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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black


So you cats had a podcast? And I didn't get a pm? Y'all dirty for real.
Real talk glad you got the shit back together to do a new one. Looking forward to listening.

it was 2 hours of Dy fixing his mic, raising his kids, than like 45 minutes of podcast.


Junior Member
Really disgusting a 'dating coach' used this as a means to promote themselves. The shooter's views on interracial dating and women as objects disqualify him from normal thought and place him closer to delusional. So, it's hard to rationalize this. He didn't need anything but a complete reset on his entire thought process.

If anything, him not dating did some girl a service. It's a shame it had to end like this.



This is a good message, but skimming through the killer's document, you can't even blame it on the MRA communities really. This guy had a lot of red flags way before he was posting on those sites, mostly from growing up as a self hating spoiled brat (not wanting to fly lower than first class, hating his mom's different apartments after his family's divorce because it was on the poor side of town, wanting his mom to marry a rich man so that they could have money again, throwing tantrums any time he didn't get what he wanted like expensive WOW laptops and his mother giving it to him vs forcing his ass to get a job, getting mad when kids weren't impressed by all the red carpet movie premieres he got to see, dying his hair blonde so he could look more like the "cool kids"). The MRA message fit perfectly for his fucked up world view of everything being handed to him when he found their community.

Still, everyone would be better off without communities/people thinking of women like that, so I'm all for the narrative getting pushed further.


Really disgusting a 'dating coach' used this as a means to promote themselves. The shooter's views on interracial dating and women as objects disqualify him from normal thought and place him closer to delusional. So, it's hard to rationalize this. He didn't need anything but a complete reset on his entire thought process.

If anything, him not dating did some girl a service. It's a shame it had to end like this.

Whether or not that is the case the article is saying that our hyper masculine culture fueled his views and hatred towards women.



I definitely think we need to focus on networking, heavily, in college since it is harder for us coming out. For the most part that is what is going to be the deciding factor for many people coming out (regardless of your background) but the BC needs to lean on it a bit more at times.

It's hard to tell in studies like that, if they factored that point in regarding the percentage of those who did find their careers and who didnt.


what the fuck. surely that won't apply to....

*ctrl + F* "STEM"

Even for those who enter the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, areas where grads are the most needed and paid the highest, African-Americans still have a 10 percent unemployment rate and a 32 percent underemployment rate.

what the fuck.

STEM is getting packed as fuck right now anyway. It's going to go through a rough patch imo soon due to more competition from international students and graduates. It's going to be interesting.


what the fuck. surely that won't apply to....

*ctrl + F* "STEM"

Even for those who enter the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, areas where grads are the most needed and paid the highest, African-Americans still have a 10 percent unemployment rate and a 32 percent underemployment rate.

what the fuck.

Man, our luck...


Liberal arts and humanities are gonna be the wave when robots fill all our STEM positions.

I think it would be a better move to fix the broken education system that only does one thing well: increase debt.


Liberal arts and humanities are gonna be the wave when robots fill all our STEM positions.

I think it would be a better move to fix the broken education system that only does one thing well: increase debt.

Worse part is colleges for the most part aren't built to change up curriculum and studies as fast as we are learning new things. In time, alot of stuff undergrads are learning first year will become almost close to obsolete by graduation. It's ironic but Tech and Trade schools are on the up and up. During all of this the way we deal with college cost and student loans will still remain old fashion. That's why people say for the most part college is more of a business then just "next level school"

It's so demonic, friends.


Junior Member
I definitely think we need to focus on networking, heavily, in college since it is harder for us coming out. For the most part that is what is going to be the deciding factor for many people coming out (regardless of your background) but the BC needs to lean on it a bit more at times.

It's hard to tell in studies like that, if they factored that point in regarding the percentage of those who did find their careers and who didnt.

First thing that came to my mind. I've almost given up on the "search positions and drop resumes into a black hole" grind.

And I already told y'all I just entered my third year of unemployment right? I still think the people like me who graduated in 2008 are kind of in a whole separate bucket. Many 2012 graduates started school around 2010, after the job market fucked up, so they at least knew they had to course-correct when they started college. Me and the rest of my class spent four years preparing for an economy and job market that vanished as soon as we got out.

Now, I'll go ahead and admit my one advantage is that my current college debt is zero. I just need to find that one fuckin' $30k+ job and I can pretty much immediately start investing in shit. That just... hasn't happened in six years (that span was broken up by freelance and part-time jobs).



