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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black

What? Yo, I swore I read some article where she said she did identify herself as black.

Man I gotta find the interviews. There was one interview before the star trek movie and she was like she don't like being labeled by her ethnicity. She doesn't identify with color, etc, etc,.....then in a later interview she was like she don't black guys.....

Now she's on some different ish.



So this woman (31 years old) disguised herself as a sophomore in HS. She got arrested.




What you read was her (poorly) explaining that she wishes he didn't have to be asked "what are you?"
Oh ok. For the record I don't think it's a big deal if she doesn't identify as a black woman (but new flash that's what everyone else thinks you are.) my issue is that this is shitty casting and if she says in one interview that she's not a black woman and then says in another that she is because she's in a movie portraying a black woman then that's opportunistic as fuck. The latter isn't a thing so my grievances lies with the casting director and not with her articulating herself poorly in response to criticisms the casting director and producers should be receiving.



GLAM Belleza Latina: How does being a black Latina inform your identity?

Zoe Saldana: I am proud to be Latina. I will not accept [anyone] telling me that I’m less or whatever, because to me, that is just hysterical. But I don’t like to break and divide myself into all these small little categories like, “I’m an American, a woman, a Latina, a black Latina.’’ No. I am Zoe.

There are multiple interviews where she says the same thing. She's a black Latina. How she identifies isn't the issue. It's everyone else questioning whether she's black enough or not.



GLAM Belleza Latina: How does being a black Latina inform your identity?

Zoe Saldana: I am proud to be Latina. I will not accept [anyone] telling me that I’m less or whatever, because to me, that is just hysterical. But I don’t like to break and divide myself into all these small little categories like, “I’m an American, a woman, a Latina, a black Latina.’’ No. I am Zoe.

There are multiple interviews where she says the same thing. She's a black Latina. How she identifies isn't the issue. It's everyone else questioning whether she's black enough or not.
I'm in aggreeance but I feel she was the wrong choice for Nina Simone especially if they have to do makeup gymnastics to get to look like her. Especially considering what Nina Simone means to black women. I have nothing against Zoe Saldana but this movie his been a huge fuckery ever since the studio went against the wishes of Nina Simone's family.

Stacy Dash is joining Fox News as a correspondent thus earning her spot in the coon train hall of fame.



GLAM Belleza Latina: How does being a black Latina inform your identity?

Zoe Saldana: I am proud to be Latina. I will not accept [anyone] telling me that I’m less or whatever, because to me, that is just hysterical. But I don’t like to break and divide myself into all these small little categories like, “I’m an American, a woman, a Latina, a black Latina.’’ No. I am Zoe.

There are multiple interviews where she says the same thing. She's a black Latina. How she identifies isn't the issue. It's everyone else questioning whether she's black enough or not.

She's pretty ignorant when it comes to race/ethnicity in general. I can't help but roll my eyes whenever she speaks about it, especially when she delves into the color blind bullshit. Take notes from Kerry please:



I personally have an issue with someone who says this:

“We have a Black president right now,” the actress said in her Ebony magazine cover story. “So why the f— would I sit down and talk about how hard it is for Black women in Hollywood when there’s a Black president in my country?”

And it’s that attitude she says that helps her land her movie roles. “When I go after a part, [people] better watch their backs,” she says. “Not because I’m going to crush everybody, but because I’m going to give the best that I can because I strive for excellence. When you don’t get a part, it is for a reason, and these pieces will fall into place soon.”

playing Nina Simone, who not only was a stellar musician, but a civil rights activist who broke barriers with her actions and fought for the betterment of her people. I could get over Hollywood conveniently picking light skinned black girls to play dark skinned black women in movies, but it just rubs me the wrong way that someone who is so naive about their success, naive about the state of women of color in entertainment and naive about race general is playing Nina Simone. She's literally the antithesis of Nina Simone.


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Why does it matter who Zoe identify with? I just don't understand this Zoe slander.

She's (imo) a "race opportunist" - she goes back and forth depending on what suits her.

Zoe is the type of chick that probably locks her door when a black dude walks by her car


I was hoping Pixar would pull the trigger on a black protag first. Even though their recent movies haven't been as great. It's funny cause I was just thinking about this the other day.
That moment nigga comes out the mouth of an asian dude you been friends with since middle school.

And having to control your fist.

Shit I don't fucking say the word and I'm black

Yo Asian dudes drop that word more than anyone I know.

Her ethnicity morphs depending on what's opportunistic at the time. When her mainstream star appeal dies off, and All-Black films are the only gigs in town, you ask her what ethnicity she is and I bet she'll answer "Black as a motherfucker."

So she's the Jessica Alba of black people?
I also know a handful of Asian girls that use that word a lot
in social networking sites.

I was with my friend, who is a 6'5" black dude, one night getting some pho in the south of Fresno. There were these asian cats just dropping the word left and right. They were all dressed like wannabe rappers. Took everything my friend had to not laugh at them.

I'm so glad he didn't because I am sure they were part of a Hmong gang. I like my life and don't want to get shot.


I was with my friend, who is a 6'5" black dude, one night getting some pho in the south of Fresno. There were these asian cats just dropping the word left and right. They were all dressed like wannabe rappers. Took everything my friend had to not laugh at them.

I'm so glad he didn't because I am sure they were part of a Hmong gang. I like my life and don't want to get shot.

You live in Fresno?


You guy remember the THOT Knight a few pages baxk? Well apparently that was her prom dress modeled after her then idol RiRi and now she is the victim if cyber bullying thanks to her former idol.


Rihanna coulda acknowledge the influence she had on a fan instead of shading the girl. She didn't even look that bad. Niggas dress reckless everyday, and what she wore was obviously in homage to something.

Black Twitter gets on the weirdest stuff, sometimes.
oh hey welcome back

Got out the pen this morning man. I've missed much.

Not even posting in the Dreamworks thread, I'll just say this here as an Afro-Dominican (far removed from Dominican really, my spanish is ass). DR is like the absolute worst country in the western hemisphere in regards to racial identity. Makes Brazil look like a utopia; An absolute huge swatch of the DR population are most likely of African or Haitan descent not even that far back (Euro Spaniards (read: white) are a minority). Vast majority of DR will identify as mixed regardless (unless you're white then you're at the top of the casta system) because of government oppression back in the day and even now.

So the idea that a person who is half Dominican/half black is far removed from a "black" person is dumb.
Welcome back mayne. Why did you even get got in the first place?

In that thread in which the home owner executed those two teens for breaking in, I simply stated "Some of you are sociopaths".

Insulting members and driveby posting. Lesson learned.

Tangent: Anyone who uses chrome and tries to edit their post notice...it takes forever? (granted you can simply refresh and the changes take effect regardless).
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