Thought you got swallowed by that :3 struggle. Welcome back man.
Speaking of gamingside, we've been focusing on threads over in OT, but lemme talk about this thread over in gaming side that I've had the pleasure of catching up to. We got dudes defending the Tea party, another saying that
people are only happy killing whites, another saying tea party members aren't racist because they are religious Christians and that all christians love all people, a few people taking quips at the lgbt movement and comparing it to the tea party, and so much more. By half way, the thread changes focus to
this dude who wants to define racism, and he starts going on and on and on, my favorite post of his would be
his thoughts about welfare and black fathers.
None of these dudes were angry that video games had caricatures of terrorists or any other minority group as villains, but when a caricature of racist whites come along they pop in preaching how fucked up it is. Hmm, I wonder why.
Wow, didn't notice that this thread was so close to being done.