I try not to judge cause I stay on my "all people are dope and deserve happiness/we are the world" shit but how fucking sad do you have to be as a human being to hold a grudge against someone over shit said on an online forum? Like, how little do you have to have going on in your life to dedicate portions of your day to some one-sided blood feud because someone was mean to you or banned you from NeoGaf?
I really, really want to know. Cause the shit is perplexing/fascinating to me. I've never even gotten mad enough over some Gaf shit to put someone on ignore. lol
Even in real life I try not to hold grudges against people.
Yeah, there will always be those people in your life you are better off avoiding, but at least I know I gave them a chance or a second chance if they deserve it. On GAF I usually forget arguments I've had the next day, and do not hold the past over the heads of other users (I've seen posters dig up dirt from years back). I do understand that sometimes certain people need to be called out on their shit, and other times it is for comedic effect.
When I go to sleep and wake up, I like to think of it as a fresh start. And I try my best to let go of petty feelings. If they wanna stay mad, then it is whatever--I won't lose sleep. It is surprising how butthurt some people can be about stuff posted on a gaming forum. One thing that isn't surprising is that haters like those Redditors seem to target and single out female posters a lot more on here, and it is not by coincidence. They are obviously not the only ones guilty of this, but it says a lot about these communities and why girls tend not to be as outspoken in them. Too many assholes.