jesus fuck
do you live UNDER the south slayven?
LOL dude they they just open a Roses in my area after a 20 year absence, I thought they had died with Food Max.
jesus fuck
do you live UNDER the south slayven?
LOL dude they they just open a Roses in my area after a 20 year absence, I thought they had died with Food Max.
How busted is roses to be below kmart?
My fondness memory of Roses was playing Sonic 2 on a display there.LMAO this mothafucka said Roses
I'm weak man
slay is the dirty south Klarion the Witch boy.
I know Walmart ugly is a standard, so they need to be well below Kmart cute.
let me guess
right across the street from piggly wiggly
breh, its like you posting from 1997 burlington, north carolina
im fuckin ded. good night lol
let me guess
right across the street from piggly wiggly
breh, its like you posting from 1997 burlington, north carolina
im fuckin ded. good night lol
TJ Maxx cute - all she wear is school clothes
I can't be the only one who got all their school clothes from TJ Maxx, lol
I never thought she was serious about all that stuff
The fuck is Roses?
The fuck is Roses?
Ever been to a Big Lots? They are a store more depressing to be in than that.
You can find stuff from 1987 in big lotsEver been to a Big Lots? They are a store more depressing to be in than that.
Piggly Wiggly was always the first sign I was in the south whenever I went to visit family during the summer. I can't not associate the store with southern fuckery.I thought piggly wiggly was fake for a long time.
.The fuck is Roses?
the Piggly Wiggly closed here and Winn-Dixie got rebranded to Harvey's.
i just checkled Google Maps, there's actually a Rose's here. i might have to check i
... ohhhh ... maybe not.
You can find stuff from 1987 in big lots
lol I must be devious as fuck to some of you.
The west coast question of the night. Maybe its like fedco was
Piggly Wiggly was always the first sign I was in the south whenever I went to visit family during the summer. I can't not associate the store with southern fuckery.
The fuck is Roses?
TJ Maxx cute - all she wear is school clothes
I can't be the only one who got all their school clothes from TJ Maxx, lol
You can find stuff from 1987 in big lots
lol I'm not stupid and I just turned 25 recently. The way I see it, keeping everything cordial and not putting myself in a situation I can't get out of will be the way I keep it cool. It's not like I'm walking around her with my dick swinging going, "What a great day for sex!"
"but we're just friends :3"I mean this sincerely, so take it from someone who has done stupid shit you can't even begin to imagine, and has been in EXACTLY this situation....
CUT OFF CONTACT with this chick asap. Want to avoid being in a compromising situation? Then minimise any risk of that. If you absolutely need to keep in contact with her, then keep it "frosty-civil".
Or you know, just fuck her and be done with it.
I mean this sincerely, so take it from someone who has done stupid shit you can't even begin to imagine, and has been in EXACTLY this situation....
CUT OFF CONTACT with this chick asap. Want to avoid being in a compromising situation? Then minimise any risk of that. If you absolutely need to keep in contact with her, then keep it "frosty-civil".
Or you know, just fuck her and be done with it.
Well... do whatever you need to do I guess¯\_(ツAww shit. She just texted me:
"I'm sad tonight. Found out my fiance might be getting deployed soon"
Yeah, that's the breaking point for me. The fact that she felt she needed to contact me to let me know that is too close for coincidence.
Sounds like what used to be the Pic-N-Save around here about 20-25 years ago. We had one next to the Kmart. In case Kmart cost too much.
We also had a Gemco before Target bought them out!
Aww shit. She just texted me:
"I'm sad tonight. Found out my fiance might be getting deployed soon"
Yeah, that's the breaking point for me. The fact that she felt she needed to contact me to let me know that is too close for coincidence.
I have two Piggly Wigglies near me: one in bumfuck-middle-of-nowhere a little ways past the main road to the interstate, and a new one just opened in town. In 2014. What the hell.
The jawns at target can get it all day. That's side chick material.we need a cute exchange rate here
where does target fit into this shit
what the hell is a piggly wigglies
yall down south dudes and these store names are killing me
I didn't even know she had a vagina until my penis was in it! :3
this situation is so antimatter universe OT gaf though.
GAF how do I not fuck this girl?
be devious. own it. plan around it.
no point in pretending to be ...whatever the fuck it is you trying to be right now lol
I haven't seen someone do the Ed Grimely dance in years.