentially the ideal. Why would you forever want a bhm? Why would you not want it to get to the point where its completely integrated with american history as a whole? Where it isn't simply a side piece? Its pretty obvious what he means in the video, and its clearly not the same message of those who champion the ignore it and it to will go away mantra

Of course its ideal, but he wasn't saying in a perfect world, he was quoting the same ole BS knuckle heads like to spout.


Okay, I could sort of understand that in regards to BHM, but it doesn't sound like he's talking about ideals at all when his direct response to "how can we get rid of racism" is "stop talking about it." If Freeman's idea for the future is one where racism does not exist, I don't see how his response to "how can we get rid of racism" (as in the present time) can be "stop talking about it" (also in the present).

The key part of MLK Jr.'s speech was "I have a dream," which establishes clearly that it's a hope for the future. Provided your interpretation of Freeman's words are correct, it's not very clear, imo.

I could understand this point if all he said was stop talking about it and the video ended, but he follows it up and explains what he means immediately after. All Freeman's saying is that we should stop seeing each other as 'black person' 'white person' 'Asian person' etc. And instead just start seeing each other as other people first. Race should come after the fact, unless you think we shouldn't strive for that. I don't know why people take the video and cut out that little segment without context and try to frame him as an ignorant asshole, especially considering his history.


time to take my meds
Maybe i should post this in the fashion thread but im gonna give it a shot here. So im trying to add a dapper look to my fashion collection. For a black guy I feel its more difficult. Especially in the military as I can't grow a majestic beard or do much with my hair.

I've noticed I get more complements from the ladies when I rock my suspenders, a nice tie, and a dress shirt. But thats usually wearing a fitted hat and dark jeans. Probably a big fashion no no. Anyways, id like to see if can push it further but I dont see too many black guys that pull off the dapper look.

Wondering if you guys had any suggestions or examples. What stores to check out? And As far as getting things tailored, what do I tell the seamstress in order to achieve that look.
I could understand this point if all he said was stop talking about it and the video ended, but he follows it up and explains what he means immediately after. All Freeman's saying is that we should stop seeing each other as 'black person' 'white person' 'Asian person' etc. And instead just start seeing each other as other people first. Race should come after the fact, unless you think we shouldn't strive for that. I don't know why people take the video and cut out that little segment without context and try to frame him as an ignorant asshole, especially considering his history.

I see color.

I also see a person.

That's all I feel like I can weigh in with at the moment.
I could understand this point if all he said was stop talking about it and the video ended, but he follows it up and explains what he means immediately after. All Freeman's saying is that we should stop seeing each other as 'black person' 'white person' 'Asian person' etc. And instead just start seeing each other as other people first. Race should come after the fact, unless you think we shouldn't strive for that. I don't know why people take the video and cut out that little segment without context and try to frame him as an ignorant asshole, especially considering his history.

I dunno man. I was telling my roommate that when it comes to these things, you have to see color. It's a balance you need, of visibility so that the world understands the group's plight and invisibility so that we can just be seen as any other person. I can get that he wants us to see each other as people first, but we need both if we're going to progress towards the ideal where no one sees color.

Or better yet, where people see color and don't treat each other worse/better because of it.


I could understand this point if all he said was stop talking about it and the video ended, but he follows it up and explains what he means immediately after. All Freeman's saying is that we should stop seeing each other as 'black person' 'white person' 'Asian person' etc. And instead just start seeing each other as other people first. Race should come after the fact, unless you think we shouldn't strive for that. I don't know why people take the video and cut out that little segment without context and try to frame him as an ignorant asshole, especially considering his history.


your brain sees race and uses it for recognition and categorization just like it sees gender or age

there is no such thing as "not seeing race"
So Vince Young has filed for bankruptcy and is $10 Million in debt.


If I ever win the lottery or something I'm disappearing off the map.
So Vince Young has filed for bankruptcy and is $10 Million in debt.


If I ever win the lottery or something I'm disappearing off the map.



I could understand this point if all he said was stop talking about it and the video ended, but he follows it up and explains what he means immediately after. All Freeman's saying is that we should stop seeing each other as 'black person' 'white person' 'Asian person' etc. And instead just start seeing each other as other people first. Race should come after the fact, unless you think we shouldn't strive for that. I don't know why people take the video and cut out that little segment without context and try to frame him as an ignorant asshole, especially considering his history.

That's a nice dream but it won't happen in our lifetimes unless something like aliens land. I personally try to see people as just people but not many people do. For all the progress that's said to have happened. Racism still sadly lurks under most things especially against black males. Some people see nothing but colour now whether that's a learned thing or shitty parenting it's a sad sight.

