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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black


Definitely a set up. That said, i'd still go and check it.

Go for it, but also make an alternate plan for that night in case things go south.

tell them to send a pic if they're serious. Gotta scout the situation.

yea I would egg them on and ask for the pic, it still sounds off regardless tho

flirt a bit, do some recon. tell her to send you a cute pic.
edit: ok already covered, but yeah it's worth checking out at least.
Just remember. hand+eye+pelvis coordination.

Leave your wallet,keys at home, only take your license, car key, and cell. Make sure your GPS is on and send out a couple of calls and texts. If things go south and its a setup at least you left some breadcrumbs out

Asked for the picture and surprisingly enough she sent it. It was her and her sister with some other fam. She said they wanted to meet up at a local carnival and chill out before going back to ol girl's house. I'm thinking the whole thing is legit, but I'm wary they trying to get me to pay for them to enjoy the carnival on my paper. :/


Asked for the picture and surprisingly enough she sent it. It was her and her sister with some other fam. She said they wanted to meet up at a local carnival and chill out before going back to ol girl's house. I'm thinking the whole thing is legit, but I'm wary they trying to get me to pay for them to enjoy the carnival on my paper. :/
She might want it man and this is the icebreaker for it to happen fam

Nah she wants you to buy her that 14 dollar funnel cake by the carnival entrance way and then leave
Wynnebeck is about to pay for two carnival tickets, some corndogs and then her big bro is gonna snatch his chain and wallet while he waits naked in this chicks room. Might even catch an ass whoopin by every male in her family.

Stay safe wynnebeck, we're rooting for you to survive.
That corporate meeting when the other minority tries to stunt on you, to put themselves on some sort of pedestal in the eyes of the boss. Only to be wrong and give you that look like "bro bail me out"......Nah breh. Nobody told you to come out here in the 12ft section of the pool with floaties when you know yo ass can't swim.


Worse than a blown, uncontested dunk.


Aerokinetic Invisibility - Power to become invisible in air. Variation of Elemental Invisibility.
The user can become invisible when in/on/touching air.

Dream Manipulation - The power to enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others. A sub-power of Sleep Manipulation.

User can enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc. Sometimes the user can even unlock their hidden powers, or even commune with the dead. The user can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams.

In some cases, the user's power extends to the real world, such as wounds inflicted on a sleeping victim and even pulling someone from the waking world into the dream world.

This could be used to scare the everloving SHIT out of people.


Wynn is getting set up for some oockie doke. Least that happens is he blows his check on a night out with these girls. The worse is 9 months from now he will be calling the Dy hotline.


Aerokinetic Invisibility - Power to become invisible in air. Variation of Elemental Invisibility.
The user can become invisible when in/on/touching air.

Dream Manipulation - The power to enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others. A sub-power of Sleep Manipulation.

User can enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc. Sometimes the user can even unlock their hidden powers, or even commune with the dead. The user can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams.

In some cases, the user's power extends to the real world, such as wounds inflicted on a sleeping victim and even pulling someone from the waking world into the dream world.

This could be used to scare the everloving SHIT out of people.

Freddy Krueger.


Chris Daniels ‏@ChrisDaniels5 1m
Steve Ballmer will spend more for Clippers, than what new NBA Owners spent, since '11, for Pistons/Bucks/Grizzlies/Sixers/Pelicans COMBINED

Yo damn. That Microsoft money. Guess he won't be helping bring a team to Seattle now though.


actually I was thinking about it, and every time it's worked out, it's always been a late night hanging out and drinking type thing. Not a, lets go to the carnival and then go out to eat type thing. I guess you could still work it, but don't offer to pay for everything. "alright, who's got money?" fuck it. Ya'll know what's up.
Freddy Krueger.


Chris Daniels ‏@ChrisDaniels5 1m
Steve Ballmer will spend more for Clippers, than what new NBA Owners spent, since '11, for Pistons/Bucks/Grizzlies/Sixers/Pelicans COMBINED

Yo damn. That Microsoft money. Guess he won't be helping bring a team to Seattle now though.

I'd be shocked if the Clips aren't there in 2-3 years.

good fucking riddance
Spurs? OKC?

I'm going for the old demon deacon alum to pull it out tonight.

Earlier I got burrowing power and catharsis (dat green mile power)

Well I just tried to click it again to see if I could get a better result at home......
I stay losing breh's
Marsupial Physiology
User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into marsupials, including kangaroos/wallabies, opossums, wombats, koalas, etc.

Didn't even click a 2nd time.
Artificial Soul - The power to have your soul made out of artificial materials.
- The user is granted a artificial soul comparable to a human soul to replace natural soul. The artificial soul can take control of it, operating in a pre-programmed manner until removed. They can also be used on a body that has no soul, such as a corpse or even an inanimate object, such as a stuffed animal. These artificial souls possess their own personalities, which can be specially designed to fit one's specifications.


Cryo-Electricity Manipulation - The ability to manipulate electricity and ice powers at the same time. Power Mixture of Ice Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation.
- User has the ability to manipulate electricity and ice that has the both ice and lightning based properties at the same time.

Now I'm Cole from Infamous? Not bad.


Junior Member
Firestorm Creation
The user can create firestorms: conflagrations of intense temperature, incinerating any and everything in the path. The flames can come from any source of fire or heat, such as simple or magic flames or lava or even solar energy.

Once a firestorm has begun, it may be very difficult to stop.
Extreme amounts of water may be able to extinguish the fiercest blaze.
Cannot be initiated in a location devoid of oxygen.

Data Manipulation
The user can manipulate the binary visible computer information known as data allowing them to collect information about most businesses and organizations and their operations and do amazing things to or inside computers such as hacking and manipulate computer programs.

The users can even control the data they collect from living beings, inorganic compounds, and even energies.

Users may need to overcome multiple digital protections to access certain forms of data

So... Neo and Zuko put together?
Exhibit A:

Amazing example. What a dumbass

Venomous Claws - The power to have claws with natural venom on/in them. Combination of Poison Generation and Claw Retraction.

Poisoned Sabertooth... hmmmmm

Aether Embodiment - The power to embody the element aether. A variation of Elemental Embodiment and Aether Manipulation.

*scratches head... uh with palm of hand* I think I get it, I'm basically a Logia devil fruit user (w/o side effects) of Ether and poisoned claws. Could be worse


Amazing example. What a dumbass

Venomous Claws - The power to have claws with natural venom on/in them. Combination of Poison Generation and Claw Retraction.

Poisoned Sabertooth... hmmmmm

Aether Embodiment - The power to embody the element aether. A variation of Elemental Embodiment and Aether Manipulation.

*scratches head... uh with palm of hand* I think I get it, I'm basically a Logia devil fruit user (w/o side effects) of Ether and poisoned claws. Could be worse

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