If Marvel ever does anything with the Punisher, they should hire ole dude in The Purge: Anarchy. He's was giving off Frank Castle vibes the entire film.
I don't really believe in guilty pleasures. You like what you like. The movie was hella flawed, and I still fuck with it. Seeing that many minorities on screen, in a horror movie, that didn't get killed, brought a tear to my eye.
he carries a simp sword breh
Nigiri on deck?Can't wait to see the cosplay.
That last page of Bleach though...
Thanks man, that's some good reading.Saw this over at reddit.
Still reading through all the answers and different perspectives.
Read a bit about the UK/US differences when it comes to racism. In my experience, UK is better at putting on appearances.
Also they are painfully more racist to those from the middle east than any other group. Northern England is worse than the South.
At least in the States, shit was overt so i knew exactly where i stood with people.
She's an emotional wreck right now and it is upsetting me to see her like this.
Gotta say you're painting a pretty one sides picture there. Is it not fair to suggest that people such as Anjem Choudary and places such as Green Lane Mosque have done just as much to stoke tensions as anyone else?However, one thing that has been a constant (and is getting much, much worse) over there is the criminalisation of muslims / middle easterners and in your face racism towards people from that region.
Pretty much if you happen to look even remotely middle eastern and be muslim you're in for a whole heap of shit. From uncomfortable stares on public transport, to straight up assaults the further into rural England you go.
As sad (or as naive) as this sounds, Britain never really recovered on a racial level from the years of 9/11, the Iraq/Afghan invasion and of course the London bombings. These events along with two major tabloid newspapers in particular (The Sun & The Daily Mail) pretty much reinforced the ever growing voices of racist political parties like the British Nationalist Party that muslims and other immigrants shouldn't be allowed to live in the UK and they are attempting to impose their way of life amongst us....
Gotta say you're painting a pretty one sides picture there. Is it not fair to suggest that people such as Anjem Choudary and places such as Green Lane Mosque have done just as much to stoke tensions as anyone else?
This isn't really a subject I can enter into in depth, but it really isn't as simplistic as you're painting it. There is much more at play with this cultural clash than simple racism / xenophobia.
Eh, it's no biggie and you're right that there has been a steep rise in racism-ass racism against anyone that looks like they've been near a Qur'an (I don't have any figures but I'd bet that Sikhs and Hindus get way more shit now than they did 15 years ago). It's just, as we say, kinda complicated. There are definite tensions between two groups, and members of both groups are happily fanning the flames for their own ends.Sorry, don't get me wrong I do not think for one second that this is a simple case of all muslims minding their own business until other races get involved.
To be fair, there are people from both sides who are over stepping the mark and making the situation a lot worse. Perhaps in hindsight I should have made that clearer in my initial post.
Is Grande that singer who tries to hit high notes like Mariah but ends up screeching instead?
Gotta say you're painting a pretty one sides picture there. Is it not fair to suggest that people such as Anjem Choudary and places such as Green Lane Mosque have done just as much to stoke tensions as anyone else?
This isn't really a subject I can enter into in depth, but it really isn't as simplistic as you're painting it. There is much more at play with this cultural clash than simple racism / xenophobia.
I'm just saying that this particular brand of bigotry isn't as clean cut as 'goddamnit, they did 9/11!'. There are some very real integration issues at play that have much more to do with culture than they do colour.What does that have to do with anything though? Regardless of whether a select few, or even a significant percentage of Middle Eastern and/or Muslims are stroking the flames as you suggest, it doesn't change the fact that a blanketed treatment of all peoples within the group is the very definition of bigotry.
Is Grande that singer who tries to hit high notes like Mariah but ends up screeching instead?
Its not that simple out there.What does that have to do with anything though? Regardless of whether a select few, or even a significant percentage of Middle Eastern and/or Muslims are stroking the flames as you suggest, it doesn't change the fact that a blanketed treatment of all peoples within the group is the very definition of bigotry.
Its not that simple out there.
I mean, it is for some people that are already racist douchebags but there's more to it than that.
If you were describing our immigration issues, you couldn't sum it up with "some people just hate mexicans".
I'm not sure I believe this.
Anyway, I thought about posting this article here, but decided to make a topic instead. It ought to be more widely viewed... though that clearly isn't happening . . . yet. Only a matter of time!
Its not that simple out there.
I mean, it is for some people that are already racist douchebags but there's more to it than that.
If you were describing our immigration issues, you couldn't sum it up with "some people just hate mexicans".
lmaoYou need to learn how to be more inflammatory with your thread titles to reel them in.
You need to learn how to be more inflammatory with your thread titles to reel them in.
Your boring title: Justice Department calls for federal monitor of Newark Police Department
Revised without being untrue:
Justice Dept demands oversight of racist Newark PD over rampant violations against blacks
Racist Newark Police to be monitored for discriminating against blacks
I think you could sum it up that way.
Just cut the fat and title it Police did some racist shit, will some sheltered white guys come in here and say they get ignored by cops too and blacks really just need to suck it up?
I think you could sum it up that way.
When you see groups trafficking drugs and people through and around a military installation without regard for anything there or in between, there's a problem.
Some of the shit on the border is outrageous. There does need to be something done. But its definitely not the stop and frisk shit that the GoP's idiots are pushing.
Just cut the fat and title it Police did some racist shit, will some sheltered white guys come in here and say they get ignored by cops too and blacks really just need to suck it up?
South Africa is probably the closest thing that compares to the conflict in Israel.
Bless her heart for trying.
Just cut the fat and title it Police did some racist shit, will some sheltered white guys come in here and say they get ignored by cops too and blacks really just need to suck it up?
At this point, she should really stop.
Saw this over at reddit.
Still reading through all the answers and different perspectives.
Funny enough the samething was done in America in the 30s and 40s over in NC to over 100k African American women. The lawsuit is STILL going on.
So is Israel like the new South Africa and nobody important wants to say it because of the terroism of Hamas?
Like if Hamas fell apart and non violent protest became the norm would the world impose sanction son Israel?
Why his name dré with an accent though. Isn't that like dree
I see some folks on gaming side are still of the mind that both genders get equally as much shit in gaming or the internet.
Yeah, no.
Checked her sales for her albums, it's like she's B tier. Japan buys their albums and none of hers broke 500k. Most of them didn't even go above 100k. But she is eye candy when I watch J-Melo.
I see some folks on gaming side are still of the mind that both genders get equally as much shit in gaming or the internet.
Yeah, no.
Checked her sales for her albums, it's like she's B tier. Japan buys their albums and none of hers broke 500k. Most of them didn't even go above 100k. But she is eye candy when I watch J-Melo.