When you see young kids playing mostly oblivious to colour differences you wonder when and how do they begin to see the difference? And if so do they continue to be someone who sees people as people or begin to see people of other colours as 'different'
At best Morgan Freeman's solution to stop racism was basically, "stop racism." At worst, it puts the same onus and burden on the victims of institutional racism as it does the perpetrators and those that benefit.


Okay, I could sort of understand that in regards to BHM, but it doesn't sound like he's talking about ideals at all when his direct response to "how can we get rid of racism" is "stop talking about it." If Freeman's idea for the future is one where racism does not exist, I don't see how his response to "how can we get rid of racism" (as in the present time) can be "stop talking about it" (also in the present).

The key part of MLK Jr.'s speech was "I have a dream," which establishes clearly that it's a hope for the future. Provided your interpretation of Freeman's words are correct, it's not very clear, imo.


your brain sees race and uses it for recognition and categorization just like it sees gender or age

there is no such thing as "not seeing race"

I think the best way to explain what Morgan Freeman is talking about comes from talking to black people from other countries where ethnic discrimination isn't as much of an issue as it is in the US. Many of them have explain to me that where they are from, everyone is simply referred to by their country of origin (most of them are culture shocked when they come here and are referred to as black so frequently). Ethnicity isn't used as an additional descriptor for people within the country on an every day basis. So in Morgan Freeman's ideal world, he would just be referred to as an American male.

If anything, Morgan Freeman should be criticized for being naive as this will never happen in the US due to our history, but there's nothing "wrong" with what he said.


I still can't believe people are still peddling the piracy hurts nobody argument

I try to avoid using DRM in anything I'm involved in, and don't use it at all for personal releases. I give refunds up to 30 days after purchase if people don't like the game or it doesn't work.

But don't fucking tell me piracy actually helps sales or that it doesn't hurt anyone. People need to get off their high horse that they're entitled to play a game (much like developers are not entitled to their money)

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
I still can't believe people are still peddling the piracy hurts nobody argument

I try to avoid using DRM in anything I'm involved in, and don't use it at all for personal releases. I give refunds up to 30 days after purchase if people don't like the game or it doesn't work.

But don't fucking tell me piracy actually helps sales or that it doesn't hurt anyone. People need to get off their high horse that they're entitled to play a game (much like developers are not entitled to their money)

while I'm not trying to get into a piracy mortality debate. I do think pubs need to look harder at consumer trends and figure out how to put their product in a better position. You will never be able to stop piracy but if you have a superior product in a great position you shouldn't have to sweat the "potential lost sales".
I still can't believe people are still peddling the piracy hurts nobody argument

I try to avoid using DRM in anything I'm involved in, and don't use it at all for personal releases. I give refunds up to 30 days after purchase if people don't like the game or it doesn't work.

But don't fucking tell me piracy actually helps sales or that it doesn't hurt anyone. People need to get off their high horse that they're entitled to play a game (much like developers are not entitled to their money)

while I'm not trying to get into a piracy mortality debate. I do think pubs need to look harder at consumer trends and figure out how to put their product in a better position. You will never be able to stop piracy but if you have a superior product in a great position you shouldn't have to sweat the "potential lost sales".

I think that's pretty much it. Just saying I have a shiny new toy isn't good enough. Gotta figure out how can you attract people who are willing to make a purchase. If it means going Steam, then that's probably the route to go to. Minecrafts only happen like 2 or 3 times a year. Where piracy gives exposure and increased popularity to make more sales. Not making any excuses because it's wrong, but there are ways to improve on a situation.
Bull Shit!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is a common occurrence. In fact far from it. Hence the additional comment of a Minecraft-caliber game only happening 2 or 3 times a year. You gotta take it in context. I think it would better apply with music artists and this is why I said this could be apples/oranges. This is not general speak, but its on record that music artists saying that piracy has help their careers more so than if their music wasn't pirated.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is a common occurrence. In fact far from it. Hence the additional comment of a Minecraft-caliber game only happening 2 or 3 times a year. You gotta take it in context. I think it would better apply with music artists and this is why I said this could be apples/oranges. This is not general speak, but its on record that music artists saying that piracy has help their careers more so than if their music wasn't pirated.

Music industry is a whole other beast because of the many avenues you can already get free music and not have to pirate it, so there was always a plan for alternative modes of income. But in the case of movies and games its just lost money.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Nintendo getting so desperate they are pushing pills. I guess that's one way to win back the youth market.


Welcome to the BCT thread :D

If slay was here he would ask you....

Popeye or KFC

we have a few question in the OP so we can get yo know people. If you wanna do them :)

no typical initial post?

for shame.

Ah, sorry! Didn't see! ; a;

Where you're from-
Born and raised on Chicago for the majority of my life. Around my time to start HS, my mom moved me to Iowa to finish my education thing.

