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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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Game & Wario, NES Remix, or DKC Returns?

Up to the Naruto episodes where they're taking the Chonin test and now they're taking the second part in a gated area. The bridge episodes almost made me quit this show. Never, ever seen a show with so many repetitive flashbacks of shit I just saw (more than once too!) + bullshit over-explaining everything to the audience like a huge mallet to the head + characters talk then action finally happens but it cuts off to characters over there talking then action finally happens but it cuts off to go back to the first set of characters. I almost went crazy with rage at all the time wasting and manipulation.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
DKCR is the most value-to-fun on that list. Hard-ass game though. Make sure you have room, I think it's almost 4 gigglebits.


Ronan has some serious issues that most villains could exploit real easy.

Like being a simp

Breh's!!!!! Did Slay really drop Service Merchandise on the podcast? Slay; you going to deep bro, you got your hand way to deep in the crates at this point.


DKCR is the most value-to-fun on that list. Hard-ass game though. Make sure you have room, I think it's almost 4 gigglebits.

Oh wait, this is the Wii game but for 3DS? The one with stages like this?


Cuz that's a no-brainer, especially since I never got around to buying the Wii version.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yup same game with some small modifications. Platforming joy, tough as balls too. Good stuff.


So I've been playing the Tomb Raider reboot.

It's not bad. The only problem is that it feels a bit like a shooter with elements of Tomb Raider, rather than the other way around.

It also feels like they implemented and then suddenly removed a food/survival mechanic. There are still skills in the game that reference food and food sources, but it actually just means XP. That, plus the fact that there is wildlife to hunt everywhere, makes me think there was originally more to hunting that got focus-grouped out of existence.


So I've been playing the Tomb Raider reboot.

It's not bad. The only problem is that it feels a bit like a shooter with elements of Tomb Raider, rather than the other way around.

It also feels like they implemented and then suddenly removed a food/survival mechanic. There are still skills in the game that reference food and food sources, but it actually just means XP. That, plus the fact that there is wildlife to hunt everywhere, makes me think there was originally more to hunting that got focus-grouped out of existence.

My non-spoiler thoughts from a spoilers thread:

I thought the items and crafting were the worst aspect of the game. TR was incredibly easy to such an extent that I played as much as possible with only the bow and attempted headshots 99% of the time for added challenge. When I got the first pistol, I thought it would be weak and ammunition scarce. I certainly didn't expect to end up with a full arsenal of powerful guns and explosives. But nope, you're maxed out with ammo throughout and able to blast everyone away with complete ease.

Hunting was almost pointless. Crafting was just collect points from things, go back to camp, repeat. In board gaming, weak gameplay mechanics like these, divorced from the story itself, are known as lack of theme. The survival aspect is entirely unconvincing and not there past the first hour or so.

Minecraft and other similar games with survival elements have brought building/crafting mechanics into the mainstream, yet here we have TR devolving to: find object for instant points (money) > auto-upgrade weapons at campfire (store). It's just a dumb currency system. The game auto-saves aggressively, sometimes through individual battles, so death means nothing when you only lose a minute or two in progress. Auto-healing behind cover makes every encounter less intense than a game with normal health loss. The weapons and upgrades are silly too, making you a lot more powerful without actually improving your gaming skills. Oh, there's also Lara's ridiculous built-in radar.

Basically, modern-day gaming for people who want their hands held through very easy games. I might play through this again and impose further restrictions to actually make this game a little tough.
This is an exercise. This is factual. This is my way of dealing. This is my viewpoint. This is my way of being a.....