I think more so than stuff like child-rearing/visitation rights (which are still important of course), stuff like this is the biggest plague on men in our culture. It straight fuck them up and when they they aren't just being destroyed on the inside women end up taking the fall too :( Its been much better as I've aged but I know "I haven't done/experienced X by age Y, is something wrong with me?" question has frequented my head and still sneaks its way in there once in a while. You even have family members propagating that stuff too - on more than one occasion I've been asked by an older relative if I was gay because I hadn't bought a girlfriend home (with of course the follow up of them hoping I wasn't gay :/ >_<). The not asking for help thing is also a big deal and has bit me in the ass a few times when I was younger.

I think there is truth that feminism can help combat this issue but I wish there was a strong, loud complimentary movement on the men's side to tackle this issue. Especially since a ton of well meaning men will hear/see the word feminism and think "I'm not female, how can it help me?". Like when I hear about the Men's Right Movement and what not, I thought they were interested in combating these sorts of issues before I learned it was more often than not a codeword for misogynists :/ I feel this issue needs like a pincer attack approach to defeat and I'm dissapointed that it doesn't appear to be happening.
Nah bro it was just thoughts that inevitably sprang forth from a mentally ill mind.

You ain't hear about the new pills pharmaceutical companies are making to cure misogynists? It makes them into empathetic feminists overnight.

STEM is getting packed as fuck right now anyway. It's going to go through a rough patch imo soon due to more competition from international students and graduates. It's going to be interesting.

Forget that. When you factor in websites like Udacity, Khan Academy, and Coursera and see that you can take free online classes from top tier institutions and get certificates it changes everything. Especially in Computer Science, which is my field, there are a lot of resources out there to take advantage of. The thing is that it's going to take awhile for stuff like this to catch on with employers, but when it does shit will get real...very real.


You ain't hear about the new pills pharmaceutical companies are making to cure misogynists? It makes them into empathetic feminists overnight.

Forget that. When you factor in websites like Udacity, Khan Academy, and Coursera and see that you can take free online classes from top tier institutions and get certificates it changes everything. Especially in Computer Science, which is my field, there are a lot of resources out there to take advantage of. The thing is that it's going to take awhile for stuff like this to catch on with employers, but when it does shit will get real...very real.

As long as they are accredited, then yea they can take that avenue. Problem is there has been a problem with all of these "schools" popping up claiming they are legit, having all of these commercials, when their documents obviously don't check out. Because of that, some of those resources won't check out for awhile because there are too many "fakeouts"


Junior Member
Monicas, why did no one tell me about this movie with Julianne Moore and Amanda Siegfried getting bucket naked?

Edit: oh snap, she's about to do the whole family? Skinemax during the day?
I only saw the scene with Amanda and Julianne.
She was pregnant?

No, that she was raped.

This was like my second time meeting the girl and she got in my face and asked if I knew the guy who raped her (he went to my school) and then asked me if I wanted to rape her.
All I was trying to do was play some Castle Crashers with the boys.
Forget that. When you factor in websites like Udacity, Khan Academy, and Coursera and see that you can take free online classes from top tier institutions and get certificates it changes everything. Especially in Computer Science, which is my field, there are a lot of resources out there to take advantage of. The thing is that it's going to take awhile for stuff like this to catch on with employers, but when it does shit will get real...very real.

You know what online course taking doesn't have?

NSBE, SHPE, SWE, and other undergrad engineering societies through which ridiculous amounts of networking and internship-procurement can happen. When I was on the National Exec board for NSBE, my personal advisor was a Senior VP at IBM. Direct access at any time with regard to any subject.

Let that sink in.

So yea there is lots of learning that can be done independently, but there are still things that matter that can't be obtained outside of a university setting (for now). And really, it's all about the co-ops and Internships. If you're in college in an Engineering/STEM program and aren't taking internships every summer (preferably at the same place) so that you can have an offer ready by the time you graduate, you're doing it wrong.


Gaga has been talking about focusing on "settling down" which is also code for doing some work and repackaging because she isn't that "girl" anymore
Katy Perry pretty much holds that spot.


You know what online course taking doesn't have?

NSBE, SHPE, SWE, and other undergrad engineering societies through which ridiculous amounts of networking and internship-procurement can happen. When I was on the National Exec board for NSBE, my personal advisor was a Senior VP at IBM. Direct access at any time with regard to any subject.

Let that sink in.

So yea there is lots of learning that can be done independently, but there are still things that matter that can't be obtained outside of a university setting (for now). And really, it's all about the co-ops and Internships. If you're in college in an Engineering/STEM program and aren't taking internships every summer (preferably at the same place) so that you can have an offer ready by the time you graduate, you're doing it wrong.

Yep, this applies to almost every field. You do not want to graduate college without at least a couple of internships under your belt and some connections. Even if you get a degree from an online college, employers will still be looking for people with at least a year or two of experience in the field even at "entry level"/the people with that experience will always beat you out.

While it is still possible to get those things using the online route, it is MUCH easier when the connections you need are flocking to your school.
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