Where you live-
Now, I currently live near Atlanta with her, my brothers and her fiance.

Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy- I don't know much on my mother's side because we don't particularly talk about that, and I grew up without my biological father, so it's overall it's unknown.

Do you know your roots-
Same as above, so no.

Your Age-

Favorite musical genre-
Hip-Hop/Rap and Metal seem to be my popular choices but overall I don't have an 'favorite' genre. I listen to anything enjoyable.

Your profession/major/career interest-
I'm a writer, and my intention was to attempt to release a novel within the next ten years. Otherwise my career interest would be Journalism

Your religious affiliation-
No comment.

Video games, writing, skateboarding though I don't do it as much (been a skater for about nine or so years), and a bit of photography.

As for the chicken thing, here's my personal ranking;
Local/Homemade > Popeyes > Bojangles > Church's > KFC.

Subbed to the thread, hope I can be as active as everyone else here. 'Sup
You guys know what you have to do.



Y'know, as little as I've come to expect from people regarding anything to do with race, I'm still a little shocked at how much ado was made over a harmless interview. Some people are just pathetic.

DrFunk said:
Cute picture.

Bet Stormfront just shitted their pants at it.

I had a troll account at Stormfront but I think they took away my posting privileges otherwise I would go see what's up.
There was an initial post thingy for the new people? Never knew. Guess it was my fault for not thoroughly reading OP. Guess I'll take the time to do as such

Where you're from-
DMV (PG Co.)

Where you live-
Same area, with stepmom and dad, but hopefully moving out this year

Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy-
Matriarch started with female slave and French tradesman. Ended up married (or raped then got married? Big difference I know). Throw two indian tribes (Cherokee and Blackfoot [inb4 every black person tries to claim some indian]) somewhere in the mix and you get me. Fun Fact: The french guy had his kids from another relationship with a white woman disowned him because he decided to stay with his black family. When he died, his black wife and children was cut off his money well. Story goes, some mysterious white guy paid them money once a month. No one knows who he was, but was suspected it was one of his white children that had compassion for the black family and their situation.

Dad's side? Couldn't tell you.

Do you know your roots-
You've read it already

Your Age-

Favorite musical genre-
Hip/Hop and Future sounds R&B (Sango - Da Rocinha 2 so you have an idea what I mean or check the subreddit)

Your profession/major/career interest-
Currently operations assistant for a national lab in DC. African Amer. Studies Major/Asian Amer. Studies Minor. Currently taking classes for Non-Profit Management. Trying to starting working in the non-profit field. Wanna work with at-risk high school kids and getting them to college and/or teaching life and job skills for unemployed adults in whatever capacity, but most likely as a project manager. End game? Become an Executive Director and run things.

Your religious affiliation-
Baptized Christian, but I don't practice it hardcore, but not afraid of going into the Sanctuary

Anime, video games, tinkering with hardware and machines (hacked a Wii, PS3, and a PSP low tier stuff. Fixed a laptop once and built a computer from scratch. I think I've done more than casuals). Horror-enthusiast-in-the-making

As for the chicken thing, here's my personal ranking;
My Mom *In muscle man's voice* > Popeyes > KFC > Bojangles


bitch I'm taking calls.

Sango is top drawer for sure. Have yet to hear a track I don't like. Been listening to this lately. You know a lot about your roots which is definitely something I envy. I built my current computer two summers ago and it was the first computer I built myself after researching parts and putting them together. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be and pays dividends in terms of longevity and not breaking the bank.
Subbed to the thread, hope I can be as active as everyone else here. 'Sup
Welcome! We have identical social heritage, profession and hobbies as well as taste in chicken. Only thing that has changed for me is that I'm trying a CS track now in terms of profession, but my passion remains with writing. I just haven't figured out what to do with it yet.

Sango is top drawer for sure. Have yet to hear a track I don't like. Been listening to this lately. You know a lot about your roots which is definitely something I envy. I built my current computer two summers ago and it was the first computer I built myself after researching parts and putting them together. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be and pays dividends in terms of longevity and not breaking the bank.

One of my favorite tracks from him. On his Da Rocinha 1 album, it's more Brazilian Trap. I can't describe it, but he makes it work and work well. That's what got me hooked. After I started my new job that was one of my goals, to build a new computer. I think I went over budget by $100, but I was satisfied with my work. I was upset that the cast was set for USB3.0 but there was no motherboards out at that time that supported it, so it ended up being a waste. I could buy a new one, but when I move out, I'm gonna give this to my sister and just build a new one.


At first, I thought they was talking about the peanut butter. I was like, "Well this is an odd conversation to have."
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