Going to sleep with anger sucks. I mean how does it feel when you wake up still salty about shit that is meaningless. I am sitting in front of this computer with thoughts going back and forth wondering where can I begin. You have read my incomplete "verses". That was a start but not really relevant. You know I think introductions need to be made. A month ago I was a different man. A man who thought he saw an ending. You know the white picket fence, cats and a damn lake. Nah breh. That in due time I realize wasnt me. AT ALL. So hopefully you cats can read between the lines and understand the picture I am painting. The "verses" were an opening act. A "warm up" if it were. In the last month I have learned that my "verses" need to be, how should I say, sung differently. Its weird what years can do to a man. Especially when he reaches out to Mocha, who by the way is married with more children. She is happy. So am I for her. So quick little spoiler. The verses would have ended by 15. And on the 15th verse I would have told you all about the fact that the big mistake I hinted at is that I am the father to a child. Thats right a dad. For years I believed it. I was wrong. If feels different. So let me break it down. Like a Maury episode the 'Vane one is not the father. But its not a time for celebration. That child went through hell. A literal living hell. One that part of me feels I could have helped her avoid. Thats the pain I have to live with. Not a wound but a puncture. Doesnt bleed by any means but its sore as fuck. The child was named the name it was because Mocha wanted a connection to me if not by blood but just the meaning. Imagine staying up at 3 am and learning that a kid was named because the mother loved you so much that the only way to keep a lasting connection to you, to keep a piece of you in the world, is to look at her seed and name it because the man she loved would be there. Marinate on that shit. Imagine living years with hate in your heart for a woman, that was unnecessary. Now imagine getting that bombed dropped on you after leaving part of your soul behind that you cradled for 9 years. Marinate on that. I know in my heart that the thing to do is keep it moving. Thats what I am doing. So before I continue know this family, fucking write it down. This is just .01% of why I am knocking dust off. I got a lot to make up for. Lately a quote keeps coming up in my day to day thats truly apropos to the situation.

"Heavy is the head....."

By all means I am not even close to being done. You cats know a part of me. A sliver as it were. Soon you will know the "whole" me. Welcome to the show, have a seat, heres your popcorn and drinks. Shhh..... The shows starting.......


Goddamnit I've woke up two days in a row now dry heaving. Anxiety is a motherfucker. I need to get some treatment soon.

Also I'll be up in Vancouver BC from the 26th-7th if anyone up there wants to meet up and say hi

edit: damn Riovane, that's one hell of a life story so far


Of course they're sensitive. Look at what they're playing.

You saying it's a bad game? Smash fills a needed niche. What adult out of college has time/patience for hardcore fighting games where each of dozens of characters has a long list of abilities and combos to learn? Not many do. TBH I wouldn't give much thought to the new Smash games if they played like regular fighting games. I don't wanna put hours into this stuff like I did back in the day playing Tekken 3.

I did just complain about TR2013 being too easy, but fighting games are on the extreme end of the spectrum when it comes to complexity and sheer time sink for merely becoming adequate with a fraction of the game content (a few characters from the full roster). I can play SF okay with Ryu, but that gets boring. Other option is to learn new characters, but that's too much time/effort/memorization for a single game, for most people including me... and out the window goes the appeal of traditional fighting games.

Can someone translate what Rio said

Don't mean to be a dick, but I agree with this. Rio's posts were some of the first I saw when I stumbled into BCT and I had no idea wtf was going on. Thoughts are kinda convoluted and hard to follow. Rio, I think you should be a little more straightforward when sharing what's happening with your life.
I heard a rumor years ago. It is a girl. I knew she gave birth I was on the phone with her right after I got out the army when she was in the ER.

So I knew how the last time I saw her was and that bam 9 mos later fam she bout to drop. We kept a friendship after what she did but the night she told me what she was naming the kid, I dropped the phone and never called back. The first time I spoke in years was a week or 2 ago. But telling you cats anymore would spoil the story. Trust me in due time......


Yeah, nobody gave me my Riovane decoder ring either. I barely gathered he split from his girl last time he got all cryptic.
finally got a memory card for Vita. Amazon gives no fucks when you use the cheap shipping eh... 8 days later and i still can't believe you need a damn memory card to update the firmware on it. it literally does *nothing* without one except open the web browser and settings. anyway, now i gotta load up dat PS+ library and set up remote play...



oh, and some of yall slow

remember the short stories about the enlisted days and visiting Louisiana etc?


Don't mean to be a dick, but I agree with this. Rio's posts were some of the first I saw when I stumbled into BCT and I had no idea wtf was going on. Thoughts are kinda convoluted and hard to follow. Rio, I think you should be a little more straightforward when sharing what's happening with your life.

Yeah, nobody gave me my Riovane decoder ring either. I barely gathered he split from his girl last time he got all cryptic.

His ex girl/a snitch is reading the thread and using what he posts here to mess his life up.

Without giving much away, because I KNOW SOMEONE IS READING THIS TO USE AGAINST ME, lets just say I am no longer homeless.
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