Angelus Errare
It's an RPG I thought
Doesn't mean it can't have meaningful combat.
Yep. She recently started dating Robert Pattinson, and she handled the [completely expected] racist Twitter backlash with the ultimate grace and poise:
First of all...Twilight should not be that damn serious in 2014. Second, that classy response couldn't have been me...or Rihanna.
Rihanna would have dragged every last one of them...and EVERY drag would have been funny as fuck.
Eh, I put her in the same lane as Tinashe and Jhene Aiko -- i.e. light-skinded girls making trippy R&B that's great to #JustBlaze and/or #Fuck to, but is a little on the shallow side outside of that.
I was surprisingly impressed by her LP tho.
I dunno, FKA's shit is way more far out than either Tinashe or Jhene. FKA is R&B + Acid trip, while Tinashe is just R&B and Jhene is R&B + high on weed.
Funny enough I made a thread right as you posted this on the same thing (the twitter mess).
Dragon's Dogma spoiled you too much?
Seems like it.